Sheriff begins taking away concealed weapons permits


Staff member
Hundreds of letters have been sent out advising current permit holders of impending revocation.

The Sheriff's Department has begun the process of revoking hundreds of concealed weapon permits across Orange County.

This week, department officials confirmed that 146 letters have been sent out advising current license holders that their permits to carry firearms in public – called CCWs – are being revoked. There are currently 1,024 permit holders.

"The Department has determined that your identified risk does not meet the good cause threshold as required under the new CCW policy based upon the information you provided. As a result of this determination, the Department's present intention is to revoke your CCW license," reads the form letter sent out this month.

The letter, sent out under the signature of Captain Dave Nighswonger, advises current holders that if they feel that additional information should be considered they have roughly one month to provide additional good cause information for the department to consider before the revocation becomes final.

This week, county supervisors grilled Sheriff Sandra Hutchens during her 120-day update on the reorganization of the agency about the status of the concealed weapons review.

Hutchens acknowledged to supervisors that she had indeed tightened requirements for the permits but highlighted the fact that no current license had yet been revoked.

But it seems unlikely that those who are getting the letters won't be revoked.

"Most of them are not coming back with the information we need," said Nighswonger. "A lot of them are arguing the second amendment (to the U.S. Constitution)," he said.

Nighswonger said many of the current revocations listed their reason for having a concealed gun as "avid shooter."

That no longer qualifies under Hutchen's new standards.

Under state law, a Sheriff has discretion to issue concealed weapons permits. And under the administration of former Sheriff Mike Carona – whose federal corruption trial starts on Oct. 28 – guidelines for issuing concealed weapons permits were loosened.

Records reviewed by the Orange County Register show that concealed weapon permits soared under Carona, from 38 in 1998 to 468 the next year. By 2006, it was up to 1,400, a four-fold increase.

When Carona took over in 1998, Orange County ranked 34th in terms of the numbers of permits granted. By 2006, Orange County was ranked number nine.

However, the Register also found numerous instances where campaign donors received the permits. A Register analysis of Carona campaign contributions from 1996 to the end of 2001 shows that at least 95 contributors – who gave at least $68,000 - got licenses.

Indeed, the federal indictment against Carona details one specific instance where a wealthy contributor was granted a license under questionable circumstances.

Hutchens has said that connection prompted her to review the policies and tighten the standards.

Her revisions, and the revocation letters, have enraged gun activists who are pressing county supervisors to take action.

"There's a lot of business owners and a lot of gun owners that have had CCWs that have never met Mike Carona or contributed," said Greg Block, a Huntington Beach-based firearms instructor and activist.

He and many activists suggest a different standard: "If you are not a convicted felon, you should be able to get able to get a CCW in California," Block said.

Source: Link Removed
Ya know, IMO the only way to fight 2nd ammendment infringements is an organized response.

To date, that response has come from the NRA proper, and their Grass Roots division. Compare their number of sponsors / $$ to the huge # of anti-gunners out there (or at least, those people who get press time [I'm intentionally avoiding the "liberal media" issue here]), and the fight is a daunting one.

I believe in personal prepairedness; I believe RKBA should not be infringed upon. But in today's political and socio-economic environment, I feel I have no other option to effectively defend my ideals than full and active support of the NRA.

Militia-building and other "individual" organizings only harm the cause of keeping strong 2nd Ammendment rights, because of the aforementioned social environment (and also because Homeland Security will scoop your henie up! [again, avoiding a big topic here about gov't abuse of power, etc.])

So in my opinion that leaves us with just the NRA to cover our backs. Sad that it must be so, but so it is...

The summary of my rant here? :) The NRA is the only game in town these days. Like that fact or not, we have to make it better able to represent our rights and beliefs. Do what you can to build membership base, and get the $$ flowing in as fast and as large as possible.

One man's opinion,

"There's a lot of business owners and a lot of gun owners that have had CCWs that have never met Mike Carona or contributed," said Greg Block, a Huntington Beach-based firearms instructor and activist.

He and many activists suggest a different standard: "If you are not a convicted felon, you should be able to get able to get a CCW in California," Block said.

Source: Link Removed

That is correct. Norberto quoted me exactly as I said it.
Just wait--when the three stooges--barry, harry and the exhippie chick from california take control of the country--I fear open season on ccw's. Come on John and Sarah, pull sumthin' out of that hat, fast!!

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