My wife and I both just received ours this week. Wednesday in fact, after only ordering them last Sunday evening. Everything I've heard about Charlie is true, he's responsive, nice and quick to fill orders.
We just got back from a Costco trip, both of us carrying using the SmartCarry. First time out in public for the wife while carrying, so she popped her ummm....
carry cherry just a little bit ago!

I've been carrying forever, but this was only the second day I used the SC. I used it for a little while yesterday while at work, but found all the getting in and out of the car and moving around so much was going to take a little getting used to. Had to take it off about half way through the day, but in fairness, it was more due to my lack of time, or a good place, to experiment with tightness, placement (right, left or smack on top of my junk) and height. I found out right away that too high, though the natural place to put it, will cause the safety/decocking lever to really dig hard into my gut. As soon as I lowered it (during the first of about 5 trips to the little boy's room to adjust it), that problem disappeared. Even sitting in the car was no problem as far as the gun digging into my skin. I had to give the adjustment trips a rest though because my boss asked me if I was having kidney problems or something! The only remaining challenges are placement and tightness, which will just be a matter of experimenting a bit to find just the right combination.
The butt of my S&W 4563 (a full-sized .45) printing noticeably is probably the hardest thing to overcome, except, lucky for me, I am allowed to have my uniform shirt at work tucked or untucked. Untucked with a "wife-beater" type of undershirt to cushion between the SC and my skin fixes that problem just fine. Today, instead of wearing an untucked T-shirt, I simply rotated the SC to the left a couple or three degrees and tucked in my shirt as I normally would. The normal position of the butt of the gun would be about 1 to 1:30 o'clock. I moved around to the left so that it was right at noon o'clock. That presents another problem though; the muzzle is now resting against my left leg, making it a bit less comfortable in the car, but almost no difference in comfort while standing/walking, and the butt-exposure problem is almost completely nullified.
My Gorgeous Wife's (hereafter referred to as "GW") gun is a SA XD-40 4" Service model. She tried the SC with a pair of jeans and jeans shorts, both of which were just too tight to wear with the SC. She hates it, but she'll have to get a size bigger britches to be able to really conceal the gun. Today she opted for a lightweight pair of track pants with an elastic waist-band, which still printed pretty bad, but which was easily concealed by an untucked T-shirt. GW is, as her nickname implies, a gorgeous woman, her beauty only exceeded by her vanity, so it's going to hurt her terribly to buy bigger sized pants, but I think she'll get over it. She's a runner and her favorite place to run is a very secluded area that's perfect for a mugger or rapist, so we made the decision together to prepare her to pack when she's down there. The SC seemed the perfect solution for concealing even with lightweight workout clothes on. It'll take a lot of getting used to for her to run with it and the gun on, but she has tried it here at home on the treadmill and is pretty positive about being able to adapt.
All in all, I think the SC is a great solution, especially for summer-carry, and for me, especially for carrying at work, where, if caught, I would be fired on the spot. The trade-off of course, is accessibility. It would definitely slow down a draw from the standing position, and, without having really tried it yet, I would imagine it will make drawing from inside the car next to impossible, at least with jeans or any kind of regular pants on. Sweats or track pants, maybe a little easier, but still slower than a belt or paddle holster. Then again, I would imagine that any truly deep concealment apparatus would be difficult to draw from while inside a small space like a car. Like I said, it's a trade-off, but one I'm willing to make in order to have the firepower of a full-sized .45 at my disposal. I'm happy with the purchase, and I think GW will be happy after a short adjustment period.