The one I use right now is a low budget Ace Case rig. VERY comfy, and fits well. for $30 you can not beat it. I have slept in it and forgotten I was wearing it. ITs easier to conceal than my hi dollar belt holster but is not always practical.
I have been looking at the Jackass, and Miami rigs. I would love the Miami, but beeing thinner in frame think that the JA will be less likely to stand out.
As I can not find a store ANYWHERE nearby that carries, one much less both, I have held back on getting another rig. I would love to try them both on for size and see which fits me better.
HK4U You said it was uncomfortable... how so?
My experience tells me the nylon and webbing s/hs aren't worth the price., even when it's next to nothing. Now, in fairness I have experience with only one but that was enough for me. I bought an Uncle Mike's for a scoped hunting revolver. It was just plain awful. Never used it. IMO you get what you pay for. YMMV.
When I was new to carrying and was trying to find holsters that were dirt cheap, one of the holsters I purchased was a super cheap Uncle Mike's shoulder holster. It was so complicated that I never completely figured out how to put it on and how to keep the gun from moving around. If I ever decide to purchase a shoulder rig again, I'll make sure not to purchase the cheapest one I see again, and will probably look for one made of leather instead of nylon.