Sig 556 pistol. I need one


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I feel the need for one of these. Any one want to contribute to my Christmas fund?:biggrin:

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I've been looking at the Sig's now for about 2 months. I just don't know if I can justify the expenditure, especially now that Mrs. Pascal is expecting. There are still a good bit of 556 pistols on Gunbroker for under $1300. Look there.
I've been looking at the Sig's now for about 2 months. I just don't know if I can justify the expenditure, especially now that Mrs. Pascal is expecting. There are still a good bit of 556 pistols on Gunbroker for under $1300. Look there.

Yes that money thing or the lack thereof really puts a dent in my wish list.
Yes that money thing or the lack thereof really puts a dent in my wish list.

You could always build one. Although I like the sig cause it does not have the buffer tube off the back. Then again getting ahold of a decent priced lower is getting kinda hard.
Yeah, ditto for me too. Seems that when you have a baby on the way, guns take a backseat to new carpet, painting the nursery, new nursery furniture, and a new fridge.

Dang, and I just got my Christmas bonus.
I understand. My kids are grown now but I have been there. Congrats on the soon to be new addition to your family.
Congratulations for the upcoming addition. You can expect a lot of great memories. Just think of the fun you will have teaching the kid/kids to shoot. My 15 yo just got their first .22 rifle and is getting closer to being as good as me.:wink:

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