Smallest 9mm


New member
I am thinking about my next purchase, a BUG. I'd like to stick with 9mm for the availability and price of the ammo. Anyone know who makes a tiny 9mm? Something that would at least fit well in an ankle rig, even better if it's small enough for a pocket/wallet holster.

BTW, I was considering a .380, but at half the power of 9mm, I can't justify paying roughly the same (sometimes more) as 9mm ammo.
Kel-Tec PF-9, 12.7 oz empty, 2.8 oz loaded mag, 5.85"L x 4.3"H x .88"W, 3.1" barrel, 7+1
Kel-Tec PF-9, 12.7 oz empty, 2.8 oz loaded mag, 5.85"L x 4.3"H x .88"W, 3.1" barrel, 7+1
^^I carry the PF-9 too. It's the best value in a true pocket sized 9mm there is. But, if you've got the money, there are other choices:
Rohrbaugh Firearms
and this one is supposed to go into production 'any time'--and we know what that means:

I've never owned, nor even fired a Rohrbaugh, but those who have them are true enthusiasts. I think, considering the small difference in size and the huge difference in price that I'll just pick up a second PF-9 so I have a carry pistol with a spare.
I carry KelTek, in 9mm, and purchased the .40 option for times I'd like a larger round.
The long heavy pull is a good safety measure.
It takes practice to get really comfortable with the trigger pull - but practice is the name of the game.

Ironic but Gun Tests magazine, rated the 3AT higher than it did the LCP. Sounder like they were saying, 'if you buy the LCP, have a file.' They were, however, both recommended 'buys'.:pleasantry:
Kahr PM-9
Kel-Tec PF-9

The Kahr is the smallest. I owned a PM-40. It was a great little gun, but too abusive. I might very well own a PM-9 someday. That said, I LOVE my P-3AT. I'm getting some 100 gr bullets to load up for it soon, since factory ammo is non-existant.
I have a Kahr PM-9, a Kel-Tec P-3AT and a Ruger LCP (with CT laser). From my point of view, I will take the slightly reduced power of the .380 in exchange for the size difference anytime.

I can pocket carry the 3AT or the LCP and the 3AT is really comfortable at ankle (I don't have a holster for the LCP with laser for ankle). I have matching pocket (I use Guru, and ankle (fobus) for the PM-9 and the difference is size and weight makes all the difference. It is just a bit too big for pocket (front or back) and it is a bit heavy at ankle.

Bottom line is if I am going to carry the PM-9 it has to be on or in the belt and if I am going to do that I may as well go with my full size. The only time I carry the PM-9 is in a fanny pack where it allows using a smaller fanny pack, and in a back pack because in the field I would rather have the power of the 9 against non-human animals and the weight tradeoff is worth it against the full size. Again, however, if I can open carry in the field I go with a full size on the hip.

But for deep concealment, or warm weather (all the time here), I find the .380's are the way to go because like everyone else I can't justify the price of the Rohrbaugh.
I too am a fan of the KelTec.

I'm 6'2" and 160 lbs soaking wet with a pocket fulla quarters. It's hard to conceal on me when I wear my typical daily attire (Jeans and a T-Shirt) Put my Ruger P95 in my pocket and it looks like I'm smuggling a .50 cal BMG.

My Girlfriend has a KelTec P11 and an Uncle Mike's holster.
I slipped that inside my waistband and left my shirt untucked. Concealed beautifully; I think I'll get one. I'd just like to find a more rigid holster than the Uncle Mikes... That, and it's a little uncomfortable. But then again, very few people make Left handed holsters.

Only bad thing about the P11, I've heard is that someone at my local range put 500-600 rounds a week through one for a few months... After about the 6th slide or barrel KelTec asked what he was doing with it and told him to knock that off...
But for a $300 gun that's that small and has a lifetime warranty, I don't think that's that bad a problem.
What about a Rohrbaugh?

I understand a Rohrbaugh R9 is a very small 9mm gun (one of the smaller ones out there) and well made--being all metal. Has any one here handled one? How does this compare with the other guns mentioned in this thread?

I understand a Rohrbaugh R9 is a very small 9mm gun (one of the smaller ones out there) and well made--being all metal. Has any one here handled one? How does this compare with the other guns mentioned in this thread?


See post# 3. (there is a link there)

It seems to be the smallest 9mm made, and probably the best of any mentioned here. But at around $1000, it sure oughtta be.
See post# 3. (there is a link there)

It seems to be the smallest 9mm made, and probably the best of any mentioned here. But at around $1000, it sure oughtta be.

Yes, I saw the Rohrbaugh link. That was why I wondered if anyone here has one and whether it handles well. You're right, at that price, it should be "well worth it". There seems to be very little info out there on who is pleased (or displeased) with that brand. :unsure: The size, looks, and supposed quality are appealing, but the price... :fie:

Yes, I saw the Rohrbaugh link. That was why I wondered if anyone here has one and whether it handles well. You're right, at that price, it should be "well worth it". There seems to be very little info out there on who is pleased (or displeased) with that brand. :unsure: The size, looks, and supposed quality are appealing, but the price... :fie:


Handled yes, fired No. I did handle one at a gun show some time ago and found it very similar in size to the P-3AT and the LCP. It comes in two versions one "with" sights and one without. The one I handled was the with but darn if I could say it had a sight picture. I have to figure it is designed as a point & shoot just like the 380s are, more for within a few feet than any long distance shot.

I would love to fire one to fee what the recoil is like, but I do not know of any range that has one.
I understand a Rohrbaugh R9 is a very small 9mm gun (one of the smaller ones out there) and well made--being all metal. Has any one here handled one? How does this compare with the other guns mentioned in this thread?

Read what the owners and true believers have to say:
The Rohrbaugh Forum - Index
You'll probably learn more in an hour or two or reading there than you will asking about them for months on other threads.
I recently chose the Kel-Tec PF9 for my CCW. Put 100 rounds through it the first day, without a single jam. I was supprised how well it shot. The sites need work. Shoot the target head and hit the chest almost every time. It will fit in my back pocket nicely.I did pick up an ankle holster. it works well. you will see some printing. Also have a Fobus paddle holster. there must be a better solution for a holster. Rent one, try one!:pleasantry:
+1 on the Kahr. I have the CW9, which runs just under $400. I carry it in a Galco ankle holster, a 5.11 holster shirt or a motorcycle vest with a CCW compartment. Occasionally I carry it as my primary piece in a Mernickle OWB holster. With my body type, I can't conceal anything larger with just a shirt over it. I find it comfortable in all of these position.
Rohrbaugh is a great piece. I have been thinbking about a Kahr MK9 though. Any thoughts on that gun?
Kahr PM-9
Kel-Tec PF-9

The Kahr is the smallest. I owned a PM-40. It was a great little gun, but too abusive. I might very well own a PM-9 someday. That said, I LOVE my P-3AT. I'm getting some 100 gr bullets to load up for it soon, since factory ammo is non-existant.

Well depends on by what ya mean in ' smallest' , it is shorter but
Kahr is thicker and heavier and 1 less shot

Capacity: 6 +1
Overall Length: 5.6”
Height: 4.3”
Width: 1.10”
Weight Empty: 24.0 oz
Weight Fully Loaded 27 oz.

Kel Tec PF 9;
Capacity: 7 +1
Overall Length: 5.85”
Height: 4.3”
Width: 0.88”
Weight Empty: 14.7 oz.
Weight Fully Loaded 18 oz.

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