Shoot Bambi


USA Carry Supporter
Ok, can anyone tell me what the Law is if there is one, if I come across Bambi kibeeing on the ground after being struck by a vehicle? Can I take my weapon out and stop the pain and suffering with a shot......of course keeping in mind my surroundings for safety. I'm sure you would then have to let the LEO know about this by making a phone call. I live in NH and do not know. I'm sure I can find out by contacting Fish/Game but then what fun would it be not asking on here? :yu:
What about friends of Bambi; is there a certain size animal that you are allowed to shoot?? I'm not talking about a squirrel :biggrin:.
Laws different on this in Other states?
I know here in my area, you are required to call the Wildlife and Fisheries Dept or Law Enforcement. I had to put down several animals over the years when I was a LEO. We would arrive, look at the situation and have dispatch notify the Fish and Wildlife folks. Then do what had to be done. Sometimes we were even told to wait until they got there. There was also a program here at one time, where after the game animal is put down, they clean it and donate the meat to a food bank or needy family.
That really is a good question, one I have no idea on the answer in any state. My sister-in-law hit a deer in Pennsylvania a few years back but the impact killed it. Her and few neighbor farmers just threw it across the hood and she headed down to a local Amish guy who butchered it and made bologna.

I am not sure if it was all legal but it sure was tasty!
In SC you have to report it before you can shoot it even to put it out of its misery. Once the game Warden OK's it you can keep it and have it butchered fo yourself. The last part about keeping it yourself was passed into law only a couple of years ago, until then you could not. If a deer/cow/hog etc. was not in too bad shape they would send it to orphanages or similar but the person who got his car wrecked couldn't have it. Primarily behind then ban was too many people were hunting out of seasone and claiming it was road kill. :no:
There is a sign on the door of the one gun range here...



Don't know the law, but even when we shoot a deer and it's not dead when we find it, we just cut it's throat. Why waste ammo and mess up the animal?
There is a sign on the door of the one gun range here...




Sign on the back of a butcher's van: Save a cow, Eat a vegitarian.

If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat

If God didn't want us to eat meat, he wouldn't have made it so tasty!!
I would think that in most states that putting down a suffering ungulate would be fine as long as the fish and game folks are notified. I run a wildlife rehab facility and I've been told by our Div of Wildlife that if I get a call on a downed ungulate I can euthanize but I need to let them know.

BTW--I am a vegetarian and have been for almost 40 years.
Sign on the back of a butcher's van: Save a cow, Eat a vegitarian

That would be a good way to get shot

If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat

Great piece of bumper sticker philosophy that could also be used to promote cannibalism. People are made of meat too--yummy
I would be interested to know if any state would allow it without notifying LEO. If they don't, then hunt out of season, hit it with a baseball bat a few times, claim roadkill.
That's exactly why most if not all states require notification.
I know a lot of the district wildlife managers here and some of the stories involving road kill are quite appalling including people hitting animals with a vehicle on purpose in an attempt to obtain free meat
I would think that in most states that putting down a suffering ungulate would be fine as long as the fish and game folks are notified. I run a wildlife rehab facility and I've been told by our Div of Wildlife that if I get a call on a downed ungulate I can euthanize but I need to let them know.

BTW--I am a vegetarian and have been for almost 40 years.
Sign on the back of a butcher's van: Save a cow, Eat a vegitarian

That would be a good way to get shot

If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat

Great piece of bumper sticker philosophy that could also be used to promote cannibalism. People are made of meat too--yummy

My wife is a vegan, I am mostly vegetarian and would be except for job stress. I also have a sense of humor......something you might want to look into, they're kind of fun :biggrin:
I was being humorous--I guess I should have put one or two of these :biggrin: on there somewhere.
Plus this time of year I deal with about 50+ phone calls a day involving conflicts between people and wildlife and my sense of humor can get a little wierd :biggrin:
I was being humorous--I guess I should have put one or two of these :biggrin: on there somewhere.
Plus this time of year I deal with about 50+ phone calls a day involving conflicts between people and wildlife and my sense of humor can get a little wierd :biggrin:

I should have known, everyone knows humans aren't tasty, they get too many chemicals and preservatives in their diet to be good.....although I haven't tried free range organic human.......vegetarian you say????:hang3:
Yea--those city ones are filled with all kinds of nasties. The free range ones might be good but they can be a lot harder to catch:laugh:
Ok, can anyone tell me what the Law is if there is one, if I come across Bambi kibeeing on the ground after being struck by a vehicle? Can I take my weapon out and stop the pain and suffering with a shot......of course keeping in mind my surroundings for safety. I'm sure you would then have to let the LEO know about this by making a phone call. I live in NH and do not know. I'm sure I can find out by contacting Fish/Game but then what fun would it be not asking on here? :yu:
What about friends of Bambi; is there a certain size animal that you are allowed to shoot?? I'm not talking about a squirrel :biggrin:.
Laws different on this in Other states?

It varies in a state-by-state situation. Here in TN, you are "legally prohibited" from putting an animal out of its misery, unless you are in the legal act of hunting.

The first action you should do is call your local wildlife officer. He will be the best resource. While that poor animal looks like its on death's doorstep, it could just be in shock and will get up soon. Its probability of getting up quickly is directly proportional to how close you are to it and how likely you are to wet yourself.

Second, it may not be able to get up, but Wildlife will determine if it's a rehab-able animal. They may take it. If you shoot a non-critically injured deer, you could get fined for poaching.

Third, if you're in the 'burbs, neighbors will hear the shot and call the police.

That being said, most likely you hit a deer in B.F.E., nobody is around, and the closest wildlife officer is 30 minutes away. Meanwhile, you have a deer wheezing blood and trying to hobble on a severed leg. In this case, I'd S & S (shoot & shutup).

Many times, the animal will die without any further assistance. In TN, you are allowed to claim roadkill after informing the wildlife officer of your area.
Many times, the animal will die without any further assistance. In TN, you are allowed to claim roadkill after informing the wildlife officer of your area.

How about racoons and possums, can you claim them also? :biggrin:
Honestly I wasn't looking at the hunting;take home for the meat part. I just happened to be on my way to work this week, and on a highly driven main road probably around 5:30 a.m., there, off to the side of the road close to the breakdown lane there was bambi staring at the oncoming traffic. With its eye's looking right at you! Mind you, I'd say it was dead. Only for the fact that its guts were all over the place and its head was screwed on backwards. All I could think of first was, what a site to see first thing in the morning for all these motorist on their way to work......... Bambi starring atcha :fie:. Second was, if it was still moving what would I do. This is why I asked the question. Here it is Thursday and I can still see those eye's.................................:eek:
I see and average of at least two per week driving to work lying beside the road dead. Last year we had one that evidently had been hit by a car stagger onto the front yard of the administration building. One of the maintenance staff grabbed it by the horns and it fell over dead. It can be a sad sight but around here we are up to our armpits in deer and they are causing all kinds of damage to cars. In fact several years ago my mother had one jump on top of her car while it was parked under the carport. Scratched up the top and hood something fierce.
Hey sambo,

Well i did your dirty work for you yet again LOL j/k. I called NH fish and game talked with a vary nice and laid back officer. So here is the low down. New Hampshire does not have a RSA law or any law on the books at this time. Saying you must call a officer or a fish and game officer to come end Bambi's life. He said most of the time when you call 911 after hitting the deer and the police come out to take the report they end it's life at that time. He did say that they like to be called and told about it so they can document it. He also said the most that would happen if someone was to do it was they could be charged with taking a deer out of season. He also talked about this RSA.

207:3-c Use of Firearms, Bow, or Crossbow in or Across Highway Prohibited. –
I. No person shall discharge a firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow and bolt from within 15 feet of the traveled portion of or across any class I through V highway of the state. This section shall not apply to those persons holding a special permit pursuant to RSA 207:7-a.
II. No person shall discharge a firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow and bolt from or across the following public highways of the state including the rights of way thereof:
(a) Route 93 from the New Hampshire/Massachusetts state line in the town of Salem to the New Hampshire/Vermont state line in the town of Littleton;
(b) Route 89 from the intersection with Route 93 in the town of Bow to the New Hampshire/Vermont state line in the town of Lebanon;
(c) Route 95 from the New Hampshire/Massachusetts state line in the town of Seabrook to the New Hampshire/Maine state line in the town of Portsmouth;
(d) Route 293 from the intersection with Route 93 in the city of Manchester to the intersection with Route 93 in the town of Hooksett;
(e) Route 393 from the intersection with North Main Street in the city of Concord to the Concord/Chichester town line;
(f) Route 202/9 from the intersection with Route 114 in the town of Henniker to the junction with Route 31 in the town of Hillsborough;
(g) Route 16, commonly known as the Spaulding Turnpike, from the intersection with Route 95 in the town of Portsmouth to the Milton/Middletown town line;
(h) Route 3, commonly known as the F.E. Everett Turnpike, from the New Hampshire/Massachusetts state line in the city of Nashua to the intersection with Route 101 in the town of Bedford;
(i) Route 101 from the intersection with Route 114 in the town of Bedford to the intersection with Route 1 in the town of Hampton.
III. Any person convicted of discharging a firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow and bolt prohibited under the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation.
Source. 1979, 37:1, eff. June 10, 1979. 2004, 40:2, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.

Or this

207:3-a Prohibition. – It is unlawful for a person to discharge a firearm or to shoot with a bow and arrow or crossbow and bolt within 300 feet of a permanently occupied dwelling without permission of the owner or the occupant of the dwelling or from the owner of the land on which the person discharging the firearm or shooting the bow and arrow or crossbow and bolt is situated. Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation if a natural person, or guilty of

a misdemeanor if any other person.
Source. 1967, 388:1. 1973, 530:59, eff. Oct. 31, 1973 at 11:59 p.m. 1996, 161:3, eff. Aug. 2, 1996. 2004, 40:1, eff.
Jan. 1, 2005.

He said the Law 207:3-C also means Discharging a fire arm on a highway as well. He then said if they get called right when it happens and they know when it was hit they do one of three things with it. First they give the person who hit it the choice if they want to keep it. Second they clean it up and give it away to a food bank. Third if they do not know when it was hit they document it and drag it into the woods. Here is the RSA law on that.

207:29 Disposition of Game, etc., Killed. – Any game or fur-bearing animal killed or wounded as provided in this subdivision shall, in the discretion of the executive director, be returned to the person who killed the same, be given to some charitable institution, or otherwise disposed of.

Now NewHampshire does have a law that you must report the animal if you kill it in your back yard destroying your crops or land.

207:27 Report of. – The person by whom or under whose direction any game or fur-bearing animal is wounded or killed shall, within 12 hours, report all facts relative thereto to the nearest conservation officer or to the executive director. Such report shall state the time and place of wounding or killing and the nature and amount of property destroyed.

The fine for taking a deer out of season is 250 per deer. here is that law as well.

207:55 Restitution for Illegal Taking or Possessing. –
I. In addition to the penalties provided for violating any of the provisions of RSA title LXII or title XVIII or any rule made under the authority thereof, any person convicted of the illegal taking or illegal possession of game animals, game birds, or fur-bearing animals, resulting in the injury, death, or destruction of the same, may be sentenced to make restitution to the state for the value of each game animal, game bird, or fur-bearing animal so taken or possessed as follows:
(a) Marten, moose and bear: $1,000 per animal illegally taken or illegally possessed.
(b) Deer: $250 per animal illegally taken or illegally possessed.
(c) Wild rabbit, hare, muskrat and gray squirrel: $10 per animal illegally taken or illegally possessed.
(d) Wild turkey: $200 per bird illegally taken or illegally possessed.
(e) Ruffed grouse, spruce grouse, pheasant, woodcock, ducks or geese: $15 per bird illegally taken or illegally possessed.
(f) Fisher, bobcat, otter: $200 per animal illegally taken or illegally possessed.
(g) Fox: $75 per animal illegally taken or illegally possessed.
(h) Beaver and mink: $20 per animal illegally taken or illegally possessed.
(i) Raccoon: $20 per animal illegally taken or illegally possessed.
II. In every case of conviction involving the illegal taking or illegal possession of game animals, game birds, or fur-bearing animals, the court may order the defendant to reimburse the state in a sum or sums not to exceed the amount as established in paragraph I. Such reimbursements shall be paid directly to the court. If 2 or more defendants are convicted of the illegal taking or the illegal possession of the game animal, game bird or fur-bearing animal the reimbursement above prescribed shall be declared against them jointly and severally.
III. Courts ordering such reimbursement damages shall remit such monies as prescribed in RSA 206:34. Monies collected from such reimbursement damages shall be deposited in the fish and game fund.
IV. Any person failing to make a damage assessment payment as ordered by the court shall be guilty of contempt and such person shall not be eligible to purchase any license issued by the fish and game department until all assessments are paid in full.
Source. 1983, 263:1. 1994, 194:1, eff. May 24, 1994. 2007, 134:3, eff. July 1, 2007.

I would just call it in to be on the safe side and if it's fresh you still get the meat :biggrin:

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