Should Women Be Allowed To Own Guns?

Should Women Be Allowed To Own Guns?

  • Yes and shouldn't even be a question.

    Votes: 172 98.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 1.1%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't have spent that much time in conversation with someone who believes a woman has no business owning a handgun

If you're talking about me, you need to read more of the thread to get a sense of the conversation, here. You will then see the error of your interpretation.
I'm surprised that this topic is even a thread on this board.

Go back and read the FIRST couple of posts and you will then understand the "thread" of the conversation. It's a problem (and I've done it, too) when you jump into the middle of a thread without reading prior posts; you often lose the context surrounding what's being said/discussed.
Ok, I used that title to get you in here. I was just contacted by someone and thought I'd post this here to get your opinions on. On the subject or who should and shouldn't own a gun, being male or female makes no different in my opinion. This guy apparently groups all women together and I could see where he was going with this conversation. At first I was frustrated with having to explain myself on such a stupid topic so I thought I'd blow it off by posting over here and getting your thoughts. So below is the conversation I had in instant messanger with this guy. I changed his name to womanhater to protect his identity.

{womanhater} hi luke
lukem hi, whos this?
{womanhater} i am frank, i am in the concealed carry yahoo group, too. greetings
lukem ah, gotcha
lukem i dont go there too much, i run
{womanhater} ah your pro gun?
lukem oh yea
{womanhater} ah cool..and what is your opinion about female gun ownership, by the way?
lukem no different than male owning a gun
{womanhater} but have you ever heard of women who got involved in gunbattles against armed home invaders
lukem yes, its all about training in my opinon, male or female
{womanhater} yes? happened to the women?
lukem well i dont know a specific story in mind, im in the middle of work
lukem are you saying women shouldnt own guns??
{womanhater} no, but i mean it seems somehow strange if a woman shoots it out with an invader
lukem what do you mean?>
lukem its strange if a womean shoots a gun without an invader?
{womanhater} no, if an invader opens fire on her, and she returns fire
lukem what is strange about that? whats the difference between a male opening fire
lukem i dont understand where you are going with this
{womanhater} i mean that she doesnt flee
lukem what does that have to do with a woman? you can say the same thing with a man
{womanhater} cos women are not presumed to have that courage
lukem says who?
lukem you?
{womanhater} so you know of the contrary?
lukem are you saying all woman have no courage and should not own a gun to protect themselves?

A 43-year-old woman shot and killed a suspected purse snatcher who confronted her at a northwest Detroit gas station this morning, according to police.

theres one example
lukem so what do you have to say about that?
{womanhater} was he armed?
lukem ok, i dont think im going to continue this conversation....i dont understand what you point is other than being against women with guns which is very unintelligent
{womanhater} i am against it cos i was shot by a woman
lukem a woman = 1 woman, not all the women in the world
{womanhater} but this one was enough for me
lukem great, go ahead and continue to think that way then, you wont change my mind, i use prejudice against people like that
{womanhater} sorry, but i have my reasons
lukem it still doesnt mean all woman are like that and it is very dumb for someone to think that
{womanhater} but she wasnt charged
lukem my girlfriend can handle her firearm fine and ive trained her so shes as competent as i am
lukem well thats just one case about one woman, not all of them
{womanhater} you dont wanna know what happened?
lukem you are grouping all woman together because one woman shot you....does that make any sense? if it does then i REALLY dont need to continue this conversation
lukem not really, im in the middle of work and have gone over this too long already

WTF is with this fella? This shouldn't even be a question, a poll, or a conversation piece!
Debi R.
Is this loser some guy from Germany? I got IM'd that that troll twice. I just block him. Oh BTW, my first two firearm instructors who taught me are female. One's a CA POST certified instructor and has a CA CCW and the other was a member of the US Army rifle team.
I`d love to know the real reason she shot him.As dumb as he sounds she was trying to do the world a favor.What a moron.

Oh, man, I missed her birthday ONE time in the early 1980s (we'd been married for like 3 years). Was quite a screwup as I came in the door asking what was for dinner!! She slides into quiet tears; I'm puzzled. A friend staying with us at the time had to tell me it was her birthday! How bad was that?!! Needless to say, I still hear about that one:hang3:

My favorite dodge is to say, "No it's not, your birthday is December second." To which the Limey bride will reply,"Today IS Dec 2d, Arsehole!" (Arsehole means "I love you very much" in Limey)

Of course you DO have to know the date...

Ive been trying to teach her to shoot for months (now that I have my own range in the back yard) but she has the typical "the Crown will protect us" attitude toward guns. Damn shame! Other than that she is a real in-your-face conservative.

Go figure.
Tell this lady , she can not handle herself in a gun fight. LOL

70-Year-Old Granny Shoots Armed Robber at Columbus, Ohio Hotel By Pete Kotz in Heroes, robbery Friday, Oct. 23 2009 @ 1:39PM9 comment(s)
As a general rule, it's always wise to be kind to your elders -- especially when they're tougher than you are
​The small town family had traveled to Columbus to attend the All-American Quarter Horse Association show. The were staying at the Continent Inn on the city's north side when they decided to leave the door cracked open to get some air.

The next thing they know, robber Wayne Winston kicked in the door waving a gun and demanding their money. One of the victims thought they'd never emerge from the incident alive. "We were sitting there talking and all of sudden the door flies open and this guy steps in with a gun," the man told 10-TV. "He stuck it in my son-in-law's face first, and he said, 'Everybody knows what the game is here. I want your money and I want your jewelry...'"

No doubt Winston thought this would be an easy score involving some passive bumpkin farmers. What he didn't realize is the family's 70-year-old grandma, who suffered from bad eyesight, was far more dangerous than he was.

As her son was searching for cash, granny pulled a .357 from her purse and blasted the bad guy, who stumbled out to the parking lot before dying. "I'm just thankful that a 70-year-old woman had a clear head to do what she did," he said.
I'm not sure that "womanhater" hates women. I'm wondering if he's afraid of women. IMO, he was shot by a woman -- whatever the reason -- and now he's paranoid of armed females. Poor boy should just lock himself inside of his home and never come out That way he may remain safe.
I'm not sure that "womanhater" hates women. I'm wondering if he's afraid of women. IMO, he was shot by a woman -- whatever the reason -- and now he's paranoid of armed females. Poor boy should just lock himself inside of his home and never come out That way he may remain safe.

Uhmmm...I don't know...I'm afraid of women. And my wife is trained and and has started carrying. Now, I'm REALLY afraid of women (at least one in particular!). But, they still got a right to carry. Ok, gotta go lock myself back inside (No, wait, she's HERE!...AARGH!).:laugh:
With his mentality he probably thinks women should be pregnant in the summer and bare foot in the winter.

My wife does not carry but knows how to use her Ruger .357 Magnum. SHE has taken the necessary gun courses.:pleasantry: I call when I am coming home late.
Ah, Let's ask a different question...

Maybe we should ask: Should men be allowed to own guns?

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Man Fatally Shoots Self While Teaching Girlfriend Lesson on Gun Safety
By Chad Garrison in Press Release of the Day, Stupid Crimes & Misdemeanors
Mon., Sep. 21 2009 @ 3:01PM
Given the name or the victim and the stupidity of the following incident, you'd almost think this story was made up.

Then again, it did occur in Jefferson County, Missouri.

Today Jeff-Co Sheriff Oliver "Glenn" Boyer reports that 40-year-old James Looney accidentally shot himself to death last Friday, September 18, while teaching his girlfriend a lesson on firearm safety.

The incident occurred in a residence in Imperial -- about 20 miles south of St. Louis. According to witnesses, Looney's teaching method involved him placing the gun to his head and asking his girlfriend if the gun would go off.

Looney apparently did this with two other firearms and varied safety mechanisms, before the last one actually fired into his head. He was transported to an area hospital, where he was pronounced dead the next morning.

And the kicker? Witnesses say Looney was going to take his girlfriend to the shooting range the next day, but insisted on firearm safety the day prior.

Continue on to see the full press release, courtesy of the Jefferson County Sheriff.
Oh for sure they should be able to own guns. But definitely not vote or drive automobiles. And they should stay in the kitchen with their mouths shut for that matter.
DH and I celebrated our 43rd anniversary this past July 15th! Where has the time gone? We have two wonderful sons -- ages 39 and 31. I don't feel that old. :no:

Two sons: 27 and 25. That really can't be cause I'm only about 25 myself. Or younger if you listen to my better half sometimes. I asked her recently how she felt about our time together (she's a quiet conservative and I'm a rabble rouser) and she said "Well, it's not been boring, I'll give you that!" I guess I'll take what I can get.
Maybe we should ask: Should men be allowed to own guns?

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Man Fatally Shoots Self While Teaching Girlfriend Lesson on Gun Safety
By Chad Garrison in Press Release of the Day, Stupid Crimes & Misdemeanors
Mon., Sep. 21 2009 @ 3:01PM
Given the name or the victim and the stupidity of the following incident, you'd almost think this story was made up.

Then again, it did occur in Jefferson County, Missouri.

Today Jeff-Co Sheriff Oliver "Glenn" Boyer reports that 40-year-old James Looney accidentally shot himself to death last Friday, September 18, while teaching his girlfriend a lesson on firearm safety.

The incident occurred in a residence in Imperial -- about 20 miles south of St. Louis. According to witnesses, Looney's teaching method involved him placing the gun to his head and asking his girlfriend if the gun would go off.

Looney apparently did this with two other firearms and varied safety mechanisms, before the last one actually fired into his head. He was transported to an area hospital, where he was pronounced dead the next morning.

And the kicker? Witnesses say Looney was going to take his girlfriend to the shooting range the next day, but insisted on firearm safety the day prior.

Continue on to see the full press release, courtesy of the Jefferson County Sheriff.

Yep, we talked about this incident on another thread. Now I ask you could he have had a more appropriate last name?

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