Smith&Wesson M&P 45ACP "Tune Up"?


Before all else, be armed
I would appreciate some advice about getting my M&P tuned up. I know S&W offers a service, but I want to know if there are any other gunsmiths out there that do similar work. Again, any information will be greatly appreciated.
What do you mean "tuned up"? How many rounds have been through it? It is probably fine as long as you are keeping it clean.
Smith&Wesson M&P 45ACP

By tune-up, I mean a recoil reducer, ramp job, trigger work, etc. I have shot about 200 rounds through it and I keep it clean.
As long as it shoots good, there is no need for this stuff. Trigger works and ramp jobs constitute "custom work" and may void your warranty. If you are having feed problems, I would suggest trying a few different types of ammo and if it still isn't working correctly, send it in for the free warranty coverage! It is there for you to use it before your warranty time is up, so take advantage of it while ya can :)

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