sig 1911 help?


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What type of safety does sig sauer offer on their 1911's. Can you safely carry a round chambered and the hammer down? Because here in oklahoma you can't carry one cocked and locked. I was interested in purchasing the sig 1911 platinum elite carry.
If anyone has the facts please help.
Can't speak for all of them but my Sig C3 has the standard 1911 safety. You can also carry half cock which is hammer almost down but no thumb safety and you have to manually cock it before firing. Cocked and locked or half cock is it.
What type of safety does sig sauer offer on their 1911's. Can you safely carry a round chambered and the hammer down? Because here in oklahoma you can't carry one cocked and locked. I was interested in purchasing the sig 1911 platinum elite carry.
If anyone has the facts please help.

The Sig Platinum Elite Carry has the same firing mechanism as the Series 70 Colt 1911. If you were to carry a round in the chamber and the hammer down, A dropped weapon could discharge. You would have to manually cock the hammer to fire.

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Well statute on the cocked and locked i can't help you there, but i have heard of people beeing charged with improper carry for having it cocked and locked and i didn't want to try it.
On the other hand my range master said someting about if we were using a 1911 we had to have the hammer down and safety on when in the holster, but i can't remeber if he said empty chamber or not.
I do remember seeing him on the range drawing his colt 38 super and cocking the hammer.

I have also heard that the colt 80 series firing system will allow the hammer to fall from the half cocked postion when the trigger is pulled. Does the sig 1911 platinum elite have this firing system.

What about the colt lightweight commander esx? Is it a good carry gun? and doesn't it have the full length guide rod unlike the sig? which is better? and what type of firing system does the colt lightweight commander have?
The half cock notch can eventually give you an undesirable trigger pull (heavier) due to wearing down on the critical surface of the sear. It isn't there to carry "half cocked", it is there to prevent a discharge if the hammer accidentally falls without the trigger being depressed. My advice would be to carry it hammer down on an empty chamber, and practice "Israeli draw" which is where you rack the slide as you're bringing the pistol up to aim. I've done it before and it isn't as bad as it sounds, in fact after practicing it, it wasn't any slower than regular drawing. Trying to thumb cock a 1911 with a beavertail really is a chore if you're doing it in a hurry... in a SHTF situation, you aren't going to be thinking clearly and could possibly screw something up. Also when the hammer is DOWN, the safety should not physically be able to engage! If it does, there is something wrong with your pistol. the 1911 does not work that way!
Oh well....going to the WANENMACHER gun show, hope to come out with something nice in the 1911 area...Thanks!
IMO, if you can't carry a 1911 in Condition One, then you shouldn't be able to carry any striker-fired DA with a round in the chamber unless it makes use of a decocker.

And I cant seem to find any evidence of the law you're referring to...

Also, in regards to the Sig 1911, the slide contours arent the same, so I've heard that virtually no Kydex holsters for the 1911 will fit it.

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