Smoked Brisket - Crock Pot version


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Too cold to smoke outside, or don't have the time to tend it all day?

Do it in a crock pot.

Beef Brisket
Black pepper
Liquid smoke

Trim excess fat from brisket, cut to approximate size of crock pot.
Line crock pot with 4 - 5 layers of foil, leaving enough to fully wrap the meat.
Place first piece in crock, sprinkle with 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of liquid smoke, 1/4 teaspoon of garlic, and fresh ground black pepper.
Place second piece on first and repeat.

I usually have 3 layers of brisket, and choose the crock pot size to achieve this, based on size of brisket.

Wrap the meat entirely in the foil, and cook on low for 8 hours. Do not add any liquid.

It will be juicy, have a nice 'smoked' flavor, and literately fall apart.
IMHO liquid smoke is nasty. As far as temp I run my smoker all year. I have turned out some great product during snowstorms.
This gentleman is how one smokes meat...
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IMHO liquid smoke is nasty. As far as temp I run my smoker all year. I have turned out some great product during snowstorms.
This gentleman is how one smokes meat...
Gas smoker? yea, they can keep the heat, my smoker is wood fired, usually fruit wood, apple or cherry. Takes tending, and just not practical when cold, raining, or when I don't have a day to baby sit it. Ribs, yea, they only take 2 - 3 hours, a brisket, 6 -8 hours.
Maine, you can't just post that without instructions!!! What kind of rub? How long, and at what temp? Wood or electric smoker? I have been eyeing up a wood smoker, I'm just not sure where to start.
Interesting, never would have thought to try brisket in a crock pot. I did smoke a pork shoulder last week for about 9.5 hours, then wrapped it in foil overnight & tossed it in the crockpot to reheat the next day. Worked great!
Maine, you can't just post that without instructions!!! What kind of rub? How long, and at what temp? Wood or electric smoker? I have been eyeing up a wood smoker, I'm just not sure where to start.

Sorry Wood smoker of course! Rub well I just go through the spice cabinet and mix and add till I am happy then use until gone and start over. Temp 180 to 220. Also I always mist regularly I myself like to use apple juice on ribs..
Thanks for making me drool Maine! I am kinda wondering if you could tell us a little more about the rub you use because I have found that just mixing and matching does not always get me what I want. Are you looking for something a little sweeter or perhaps a bit spicier?
I am a Dutch Oven cooker. I have been thinking about trying a Brisket in a big pot to see how it came out. Anyone tryed one in a Dutch Oven?

This is my all purpose Dry Rub Mix.
½ Cup Paprika
½ Cup Brown Sugar
4 Table Spoons Pepper
4 Table Spoons Salt
1 Table Spoon Dry Mustard
2 – 4 Tea Spoons Cayenne Pepper
Bob The Revolver Guy

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