Not specifically mentioned, but have a plan on where to go if it becomes necessary (along w/ various routes to get there)... coordinated with the destination occupants in advance. Cell-phone chargers (a spare battery is good), emergency radio, soap (the hotel size bars work well), camp shovel, basic gun cleaning kit, ground cloths, the list depends on your location, best guess at length of deployment, and where you'll go if necessary.
I keep some basic gear always ready, w/ lists to fit different scenarios (short term, long term, close, distant, etc.). A hand-held scanner can be handy. GFRS radios are handy as well, get the car adapter for them - saves on 1 set of batteries. Use your imagination. Make sure the 1st aid kit has some limited major trauma contents - blood clotting compound/spray, heavy bandages, suture kits, lidocaine and some insulin syringes can be very useful. Water purification tablets. I use a plastic ammo can for this - can handle just about anything thru minor surgery. A pack of ShamWows (as advertised on tv) are great. Have a way to pack it efficiently. Practice packing on short notice... you'll work the bugs out and be ready if and when.
I have 2 different set-ups here in hurricane country - 1 for the wife going by herself, and 1 for both of us.