Shooting in a Movie Theater. - Woman shot during gun scene in movie 'Avatar'


This theater is a 'GUN FREE ZONE' and prohibits permit holders from carrying.

Movie-goers watching a gun battle scene during the film "Avatar" were evacuated when real gunfire erupted, injuring one woman and causing a mass evacuation of the Century Rio 24 cinema on Saturday.

Around 9:30 p.m., police swarmed to the area after gun shots were reported, causing the theater, located near I-25 & Jefferson, to evacuate all of its attendees.

John Reynolds, in the movie at the time of the shooting, said he didn't immediately know what had happened. "There were machine guns going off (in the movie)…I thought it was speakers popping. I didn't even know it was gunshots, until they turned on the lights."

Several people in the movie theater reported they thought it was an explosion, which caused a sense of panic among the crowd,

The woman, whose name wasn't released, was treated on scene and released for minor injuries. She is in recovery with no reported complications. A spokesperson for the police department said that the woman was surprised by the injury, and while trying to stand up realized she had been shot in the ankle.

The victim told police she didn't recognize the shooter, but a witness said the perpetrator left a clue. "I saw the gun... It was a revolver," said Ken Reynolds, who noticed the weapon lying in the front row upon evacuation.

Investigators say surveillance video shows two men and one woman immediately running away.

Police detained two men on the scene for questioning, but didn't make any arrests. They also haven't determined whether the shooting was an accident or on purpose.

If your movie was interrupted Saturday night, Century Rio reports you can get a rain-check if you bring in your ticket stub.

Nothing like a nice quiet evening out with the wife. You know, like a dinner and a movie. :mad:

GFZ are BS to the nth degree. I, for one, don't honor them as it's like an advertisement to BGs that no one is armed; screw that.
I am surprised to see such MIS information here at USA Carry! This did not happen! I could not happen! As posted it is a GUN FREE ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clearsite. I need to get some of those signs for special friends and my SIL. She has said that only cops and military should have guns. I told her that if guns were so bad why should the cops even carry guns? Her answer was that they protect us and that the bad guys have guns! yah duh! There was more to this head spinning conversation but she ended it by being the most honest of anyone that takes the notion that only LEO's should have guns. She said that she lives in her own little bubble and nothing ever happens. She does!
I'm a little confused by the story..
"noticed the weapon lying in the front row" - Now..
1) Did the BG throw the weapon at the movie screen after it went off, and it landed in the front row??
2) Was the BG in the front row, and if so, how did he shoot a woman's ankle. I could see accidentally shooting an ankle in the row in front of me, but the BG is in the front row right?? Another thing.. IF your packing, would you generally sit in the front row where you can't see any of the people??? Hummm.. I IS CONFUSED...

"If your movie was interrupted Saturday night, Century Rio reports you can get a rain-check if you bring in your ticket stub."

OK.. So, IF I get a Rain-Check.. should I be packing next time???

Question.. Can the lady who got shot sue the theater?? Can she sue for more IF she has a concealed Carry permit, and did not have her gun because of "the rules"??
IF enough people sued in such situations, insurance companies might start making establishments take down such Gun Free Zone signs.. What do you think??

And this reminds me of the recent post by a forum member that was out with the family and some A-Hole wants to start trouble and he is packing a 1911.. You were wondering what the results might look like if you handled things differently.. Here is your example..
Shot in the ankle?!? WTH? Shouldn't be too hard to find a gun toting midget now should it :biggrin:

Actually, a week ago I went and saw the chipmunks movie. Open carried, as usual. We (my girlfriend and I) were walking down the hall after passing the ticket taker. I heard him say, "A Gun?". Then I heard a female voice, "Yeah, he just walked right past you!" This was after we had purchased soda and popcorn as well.

About 10 minutes into the movie an usher comes in and walked up and down the eisle - don't know if it was even related, but that was it.

I guess we were safe because there were no gun scenes in the chipmunk movie.

And the theater is only offering rain checks for the movie?!? Make it right, refund the cost of soda and popcorn too, dang it!
Can she sue for more IF she has a concealed Carry permit, and did not have her gun because of "the rules"?? IF enough people sued in such situations, insurance companies might start making establishments take down such Gun Free Zone signs.. What do you think??

I agree, Hoot . . . If people started taking to task - legally - businesses for injuries incurred directly related to their being prohibited from legally carrying on the premises, there might be a lessening of those restrictions.
The way I see it:

If an establishment such as a movie theater requires people to disarm, they take full responsibility for the defense of said people. If I were shot, I'd sue the holy ish out of the theater, especially since I carry under normal/non-dictator conditions. I wouldn't even care if I won- I'd find an attorney to take it as a conditional case and cost them a couple hundred K to defend it..

I haven't been to that theater since I got a permit specifically for that reason.
I used to see signs that said that all over the place, but they have backed off quite a bit. We don't go to the movie theater much, but I'm always carrying when we do - for that very reason, and in case they get my $12 drink wrong....:sarcastic:
UPDATE: It was an "Accident" - Tip aids 'Avatar' shooting arrest

Albuquerque police say they have their man in the bizarre “Avatar” shooting that took place at the Century Rio movie theater Saturday night.

Police got a tip on Monday that the suspect, Dante Aikins, was hiding out at the Red Roof Inn off Candelaria and I-25.

Sometime after 7 p.m. Monday, they watched as Aikins left the hotel with his girlfriend, who drove. They arrested Aikins not far from the hotel without incident.

More details about the Saturday night shooting have also come to light. Police are now calling it an accident saying Aikins had dropped his loaded gun on the theater floor, which discharged a round that hit a woman in the foot.

According to an arrest warrant, Aikins was upset about the blunder, telling his friends, "I can't believe it, I dropped my pistol."

Albuquerque Public Safety Chief Darren White: "It appears Aikins tried act as though it was a firecracker because he knew what he had done."

Right after the gunshot, the warrant says Aikins stood up in the theater and asked "Who is throwing fireworks?"

Police recovered a 22-caliber bullet from the shoe of the woman who was shot.

Aikins faces charges of negligent use of a deadly weapon and unlawfully carrying a deadly weapon.
Concealed carry means concealed. No one should know your carrying unless you absolutely have to use you weapon, and if you have to use it your going to be glad you have it. Doubt you will worry about if you should have it there or not. Never seen them scan for weapons at movie theaters. If they start I suggest you don't take it to the movies. Otherwise they may ask you to leave.
We have a few of those 'Gun Free Zones' in Florida. They can not legally enforce them, however IF they caught you with a gun (Neat trick if it is concealed) they could ask you to leave and if you refused to then you could be issued a trespassing citation.
I do my best to avoid them, not because I am doing anything wrong by carrying, but I feel like an animal being hunted in a baited field by the bad guys there. BG's love it when you can't shoot back.... hmmmm wonder why???

As for the bozo dropping his gun.... Oh wait it said he was carrying it unlawfully, no wonder he wasn't safe enough to carry it securely.
Glad the woman was ok
Is it just me or has there been a rash of incidents in Albuquerque?

I've been in Albuquerque quite a few times and for being a larger city in the SW it didnt seem like that bad of an area to me. Of course I'm not the type to go out looking for the trouble either.
Is it just me or has there been a rash of incidents in Albuquerque?

I've been in Albuquerque quite a few times and for being a larger city in the SW it didnt seem like that bad of an area to me. Of course I'm not the type to go out looking for the trouble either.

ABQ is a cess-pool, the things posted are only about 1/4 the rest doesn't make it to the News.

I'm so sick of this city I can't wait to leave. You don't have to look for trouble here, it finds you - just walk into a Walgreens, Walmart or from your car to your office :mad:
Please DO NOTE that this guy WAS NOT a permitted carrier. He was illegally packing some cheap .22 that went bang when he dropped it.

Although with such great intelligence he likely should never carry at least if he did the basic training to get a permit he would not be acting so irresponsibly with such a crappy firearm.

CCW is not Pro-Gun, it is Pro-Gun TRAINING. People are going to carry guns, supporting the CCW movement means people carrying guns more safely.

Personally I am much happier when a gang-banger has an idea of safe gun handling. Recently I was at a gun show where there was a group of about six known gang members that have yet to get the felony rap sheet (according to the Deputy I was hanging with) looking to take the CCW class and take a look at decent weapons. At least I can feel bit safer that I will not get hit by their ND.
Don't you just love those "GUN FREE" zones, where your supposed to be safe according to the anti gun folks, will they ever learn.

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