Signs on NV Hotel


New member
I'm going to have to spend a week in Reno next month. As I understand it my Florida permit makes me good to carry. But a friend (fellow packer)who is going to be with me wrote to the hotel and asked about fire arms and was told they aren't allowed and would have to be checked into security when entering the hotel.

Here is what the manager of the hotel wrote:

" I had forgotten that we have posted signs at all of our
entrances stating that firearms are not allowed inside the building, due
to that if you bring your weapon, you will need to check it at security.
Sorry for my error in previous emails."

On this is the Grand Sierra Hotel by the way.

Suggestions and comments please.
Should you choose to ignore the signs, carry concealed and don't tell them you're armed. If they should discover you are armed in the public areas of the business, they can ask you to turn them in to security or leave. If you fail to comply you may be charged with trespassing.

I wouldn't have asked, and I'd have ignored the signs. The only reason I disarm (sometimes) before entering a casino is to be sure I'm not asked to leave during dinner or before the end of a movie.:icon_wink:
Wow, that is somewhat surprising. The Grand Sierra regularly hosts the largest (and best, in my opinion) gun show in northern Nevada.

I do not recall ever seeing any signage indicating no firearms are allowed by guests.

With a valid CCW, I would CCW anyway as mentioned by NDS. Or cancel reservations and stay in another hotel - and let them know why!
The only signs I've seen at Grand Sierra Resorts is during the Big Reno Gun Show. Then they post that no loaded weapons are allowed on the casino floor. I just carry anyhow in casinos.
Okay, I'm going to ask a few more questions...

Are there specific NV rules for signage at a business.... One of the few good things in my state of S.C. about CC is that the rules for signs here are pretty hard to follow and most places that post a sign do it wrong so I'm not breaking the law when carrying concealed in them.

2nd and this is a stretch.... is there anyone on this list who is in Reno and could actually go and see if there are 'now' signs on all the entrances to the Grand Sierra? There is a good chance the manager writing this email is just throwing up a smoke screen...

All I can say is I'll so the same for anyone else on this list who might be coming to Greenville, SC sometime.
I'm going to have to spend a week in Reno next month. As I understand it my Florida permit makes me good to carry. But a friend (fellow packer)who is going to be with me wrote to the hotel and asked about fire arms and was told they aren't allowed and would have to be checked into security when entering the hotel.

Here is what the manager of the hotel wrote:

" I had forgotten that we have posted signs at all of our
entrances stating that firearms are not allowed inside the building, due
to that if you bring your weapon, you will need to check it at security.
Sorry for my error in previous emails."

On this is the Grand Sierra Hotel by the way.

Suggestions and comments please.

Since they now have documentation in the form of an email that you were informed of a no-firearms policy, I'd be extra careful with what you do with it once you're there. If, for any reason, you're leaving your gun to go somewhere it can't, lock it in the car. I'd wonder if they would claim 'no liability' if for some reason your gun were stolen out of the in-room safe...
NV law and signage

Per NRS 202.3673 signage only has force of law in NV outside of simple trespass if it is a "public building" (i.e. owned by a government entity). For private businesses with the exception of child care facilities, all they can do is trespass you. Child care facilities are now treated as K-12 schools per NRS 202.265 and NRS 202.3673. Some casinos have on site accommodation child care facilities.

Under the strict letter of the law, you are in violation and are committing gross misdemeanor by just having a firearm on the premises which includes the real estate the casino is on. There is going to be a big stink to strike this recently added prohibition as it was slid in under the radar by Assemblyperson Kirkpatrick and she's up for reelection this year with SB354.

I will say this and I also emphasis this to my students and people who ask advice, never ask for permission to carry; the answer will always be no by a business owner or entity that manages the business. Know the law; don't ask, don't tell.

The only time I have an issue in a NV casino carrying is when I go to a venue within a casino that has metal detectors (i.e. a concert at the MGM Grand Garden Arena). I then just check it with the security office back stage. I do attempt to walk through the metal detector. Some of those security screeners aren't too bright. I've gotten past them with my life insurance policy underwritten by Smith & Wesson before.
Quick response to few things: I didn't ask... a friend of mine did who is also going to be there.... so, his 'name' is on the radar not mine. Also, the last thing I'm worried about is the hotel being liable if the gun is stolen from the room safe.... two reasons... I don't cast blame too often and if I bring it, it won't be in the room safe.
Your friend...

Needs to be educated on what concealed means and the simple fact it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. I emphasize the know the law; don't ask, don't tell philosophy in my classes.

I personally would switch hotels and have your friend send the e-mail why, not you.
this is a convention where we will be working in the hotel all day and

most of the night... It's really not convenient to switch... especially since my room is paid for. friend is from near Chicago, so you know he probably can't help it.....

"Sorry Bo, I know you might be watching"
most of the night... It's really not convenient to switch... especially since my room is paid for. friend is from near Chicago, so you know he probably can't help it.....
Well send him back to Chicago so he won't be depriving some nearby village of their idiot.
Well, that's not really far... I know the guy and he ain't an

idiot and is a pretty cool guy.
I had a thought early this morning that he might not be at fault here. I posted a little while back on a business related forum while discussing this trip and convention with others who will be there and in charge that I had my airline tickets finally ... and that Delta had the Nerve to only allow 5 handguns and 2 rifles.... I'm thinking that some of the powers that be running this convention may have gotten bent about this and planted this behind the scenes to disuede (sp?) me from carring. Some of the folks on the board are pretty tight ass.
I live here in Reno and went to the GSR(Grand Sierra Resort) tonight. I went in thru the shopping mall entrance and there are no signs there. I went up stairs to the main entrance and the only sign I found is inside the doors on the far right. It is only about 4 by 6 inches with small writting and very easy to miss. If they discover it they can only tell you to leave. They didn't to me. Have fun in Reno and be careful.
Well send him back to Chicago so he won't be depriving some nearby village of their idiot.

Since you found this needed to be posted to the forum, I feel I need to respond.

Yes I live in IL out in farm country. I don't consider myself to be an idiot but I also don't consider myself to be perfect.

If slamming me makes you feel like a better person, so be it. I just wish I could be as perfect as you.

BTW, nice to meet you too.
I'm thinking that some of the powers that be running this convention may have gotten bent about this and planted this behind the scenes to disuede (sp?) me from carring. Some of the folks on the board are pretty tight ass.

I am one of the board members and most everyone including staff knows I carry at the board meetings in Indiana where my permit is valid. There may be a couple of the new ones that don't know I carry and I won't volunteer the information.

You would be surprised at how many carry in their home state but don't have a permit that is valid in IN or just don't want to deal with the airlines.

So there is no issue with the "powers that be" that I am aware of.
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Far from perfect...

If slamming me makes you feel like a better person, so be it. I just wish I could be as perfect as you.

BTW, nice to meet you too.
The original poster's "friend" affected everyone that may frequent that hotel/casino for as long as it's in business including Nevada residents who patronize the establishment. I enjoy when visitors come to my State to spend money since it keeps my property and sales taxes down.

However, I do not appreciate when visitors may make it more difficult for me to enjoy one of the comforts of living in Nevada by poking a pointy stick at a business owner or management over lawful CCW. One of the comforts of living in Nevada is that I am a NV CFP holder and I carry everywhere it's legal to do so including hotel/casinos I patronize. The original poster's "friend" may end up turning the establishment into the next Stratosphere which is a LV Strip Hotel/Casino with a strict no carry policy except for on duty LEOs and their own security personnel. Part of responsible CCW and CCW etiquette is keeping it concealed. They have gone to the extreme of having metal detectors in certain locations of the premises. Fortunately signage outside of "public" (government owned or leased buildings) has no force of law outside of simple trespass but there is nothing stopping a hotel/casino from putting up metal detectors which is what the Stratosphere does.
I'm going to have to spend a week in Reno next month. As I understand it my Florida permit makes me good to carry. But a friend (fellow packer)who is going to be with me wrote to the hotel and asked about fire arms and was told they aren't allowed and would have to be checked into security when entering the hotel.

Here is what the manager of the hotel wrote:

" I had forgotten that we have posted signs at all of our
entrances stating that firearms are not allowed inside the building, due
to that if you bring your weapon, you will need to check it at security.
Sorry for my error in previous emails."

On this is the Grand Sierra Hotel by the way.

Suggestions and comments please.

The CCW class instructor told us that the hotel may request that you do not carry a firearm, but they cannot have you arrested for it. Just because it's posted, it doesn't make it a law. The hotel can ask you to leave if they find they you have a firearm, however.
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Okay, I'm going to ask a few more questions...

Are there specific NV rules for signage at a business.... One of the few good things in my state of S.C. about CC is that the rules for signs here are pretty hard to follow and most places that post a sign do it wrong so I'm not breaking the law when carrying concealed in them.

2nd and this is a stretch.... is there anyone on this list who is in Reno and could actually go and see if there are 'now' signs on all the entrances to the Grand Sierra? There is a good chance the manager writing this email is just throwing up a smoke screen...

All I can say is I'll so the same for anyone else on this list who might be coming to Greenville, SC sometime.

I just took the class and the instructor basically said that businesses like that are public access and if they are not a goverment building, airport, or school, you can legally carry a firearm. They may ask you to leave but they cannot have you arrested for carrying the gun. They may have you arrested for trespassing if you refuse to leave, however.

I don't think that the Grand Sierra hotel manager is bluffing. I have seen similar signs at the entrances to Harrah's Reno.
What I can't figure out is why most businesses can't just

post signs that say, " No Illegal Weapons Allowed!" Is the simplest thing to put up and covers them if a bad thing happens...

In my convaluted mind this sends the right message to everyone.

post signs that say, " No Illegal Weapons Allowed!" Is the simplest thing to put up and covers them if a bad thing happens...

In my convaluted mind this sends the right message to everyone.
Insurance liability reasons. However, unless you are screened or you're made carrying they won't know. In many cases those signs are in small print at the foot of the door where the typical person would not see them.