I see a few folks advertising classes for Florida, Utah, etc. CCW classes. What's the advantage? Any reason I should pursue those permits instead of a MO endorsement?
Several factors come into play when investigating an out-of-state CCW verse Missouri CCW.
1. Depending on what county you reside in will tell you the cost of having a Missouri permit verse paying for an OOS permit.
2. Missouri will recognize an OOS permit, other states may not. For example to get Utah permit you must now have your home-states permit first.
3. If you take an OOS course that does not include Missouri laws regarding use of force and weapons offenses, will you be in the know regarding the laws of your home state?
4. If you have passed MDC's Hunter Ed course or have a Military DD214 (discharge papers) you can apply for a Florida permit.
5. As Navy had mentioned (Federal Gun Free School Zone Act) with a Missouri permit you are good to go dropping of children at school as opposed to not having this privilege with an OOS.
6. I personally have both. My reasoning had to do with Wisconsin. At the time Wisconsin passed CCW they did not recognize the Missouri endorsement. I have in-laws that reside in Wisconsin so I applied for a Arizona permit to cover me while in Wisconsin. By the way, Wisconsin now recognizes the Missouri permit. LOL
7. I will keep both my permits current in the odd case that my Missouri would expire before I could renew it (current case in Jackson County with better then 30 day wait for an appointment).
Your call sir. My recommendation is to always get your home state permit first and then second, an OOS if you desire.