Sheeple comment of the day.


New member
A few of us were discussing our new corp policies and one, half jokingly, said that I'll have to leave my guns at home now. I kinda laughed and said we'll at least till the new bill goes into goes into affect. Then they have no say in what’s locked in my car. Then he said it.....

"Oh great. Well, depending on what’s happening we'll either be running from or running to Paul"

I was kinda mad at first that he would make a comment like that but then started thinking. What a sad day when your only plan, in the face of life or death, is to run for cover BEHIND the guy with the gun.

I laughed and just said "What if I'm out sick that day?" :06:
I have several freinds that say something similar anytime mention is made of a situation where deadly force might be needed - .... I'll just go to Dan's house, he'll protect us". - Or maybe he won't:)
Yeah, people's stupidity amazes me sometimes. 'Guns are dangerous and evil, and we should ban them all.' Until the zombie-robot-terrorists attack, then everyone will want to run to the guy with the 4x4 truck and the guns. :icon_mrgreen:
If any of my friends come running to me to protect them then by God they better bring their own ammo, and of the right caliber! No ammo, no protection!
Well as a safety trainer I was looking over the stats for work place violence just today did you know that 67% of all work place violence is committed without a weapons, 12% with a knife and ONLY YES ONLY 21% involve a firearm. And like most of you I get the same thing. Guns are bad till you need someone with one.