Sig P238 Aluminum Grips


New member
Sig Sauer has made its P238 the most successful concealed carry pistol. It can't keep up with the demand in the market. I've bought two of them and love them. However, I've found the grips on this model are not as good as they should be. They come out with basically two types of grips: the plastic fluted grips and wood grips. The plastic ones make the gun look cheap and feel uncomfortable in hand while the wood ones look like more for collection, not for real time, esp, not for precision shooting; plus they change color over time.

So I searched and found some excellent aluminum grips from They are very high quality and beautiful. In addition, the pricing is very good, compared with some other suppliers. Plus, they have more than six styles. I just want to share this info with you guys in case you own a P238. Here is the grips that I bought:

Rhyno Two Tone Aluminum Grips for Sig Sauer P238

These guys know what they are doing.
I am expecting one pair in the mail today. I googled and read a customer review
posted as recent as two weeks ago on this product from a totally satisfied customer.

I am replacing my plastic grips with aluminum ones. And I think the price is very good, and
they have good varieties to choose from.
Anyone make grips that are hard rubber other than the Hogue rubber over grip, when we did not like for the P238?
Pachmayer makes a nice grip. Got a set for the Mdl. 60 that I like, and I used to have a set on a Mdl. 38 that was a great combination. Don't especially care for them on a 1911 but opinions vary.
THis Rhynotek company NOw has all these wood grips. They are so good after 12 months. :man_in_love:

I am getting one for Christmas ...

Poor Quality Control and Customer Service at Rhynotek.

Rhynotek must be an alright company as I can find no other dissatisfied customers on the ‘net. I however, have had a bad experience that I would like to share.

I live by a simple motto… “Eff me not, lest ye be effed.” Rhynotek effed me, so here I am going to return the favor.

I ordered a pair of Rhynotek Premium Checkered Black Ebony Grips for Sig Sauer P238.

First I was charged $5.95 for the USPS Priority shipping that I requested. It was shipped USPS First Class instead. This only took two additional days to arrive. No big deal, but still… it was not what I paid for.
Once they arrived, much to my disappointment, they would fit on my gun… the mounting screw holes on the left grip panel were drilled off center and this caused the grip panel to hit the slide release lever on the gun. I thought about returning them but decided that it would not be that big a deal to just file down the small area that interfered with the slide release. So I filed it back 1/16” and then the screw holes lined up and I could screw them on. Then, once I tightened the screws, I found that since the grip was forward of where it should be, it was rubbing the magazine release button so hard that it would not rebound after being depressed. At this point I decided enough was enough and emailed [email protected] requesting a replacement left grip panel, and included a description of the problem as well as a photograph. This was Sunday evening, the 23rd of January. It was the last day of the Shot Show in Vegas, and a lot of other places had posted notices that they would return to normal business hours on Tuesday. There was nothing like this on Rhynoteks site, but I waited until Tuesday afternoon anyway,and still had not received a response, so I emailed again, this time to [email protected]. I still had no response by Wednesday afternoon so I looked around their site and found the “Request an RMA” link. They promise a reply within 2 days… So here it is, end of business on Friday afternoon, and I have yet to receive a single response from Rhynotek. Emailed Sunday, again Tuesday, RMA request Wednesday… Nothing, nada, zip, squat. Eff me.

So, I have given up on Rhynotek. Eff them. I just ordered a new set of grips from And I am going to post this rant all over the net.

Endeavor to persevere. Matt

Poor Quality Control and Customer Service at Rhynotek.

Rhynotek must be an alright company as I can find no other dissatisfied customers on the ‘net. I however, have had a bad experience that I would like to share.

I live by a simple motto… “Eff me not, lest ye be effed.” Rhynotek effed me, so here I am going to return the favor.

I ordered a pair of Rhynotek Premium Checkered Black Ebony Grips for Sig Sauer P238.

First I was charged $5.95 for the USPS Priority shipping that I requested. It was shipped USPS First Class instead. This only took two additional days to arrive. No big deal, but still… it was not what I paid for.

Once they arrived, much to my disappointment, they would fit on my gun… the mounting screw holes on the left grip panel were drilled off center and this caused the grip panel to hit the slide release lever on the gun. I thought about returning them but decided that it would not be that big a deal to just file down the small area that interfered with the slide release. So I filed it back 1/16” and then the screw holes lined up and I could screw them on. Then, once I tightened the screws, I found that since the grip was forward of where it should be, it was rubbing the magazine release button so hard that it would not rebound after being depressed. At this point I decided enough was enough and emailed [email protected] requesting a replacement left grip panel, and included a description of the problem as well as a photograph. This was Sunday evening, the 23rd of January. It was the last day of the Shot Show in Vegas, and a lot of other places had posted notices that they would return to normal business hours on Tuesday. There was nothing like this on Rhynoteks site, but I waited until Tuesday afternoon anyway,and still had not received a response, so I emailed again, this time to [email protected]. I still had no response by Wednesday afternoon so I looked around their site and found the “Request an RMA” link. They promise a reply within 2 days… So here it is, end of business on Friday afternoon, and I have yet to receive a single response from Rhynotek. Emailed Sunday, again Tuesday, RMA request Wednesday… Nothing, nada, zip, squat. Eff me.

So, I have given up on Rhynotek. Eff them. I just ordered a new set of grips from And I am going to post this rant all over the net.

Endeavor to persevere. Matt

The Saturday after my previous post, I finally received a reply by email apologizing for the bad grip and promising a replacement. The Friday after that, I received a replacement set free of charge or postage.

Hi, Matthew,

Thank you for your input and the picture that you sent to us.

We apologize for this to happen to you.

We will send out another replacement grips to you when
our office opens on Monday.

We will make sure this set will work for us.

Gene @ Sales Support
Rhyno Technologies Inc
[email protected]

While my previous sentiment about poor quality control and customer service still stand, I want to state that they did "make it right".

Endeavor to persevere. Matt
UPDATE: Received this Saturday the 5th of February..

Dear mwc273,

We sincerely apologize for ignoring customer request and this poor customer
service that you received in the past weeks.

We are embarrassed by what you posted on USACarry forum site.
The picture truly shows the poor quality of this particular product you received.
We will be spending time in the coming days on quality control. We will learn
from this incidence.

This email is not about doing damage control. This is about reconnecting
our customers like you who have had confidence in our products and customer
service that they deserve.

We want to follow up with you on the replacement set that we sent out this week.
Should you decide the replacement set is acceptable to you, please return
the original set back to us. We will credit the 50% back to you.
If you feel the replacement is not what you like, or you have already purchased
the product from other source, please return both sets to us using the return shipping
label. We will process the refund immediately.

Again, please accept our apology.


Gene @ Sales Support
Rhyno Technologies Inc

I replied:
Dear Gene.

I have already purchased the product from another source, and would be happy to return both sets for a full refund if only I had a return shipping label. As I have yet to receive any response to my RMA request, I do not have a return shipping label.

Monday the 7th I received a full refund back to my credit card.

Note from merchant
Matt, We are sending a return shipping label to you for you to send both sets back to us. Sorry about this incidence. We sure will learn from it. Gene @ Sales Support Rhyno Technologies Inc

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