Shooting by 2 year old?


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I am sure the press and liberal buracrats will have a field day with this.

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"We recommend to every resident, make sure that you have your guns and loaded weapons in a locked, secure place that's away from any child. When we do that, we have a more secure home and secure environment"

so much for being "responsible"!
I suppose it's not totally impossible, but I don't really see how a 2 year old could pick up a gun and fire it. Maybe if it was laying there loaded and cocked. I don't believe a 2 year old could pull a double action trigger. i also find it hard to believe they could disengage the safety of a single action. It might be possible with a Glock type safety. I am just wondering if someone was holding the childs hand as the gun was fired.
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A regretable and sad story, a life loss due to someone being careless with a firearm. I'am sure ever anti gun politician in the state of Texas, will be using this issue as fodder, to further their agenda against responseable gun owners.:(
I suppose it's not totally impossible, but I don't really see how a 2 year old could pick up a gun and fire it. Maybe if it was laying there loaded and cocked. I don't believe a 2 year old could pull a double action trigger. i also find it hard to believe they could disengage the safety of a single action. It might be possible with a Glock type safety. I am just wondering if someone was holding the childs hand as the gun was fired.

There is more to this story than we know.

It just doesn't smell right.

"Thorpe said her fiancé's shooting death makes no sense and that she has a lot of unanswered questions.

"I can't see how a 2-year-old could pull the trigger," Thorpe said.

Collins' family members said they do not know the toddler involved, but said they believe the child was the son of a friend."

Who is the witness here?

Who is this so called friend?

We are not alone when we question that a 2 year old can pull the trigger.

Can you spell "Scape Goat"?


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