Signs in Kansas


New member
We fulltime travel the US in our fifthwheel and I have to say that so far Kansas has the most no gun signs. That's in the states we've been to anyway...What's up with that? It's supposed to be a red state...
The signs are powerful charms that bar the passage of firearms. Their power descends from the most ancient darkness of the one Dark Lord Cthulhu. The only way to escape their evil power is if no one sees your gun.

No seriously IDK why Kansas would have a lot of "No gun" signs. It is probably in transition to a welfare state.
I full-timed all over the country for 11 years. Didn't care, always had firearms, as I considered my RV my home, right or wrong. The main thing, I don't do anything that would make a LEO have a need to stop and question me. I don't fit any of their profiles. Legal or not, I felt I was entitled to protection in my rolling home. My decision might have been questionable, but I believe I was justified.
It kind of depends on the city...More liberal (read really out there)city's like Lawrence and Wichita have lots of the No M9 signs I see very few in places like Topeka which typically only have them on the banks. When Kansas first passed the law we had individuals running around posting signs on every business that was not paying attention to their front doors. Since then almost all of them have come down. Our local mall posted some of the doors, so it is posted improperly as such it is legal to carry in the mall. (All entrances have to be posted with the proscribed signs or they are in effect not posted.)
I live just outside of Wichita and I too notice that many of the places that had the signs are beginning to take them down. There are a number of us that have a little business card we leave at places we frequent with the sign that tells them don't want our guns in your business, fine...and we respect that...but, it also mean's we're taking our business elsewhere. The card goes on to explain their stupid sign only prevents law-abiding citizens from entering...not the criminal elements.
Being from Kansas, I know many republicans/conservatives that aren't necessarily anti-gun as much as they are just afraid of them, for whatever reason. It doesn't make sense as this is a pretty big hunting state. Talking to some of them or reading the opinions in the papers, you'd think that 19th Century Dodge City was still going strong and that gunfights are breaking out in all cities. Most don't have a problem with a shotgun or a rifle, but bring up handguns and you'd think they saw a ghost. Doesn't make sense.

As far as the signs, I don't see them too much in Wichita, here and there. Or maybe I just know where to go now.
In Kansas you have to be attentive. There is ONLY ONE sign that holds any legal authority. It is an 8" white sign with a red NO symbol and a Beretta 92/M9 in it, The circle must be no more or less than 6", the signs must be displayed at every entrance to a building and can be no more than 12" from either side of the entrance and at eye level to an adult. If the sign is faded or illegible it has no authority under law

If there is any other sign or all entrances are not posted then the posting of the building is null and void. ONLY buildings can be posted. PARKING LOTS, PARKS SIDEWALKS, STREETS, PARKING STRUCTURE, AWNING, COVERED PICNIC TABLES, ETC. are NOT allowed to be posted and if they are have no legal grounds.
remember most NO GUN OR WEAPONS signs are for the general public, NOT for a permitted,legal to carry concealed person, usually if a business or particular building dosn't allow concealed carry, it normally will specify,no guns, "even for concealed carry permit holders", so if your properly concealed, don't sweat it, and besides if you ccw'ing properly ,no one would know your armed any ways, so go about your business.....and smile..
if you listen to the "no gun signs are for the general public" statement you are asking for trouble. even if a no gun sign does not match the statue and therefor not legal. you could still end up in court defending your self to violating the no carry when posted rule. you should win but still have hassle and expense.
Hubby was born and raised in Totoland. We go there to hunt each year and of course class reunions every 5 years. We always carry. Just don't tell.
you know, maybe your right, i'm ccw permitted in 3 states and thats the lawful rendition in these states, but maybe in other states, no weapons mean no weapons period, so i retract my statement and all you who read this,should follow the proven cases of which MGTTRMN speakes of,, sorry for any mis-information i may have construed.. p.f.