Ok, I used that title to get you in here. I was just contacted by someone and thought I'd post this here to get your opinions on. On the subject or who should and shouldn't own a gun, being male or female makes no different in my opinion. This guy apparently groups all women together and I could see where he was going with this conversation. At first I was frustrated with having to explain myself on such a stupid topic so I thought I'd blow it off by posting over here and getting your thoughts. So below is the conversation I had in instant messanger with this guy. I changed his name to womanhater to protect his identity.
{womanhater} hi luke
lukem hi, whos this?
{womanhater} i am frank, i am in the concealed carry yahoo group, too. greetings
lukem ah, gotcha
lukem i dont go there too much, i run usacarry.com
{womanhater} ah ok..so your pro gun?
lukem oh yea
{womanhater} ah cool..and what is your opinion about female gun ownership, by the way?
lukem no different than male owning a gun
{womanhater} but have you ever heard of women who got involved in gunbattles against armed home invaders
lukem yes, its all about training in my opinon, male or female
{womanhater} yes?...so...what happened to the women?
lukem well i dont know a specific story in mind, im in the middle of work
lukem are you saying women shouldnt own guns??
{womanhater} no, but i mean it seems somehow strange if a woman shoots it out with an invader
lukem what do you mean?>
lukem its strange if a womean shoots a gun without an invader?
{womanhater} no, if an invader opens fire on her, and she returns fire
lukem what is strange about that? whats the difference between a male opening fire
lukem i dont understand where you are going with this
{womanhater} i mean that she doesnt flee
lukem what does that have to do with a woman? you can say the same thing with a man
{womanhater} cos women are not presumed to have that courage
lukem says who?
lukem you?
{womanhater} so you know of the contrary?
lukem are you saying all woman have no courage and should not own a gun to protect themselves?
lukem http://www.usacarry.com/forums/off-topic/9704-detroit-woman-kills-alleged-purse-snatcher.html
A 43-year-old woman shot and killed a suspected purse snatcher who confronted her at a northwest Detroit gas station this morning, according to police.
theres one example
lukem so what do you have to say about that?
{womanhater} was he armed?
lukem ok, i dont think im going to continue this conversation....i dont understand what you point is other than being against women with guns which is very unintelligent
{womanhater} i am against it cos i was shot by a woman
lukem a woman = 1 woman, not all the women in the world
{womanhater} but this one was enough for me
lukem great, go ahead and continue to think that way then, you wont change my mind, i use prejudice against people like that
{womanhater} sorry, but i have my reasons
lukem it still doesnt mean all woman are like that and it is very dumb for someone to think that
{womanhater} but she wasnt charged
lukem my girlfriend can handle her firearm fine and ive trained her so shes as competent as i am
lukem well thats just one case about one woman, not all of them
{womanhater} you dont wanna know what happened?
lukem you are grouping all woman together because one woman shot you....does that make any sense? if it does then i REALLY dont need to continue this conversation
lukem not really, im in the middle of work and have gone over this too long already