second gen sccy 9mm

I got a 2nd gen SCCY for my wife. We both love it. Very dependable and accurate and a great weapon for conceal carry. No problems and she has put approximately 100 rounds through it. Hope this has been helpful to you/
Yes it has, I'm picking 1 up tomorrow , for my ccw. I was hoping it wouldn't be too much for my wife. She's never fired a pistol.
The pistol has a very light recoil. I worried if the pistol would be too much for my wife but it is very easy to control. It is small and perfect for ccw. My wife loves this pistol.
I have had the Second Gen, CPX-2 about 4 months now and it's great! The pistol has a very light recoil. I find it is very easy to control. It is small and perfect for ccw. I love this pistol. I also have a Kel-Tec P-11 which had it's manufacturing problems... I had to send it back to Kel-Tec for adjustments. Not so with the CPX-2, GREAT right out of the box. I prefer this one for my daily carry....