Seattle group artical hits the media

Sounds like your ae off to a good start. It also sounds like you have got the typical reaction from some liberals. (But Roberta Carlson isn't buying it. "I don't think people going to my [yoga] class have guns," she tells Seattle Weekly. "I'm not in favor of a neighborhood vigilante group. The thought of people walking around with guns, no matter what their intentions are, is a little scary.") I wonder how scary it woud be if she were attacked by some hood. Any way keep us posted on how things go.
Looks like you are getting their attention. Good! I like this statement.

"For its part, the Seattle Police Department is mum on the subject. "We are here to uphold the law," says Officer Jeff Kappel, a department spokesperson. "As long as people are exercising their rights lawfully, we have no issue or opinion.""

I don't think they were mum on the subject at all. I think that should be the standard for all LE.
Stay Together, Carry a Gun, Protect the Hill, page 1 - News - Seattle Weekly one error is they connect us as an armed group when in fact that some of us carry just for our own protection and it has nothing to do with the actual group of us walking plus they didnt say much about the 2nd amendment group i started here in Seattle but it is a good start. Meeting with TV people tonight to promote more info to the public

Typical media reaction. I'm just happy that you and your group behaved yourselves and were able to show the world that there are indeed armed people out there who aren't homicidal maniacs. Keep fighting the good fight!