Self Defence round for 45


New member
I just bought a Glock 30sf and was looking for info on the best self defence round for this gun. Would you use 230 grain or something a little smaller
Personally I still have a few black talons left over before they got all the bad press. Now I have PMC Starfires (Link Removed) and I think I have some Winchester SuperX. I have heard if you go to a gun show you can sometimes find and pick up the Winchester Ranger SXT (formerly Black Talon).
I've carried Speer Gold Dots and Federal's Hydra shok. Recently I've added Reminton Golden Sabers also. They feed like ball ammo and I can buy 100 rounds of the bullets for $26. I know people don't like carring reloads but I wont get into all that.

Also I've carried 185gr and 230gr. I like the 230gr but we could start a light and fast vs. heavy and slow war if we are not careful.
I go two ways with both 45 and 9mm. Either Winchester SXT or MagSafe "Swat", depending on the conditions. Usually I carry the MagSafe. As a civilian CCW, I figure the chances of ever needing to use my gun are next to nil and I prefer the knowledge of "Safety" in my self defense load. I would advise against using the Black Talon as the Political Correctness regarding this bullet might prove to be troublesome in court if you were ever forced to use it. As you stated, SXT is the "Politically Correct" version. The actual truth of the whole "Best Bullet" issue is that any "Premium" grade hollow point ammo will do the job quite well. It all boils down to, What you feel comfortable with. It's all good and it all works. If you still just can't make up your mind, find out what your local PD carry. You can't go wrong that way.

Good Luck!!!
I also use the Winchester Ranger SXT in my 2 carry guns, Sig Sauer P220, and Star PD (Both are .45 acp.) It's readily available around here and expansion is good.
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In my Glock 30 I carry the:

Gold Dot Short Barrel Personal Protection - 45 Auto

Part Number Cartridge
Bullet Wt. Bullet Type Box Count Bullet Coefficient
23975 45 Auto 230 GDHP-SB 20 0.148

Velocity(in feet per second) Energy (in foot pounds)
Muzzle 50 yards 100 yards Muzzle 50 yards 100 yards
820 783 749 343 313 287

Trajectory if sighted at 25 yards Test Barrel Length in inches Usage
25 yards
50 yards
75 yards
100 yards
0.0 -2.5 -8.5 -18.3 4 1

Usage Key: 1 = Personal Protection | 2 = Training | 3 = Hunting
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I tested several HP's all by shooting a 2x4 and mesuring the exit hole and inspecting the damage ....The Golden saber's seemed to make the nastiest hole coming out the back side so I usually keep those on hand.The jacket opens into a nasty sharp jagged cookie cutter and just seems to mangle better than others..
Any good quality JHP will do!

You do not hear of somebody emptying a .45 into a BG. It is a big bullet with big knockdown power. Any Good JHP round will do the job. Find what you like best for accuracy and function and then don't stray from it. You will become consistant with that load and will be able to place shots nearly surgically with practice.
... It is a big bullet with big knockdown power. Any Good JHP round will do the job. Find what you like best for accuracy and function and then don't stray from it. You will become consistant with that load and will be able to place shots nearly surgically with practice.
+1 Modern SD ammo is pretty much all good. Find what your firearm likes to eat. I prefer 230gr ammo and use 230gr Remington Golden Sabers in my Sig P220 Compact and my Taurus PT-145 but have used 230gr Speer Gold Dots and 230gr Speer Gold Dots for Short Barrels with zero problems. You might also consider the cost difference of the SD ammo. If you are unfortunate enough to have to use any of this ammo, I doubt the BG is going to know the difference, or know much of anything for that matter. I figure they'll be doin' the Fosbury Flop. :eek:

(I also use 102gr Remington Golden Sabers in my NAA 380. Zero problems with feeding and ejecting.)
I just read an article in Combat handguns mag. by Chuck Taylor, about the best loads for a Kimber Ultra Carry which has a similar barrel length as your Glock. He likes the corbon160gr. DPX the best for shooting to point of aim and expansion. But he did say that most 230gr. rounds shot well. One point he made was that in smaller weapons he did not recommend any +P ammo as it would be too hard to control in a shoot fast type situation, and with the short barrel length you won't get the extra velocity any way. Good luck with your Glock, I've had several and currently have a G19 and they've been great guns for me.
I have fired +P rounds from my G30 with no issues regarding controllability. Now I will admit though, that you will see grains of unburnt powder in the barrel after shooting those as it would seem that the 3" barrel is not long enough for a complete burn.
I reload and use 230 grain jacketed, I am loading with 6 grains of powder and I am happy with the performance and accuracy.
...One point he made was that in smaller weapons he did not recommend any +P ammo as it would be too hard to control in a shoot fast type situation, and with the short barrel length you won't get the extra velocity any way. Good luck with your Glock, I've had several and currently have a G19 and they've been great guns for me.

personally i would not say that... i happen to have a glock 30SF and i have either Remington Golden Sabers in 185 grain or Cor-Bon 185 +P ammo in my mags, +P ammo doesn't seem to be any different to me except a louder report and a tad more of a push in the recoil... i find my glock loves to feed and put rounds down range very accurately... my S&W 1911 gets the same treatment...

i would suggest to buy as many different kinds you can (in different weights of bullets and regular, +P or +P+ if your gun can handle them), shoot all the rounds and see if you can find one that reliable feeds, extracts, is accurate, and you can handle the round (keep it on target after a round fired, doesn't hurt to shoot, etc.)...
Congrats on the 30sf. that is what I carry in my Kramer or CrossBreed IWB.

I have buy relatively low cost JHP ammo in it right now. I don't spend alot on ammo, so i think this is either plain jane winchester of remington. I cycle thru the mag every time I go to the range, and it fires good and straight. Maybe if I was going to load the ammo and let it sit for a year or 2 i'd be fussier. I reload target ammo, but don't feel comfortable yet reloading defense ammo.

I heard people debate this before...misfires, accuracy. I can tell you the box of remingtons I bought for $49/100 have never misfired and have a pretty tight pattern (I am not taking about competition shooting here), and I am half way thru that box. Also half way thru a box of cheaper Winchester JHPs, with absolutely no problems.

I have also wondered if hollow point is really essential with a 45. Just look at the size of that bullet? how many hits with a FMJ do you think YOU can take? with that said, I still carry JHPs

(of course these ammo costs were pre-Obama)
If they feed; someone will bleed...

Never had one malfunction with Remington Golden Sabers or Federal Hydra-Shoks...
I prefer something in 200gr. It's fast, and like all 45's lots of knock down power. Don't worry about 25yd balistics and all of that stuff. You are worried about 20 feet or less. At that range you should be able to shoot instintively, but effectively. With the 45, just about any load will knock someone down on the first shot. HP's will do the job.
+1 Federal P45HS1 Hyrda Shok 45 Auto 230gr JHP..

I also use Hornady TAP 200gr +P .45 in the full size M&P...

I like the Hornady Critical Defense ammo performance. I have those in .40S&W and .357 Mag..

For the short barrel in the Colt Officer's it's Remington 185gr Golden Sabers. Less weight to throw.:biggrin: Recoil is not as harsh...

I have also wondered if hollow point is really essential with a 45. Just look at the size of that bullet? how many hits with a FMJ do you think YOU can take? with that said, I still carry JHPs
I don't carry a .45, I carry a 9mm (we can argue about that later) BUT I would NEVER carry FMJ's if I was carrying, ESPECIALLY in a .45.. Not that I don't think the FMJ would get the job done, but more worrying about the two bystanders behind the BG.. Go with JHP's PLEASE.. You want all the energy absorbed by the bad guy and not by anyone that might be standing behind them or on the other side of the sheetrock wall backstop...


I have Winchester "Ranger" Law enforcements in several calibers Link Removed
I also have Link Removed for the 9mm.

You may want to look at Link Removed on info on several different types of Ammo results from testing.. It may NOT have some of the ones list, but it's worth a look..