My Florida permit arrived in the mail this morning. It took 39 days from the day I mailed the application. I guess I can't complain.
As far as the pictures go, don't trust that whatever "passport photo" place took your picture necessarily gave you a photo acceptable to the state you're applying to. I understand that both Utah and Florida reconfigure the photos to get everybody's head about the same size, but I had to have several sets taken before I was confident I had a good one. One set, for example, had too much shadow on my face. Another looked like the mugshot of a serial killer on meth. I ended up enclosing two or three different photos with a note that said, "Please choose the photo you believe to be the most appropriate."
For Utah, I also made a bad mistake in sending green-and-white cards for the fingerprints. (The PD was out of the blue ones.) I called them immediately after recognizing the error, and they told me simply to send blue-and-white cards with an explanatory letter so they could match them to my application. I did that right away, but it was wishful thinking—the application came back with instructions to use the correct cards. Of course I did so, but I couldn't help but notice that the Utah people themselves had stapled my photo to the application. The staple was placed horizontally, low on the photo.
By the way, I think it's great that the Commissioner of the department that issues the Florida CCW license is . . . Charles Bronson!