Should Women Be Allowed To Own Guns?

Should Women Be Allowed To Own Guns?

  • Yes and shouldn't even be a question.

    Votes: 172 98.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 1.1%

  • Total voters
would be interesting at least to hear his story, but if you want to talk about courage... well sounds to me like he is afraid now of every woman having a gun. so who has more courage here? a woman trained to use a gun or a man who is afraid of women having guns??? and if a man shot him... would he think that all men should not be allowed to own guns?

the most accurate shooter I personally know happens to be a woman.. an ex gf of mine. she took 1 single hand gun class at the gun range and she could all of a sudden shoot a quarter size group at 20 feet. no joke.. the bullseye was gone every time! talk about a natural.
There are many instances of women defending themselves with firearms and there should be no question of a law abiding woman owning a gun. Remember it was a woman who basically changed Texas law.
If he had a legit point....he would have made sorry but when the guy starts like that and doesn't explain....he doesn't need to make his point. Luke handled the convo well....I don't feel the guy has a leg to stand on. If he was shot by a "woman" was he attacking her? He said she wasn't charged, so was it in self defense or to protect her from serious harm? Also what difference does it make if shot by male or female? A gun goes BOOM when a child pulls the trigger. I don't see any point in his argument.
Should women be allowed to own guns? Is this a trick question? Are you kidding me?!! Of course, they shouldn't be allowed to own guns. What freakin' idiot doesn't know that?? If I allowed my old lady to handle weapons, do ya think I'd still be around? I mean, women are tempermental and all, not emotionally grounded like men are. That's what men are FOR - to protect women. Why would a woman need a gun if she's got a man around? Furthermore, it was Founding FATHERS, remember, not Founding Mothers and Fathers.

If these are the kind of idiot questions/issues ya'll post on this site, then I'm outta here. Can't stand all this political correctness crap.

I'm really hoping this post was a joke. If not, don't think you'll be missed here with that kind of attitude.
yeah if a troll shot me i'd be against trolls having guns to. :laugh: Leave the poor guy alone he still has his emotional scaring to get over. I wonder why people are judgeing this guy with out hearing his complete story?

If I wasn't in the middle of work I may have listened to his story. But whatever it was wouldn't be good enough to say yes, no women should own guns. That's just being a prejudice.
I'm really hoping this post was a joke. If not, don't think you'll be missed here with that kind of attitude.

Yeah, it was a joke. I have posted on a lot of these forums and several times have mentioned that my wife carries. I thought I was being way over the top with this comment and thought it obvious that I was being sarcastic. Apparently not. Sorry.
Yeah, it was a joke. I have posted on a lot of these forums and several times have mentioned that my wife carries. I thought I was being way over the top with this comment and thought it obvious that I was being sarcastic. Apparently not. Sorry.

ok cool. i was wondering there for a sec :biggrin:
Yeah, it was a joke. I have posted on a lot of these forums and several times have mentioned that my wife carries. I thought I was being way over the top with this comment and thought it obvious that I was being sarcastic. Apparently not. Sorry.

Not to mention that, unless you didn't vote, the tally contradicts the post!:biggrin:
{womanhater} i am against it cos i was shot by a woman
lukem a woman = 1 woman, not all the women in the world
{womanhater} but this one was enough for me

I'll bet she had a good reason for that shooting... Wow... Gotta love knuckle draggin, knock ‘em on the head and drag ‘em back to the cave Neanderthals... “Bitch ought to be fixing me dinner not at the range shootin”… With this kind of thinking still floating around woman need to be armed… :yes4:
Yeah, it was a joke. I have posted on a lot of these forums and several times have mentioned that my wife carries. I thought I was being way over the top with this comment and thought it obvious that I was being sarcastic. Apparently not. Sorry.

Getting in trouble here too huh...:sarcastic:
Every thread that gets my attention lately... There you are getting into trouble...:lol:
Gonna think I'm stalking you or something...:sarcastic:


Because of the size differential, and the strength differential that comes from it, any woman who refuses to get a gun and learn how to use it is increasing their life risk factor.

Same is true for us males as we age - and we age faster than we often admit, disabled persons, and any other person in any group that might draw unwanted and unasked for attention - gays, lesbians, certain ethnic groups in some locations, members of certain religous groups in certain places at certain times, etc..
Getting in trouble here too huh...:sarcastic:
Every thread that gets my attention lately... There you are getting into trouble...:lol:
Gonna think I'm stalking you or something...:sarcastic:


Yeah, I like to think I'm a funny guy. It works in person (my smiling sarcasm) but doesn't come across well all the time while posting. But, hey, I've been married for almost 30 years...I know what it's like to be in trouble most of the time!:biggrin:
Yeah, I like to think I'm a funny guy. It works in person (my smiling sarcasm) but doesn't come across well all the time while posting. But, hey, I've been married for almost 30 years...I know what it's like to be in trouble most of the time!:biggrin:

Heck I have been married for 35 years and learned long ago to never criticize her cooking or clothes. But trouble is when you get on the road to see the children and your wifes says I don't want you to get upset if the girls mention it but today is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fie::hang3: She said she thought she better remind me before one of the girls brought it up and I started trying to backpeddle out of it and embarrass myself. :girl_wink: Wives are like that you know. :biggrin:
Heck I have been married for 35 years and learned long ago to never criticize her cooking or clothes. But trouble is when you get on the road to see the children and your wifes says I don't want you to get upset if the girls mention it but today is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fie::hang3: She said she thought she better remind me before one of the girls brought it up and I started trying to backpeddle out of it and embarrass myself. :girl_wink: Wives are like that you know. :biggrin:

Oh, man, I missed her birthday ONE time in the early 1980s (we'd been married for like 3 years). Was quite a screwup as I came in the door asking what was for dinner!! She slides into quiet tears; I'm puzzled. A friend staying with us at the time had to tell me it was her birthday! How bad was that?!! Needless to say, I still hear about that one:hang3:
I've been married for 17 now. This year I tried to plan a surprise 40th for her (as nice if not better than she did for me 2 years ago)... Yea... It backfired because as she put it "I'm incapable of planning things that require attention to detail"... What was the topic of this thread anyway??? Oh yea. Why we should allow women to have guns...Right...
It had nothing to do with her family getting involved and making changes and then telling me later... Right that was it my lack of attention to detail...

Anyway she wants to get a Class A LTC now so I guess having to worry about a BUG would be a non issue in that case. Kinda like the idea of her armed. :kiss3:
I wouldn't have spent that much time in conversation with someone who believes a woman has no business owning a handgun

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