Sig Options?


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I would like to get some honest opinions on the Sig 232 compared to the Sig 238. I have a Sig 226 and it is hard to conceal. However, it is a great weapon. I like the Sig 232. What are some of your feelings? I saw the Walther PPK and I would really compare it to the Sig 232. Which on do you feel is better?

I guess it depends on what you're looking for and what you like..

I saw the 232 for the 1st time today.. It is a nice gun, has some nice features ( like a de-cocker) and a larger grip to hold onto and is double action on the 1st bullet and single after that.
It is larger than the 238, but carries the same number of bullets..

The 238 is smaller & lighter & easier to conceal, but because it's smaller it has less of a handle to hold onto..

So, IF you have a larger hand and don't mind the extra size the 232 is probably the way to go, and would be a better range gun.

IF concealability is your primary concern, it's the 238 hands down. The 238 you can drop in pretty much any pocket, where I would think the 232 would need cargo pants to pocket. If you like the gun towards the front of your body, again the 232 fits very nice with no issues sitting down, etc. (

My wife has the 238 and has been threw more than 2 boxes of ammo and has zero issues.. I have read that some people have had some loading issue (Bullet not seating properly with the slide going forward), but my wife has NOT had that issue at all. So, like with all guns, there is some chance you might get one with an issue where most are fine straight from the factory..

So as usual, it is an individual choice.. The 232 has been a great choice for my wife, and I would carry it in a heartbeat.
I would like to get some honest opinions on the Sig 232 compared to the Sig 238. I have a Sig 226 and it is hard to conceal. However, it is a great weapon. I like the Sig 232. What are some of your feelings? I saw the Walther PPK and I would really compare it to the Sig 232. Which on do you feel is better?
I am going to recommend that you consider a whole different direction. What about the Sig P239 in 9 mm? It is smaller than the P232 and is easily concealed. Also carries 8 rounds in 9 mm. It was designed for off-duty police officers who wanted to have maximum concealment but didn't want to lose too much stopping power. I know this is not what you asked but I love the P239 and encourage you to check it out. :smile:
I have both the Sig 232 and the 239. I think the 239 is the way to go personally, as you have the choice of 3 different calibers. You can also buy different barrels at a later date and have a .40 and 357 SIG if you want more power than a 9mm. The 239 pistol is very accurate and extremely reliable.

I just got my CCP in NYS and I am very happy. I am 21 so I don't have a ton of experience but I like my Fathers 239. My father gave me the gun today and I have been carrying all day with concealed pride. I like it and it feels great. The 9mm is a great cal but you do have options to move around if you want to. Good luck.

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