smith and wesson m&p 357 sig compact


New member
im considering geting this to add to my conealed carry fleet. anyone have any of the m&p compacts that can give me some insight on this weapon. thanks
I dont know about the 357 sig but ive put quite a few rounds through a .40 compact. Its a great little gun, extremely concealable, shoots well, i think it feels great in the hand. IMO its a perfect size for concealability, its right inbetween most compacts and subcompacts in size. despite the size its easily controllable in 40. So go for it.
I dont know about the 357 sig but ive put quite a few rounds through a .40 compact. Its a great little gun, extremely concealable, shoots well, i think it feels great in the hand. IMO its a perfect size for concealability, its right inbetween most compacts and subcompacts in size. despite the size its easily controllable in 40. So go for it.

i ordered it 2 days ago and im going to pick it up tomorrow! :dance3:
Keep in mind that while the .357 sig is a good cartridge, next to the 10mm, it's probably one of the most hard to find cartridges out there, and from what I hear, quite expensive. If you haven't learned how to reload, now is probably as good a time as any to learn it.
Keep in mind that while the .357 sig is a good cartridge, next to the 10mm, it's probably one of the most hard to find cartridges out there, and from what I hear, quite expensive. If you haven't learned how to reload, now is probably as good a time as any to learn it.

yes the ammo is pretty spendy. i guess ill just have to buy in bulk to save a little
M&P Compact

I've had my M&P 9c just over a year now and love it! Shoots great and it's an excellent carry gun. I think S&W has hit a homerun with their M&P line. Let us know how you like your new purchase.
I have had my M&P9c for about 6 weeks now and love it. I have put over 1500 rounds through it already without 1 problem. I let my brother shoot it this weekend and he is going next weekend to get him one now.
Kanz, I can't speak for that particular firearm, only the calibler. You will find that those that own 357sig firearms really, really like the round. It shoots long, straight and flat. Oh yeah; it zips right along too. I really like having mine in the car when I drive. As for ammo, Georgia-Arms makes very good ammo in bulk; it's called Canned Heat. It is rated at 1300fps. I bought 500 rounds from them for the brass and to buy time until I got my reloader set up for 357sig. That is how I am beating down the ammo cost. Many firearms can shoot 40 or 357sig by swapping out the barrels. I have found that when shooting less than 50ft I need to aim a little low. At 50ft or more the sights are dead on. This caliber wants to reach out. I find it a joy to shoot. Good luck with your decision.