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Does anybody have any information on when the revised list of states with reciprocity will be published? I have a resident from Florida, and would like to know if we make the cut....

Does anybody have any information on when the revised list of states with reciprocity will be published? I have a resident from Florida, and would like to know if we make the cut....
The good new is I found out that Fl was definitely on the list. The whole reason the bill was introduced was to get FL on board. The bad new is that SLED is still working on the list and they are not in any hurry. Keep checking back. As soon as a list is released you can be sure it will be posted here...
The list of states whose permits are honored in SC is currently, up from only nine a few years ago. Hopefully, the new list will boost that number significantly higher. After all, what to SC legislators have against out of staters with no permit or nonresident permits?
The only three that I have heard definite is WV, VA and FL. However they have to get this 24/7 thing straightened out or there may be none. I was told by a LEO who is a CWP instructor that they were looking at at least 10 but did not know if all would work out.

Patience grasshopper. :mad::help:
The only three that I have heard definite is WV, VA and FL. However they have to get this 24/7 thing straightened out or there may be none. I was told by a LEO who is a CWP instructor that they were looking at at least 10 but did not know if all would work out.

Patience grasshopper. :mad::help:

And while they're at it, include nonresident permits on that list as well.

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