Self Defence round for 45

I've carried Speer Gold Dots and Federal's Hydra shok. Recently I've added Reminton Golden Sabers also. They feed like ball ammo and I can buy 100 rounds of the bullets for $26. I know people don't like carring reloads but I wont get into all that.

Also I've carried 185gr and 230gr. I like the 230gr but we could start a light and fast vs. heavy and slow war if we are not careful.

Where do they sell Golden Sabres for that price?
+1 Federal P45HS1 Hyrda Shok 45 Auto 230gr JHP..

I also use Hornady TAP 200gr +P .45 in the full size M&P...

I like the Hornady Critical Defense ammo performance. I have those in .40S&W and .357 Mag..

For the short barrel in the Colt Officer's it's Remington 185gr Golden Sabers. Less weight to throw.:biggrin: Recoil is not as harsh...


I use Hornady and Golden Sabre
I've carried Speer Gold Dots and Federal's Hydra shok. Recently I've added Reminton Golden Sabers also. They feed like ball ammo and I can buy 100 rounds of the bullets for $26. I know people don't like carring reloads but I wont get into all that.

Also I've carried 185gr and 230gr. I like the 230gr but we could start a light and fast vs. heavy and slow war if we are not careful.

Where do they sell Golden Sabres for that price?

PB reloads and buys the Remington Golden Saber PROJECTILES for $26/100, not factory loaded ammo.
I use Corbon Powerballs in my HK45. I've decided to get away from using traditional JHPs and to start using the newer stuff like Powerball, Honaday's Critical Defense, and Extreme Shock. Fewer feed and clogging problems that you get with the old JHP ammo.
I recently came across Winchester's Supreme Elite bonded JHP 230 grain. (PDX1)

I purchased the only 4 boxes that my dealer had priced at $29.95.

Bonded PDX1. Engineered to maximize terminal ballistics as defined by the demanding FBI test protocol which simulates real world threats

What ever that means. :fie: :biggrin:
Glocks will eat most anything you want to feed them, so that's not a problem, unlike original design 1911s, which mostly like round-nosed ammo like FMJ. (I have a Kimber Ultra Carry II that doesn't seem to mind JHP or other flatter nosed rounds).

I prefer the Corbon Powerball in 165gr +P, based on recommendations by several self-defense authors. It's also a round-nosed shape that will feed in practically any autoloader. YMMV.

Good luck!
I shoot what feeds the best (as in 100% of the time) and what gives the best accuracy if more than one round feeds reliably.

Every gun I have is a little different in that regard except for my Para Ordnance P13.45 and a 1991A1 Combat Commander. Both like the same CorBon 200gr +P+ load. The 625 S&W liked the 230gr Eldorado Starfire (a real nice load that was designed by the originator of the Hydrashock as a follow up and advancement of the basic design) and I have a Witness in .45 that likes the 230 Hydrashock.

As a rule of thumb, in .45ACP, I step down in bullet weight for every inch of barrel I lose. Full length, 5 inch+ guns shoot 230gr bullets, 4-4 1/4 inch guns get 200gr and 3 inch guns get 185gr loads.

I don't use a 165gr bullet in any .45 (and I own, shoot and reload 3 different .45 caliber chamberings.). If I want to shoot something that light, I'll tote a .40 and not have to worry about velocity issues. I feel the same way about heavy bullet 9mm loads. I can just use a .38 Super and not worry about velocity issues.

My reasoning for doing this is the simple fact that the shorter the barrel, the less velocity you will get and ALL jacketed hollow points need a certain minimal velocity (usually around 1000fps in most cases) to expand as designed. A 230gr bullet isn't going to be doing more than around 700fps from a 3 inch barrel. (Don't believe me? Check for yourself. All you need is a gun, some ammo and a chrongraph.) If your bullet of choice needs 900+fps to expand reliably, you're not going to get that expansion from it. Going to a +P or +P+ load is an option but in a 3 inch barrel, all you get- other than increased recoil- is a lot of unburned powder in the gun, a HUGE muzzle flash and about a 20fps velocity increase-if that much.

I haven't played around with testing the new 'short barrel' ammunition on the market but I hold high hopes for it. The folks that design commercial ammunition know that if it ain't as advertised (or at least pretty darn close), they are likely to lose a customer for ALL their brand's ammunition- not just that particular instance.

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