score another for being prepared


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If this is the same story that the VCDL just sent out an email on this guy shot the clerk lined up the patrons in the store and was reloading insinuating he was going to kill everyone there, when his plan was foiled by a man open carrying with a gunshot to the torso. way to go. the mayor should give that guy a medal. :biggrin:
Article gives no info on the shooter, other than he was "a friend of the owner."

And a heck of a good friend, though a dead bad guy beats a wounded bad guy every time.

If I were the mayor of that town, I'd give the armed citizen a medal and a month's worth of range time/training!
Plus one for the friend! He may have saved several lives that day. Just to bad he was not able to stop it before the shop owner was wounded. I bet the friend will get a nice discount from now on.

Also to all the anti's and people that think we need more and stricter gun laws. The BG was a felon, which by law says he can not own/have a firearm. A lot of good that law did to keep the shop keeper safe.
Thanks PB, I apperciate it. However, I think I'm not qualified for the political arena due to fully functional gray matter and a solid moral compass.

I'm also about as politically incorrect as I can be - today. Tomorrow will be a new day.

BUT... as Mayor, I would institute mandatory range-training days, "bring your gun to work" days (every day), mandatory firearms safety classes AND practical tests for grades 4 on up, AND I'd utilize a trusted outside agency (the Boy Scouts) to verify that every member of the local office is indeed an American citizen....

Not to mention stimulation of the local economy by constructing a brand new, highly sophisticated Shoot House, indoor/outdoor range and ammo plant! Your town would be a 'Mecca' for responsible firearms enthusists everywhere, and the bain of criminals across the county. :laugh:
Thanks PB, I apperciate it. However, I think I'm not qualified for the political arena due to fully functional gray matter and a solid moral compass.

I'm also about as politically incorrect as I can be - today. Tomorrow will be a new day.

BUT... as Mayor, I would institute mandatory range-training days, "bring your gun to work" days (every day), mandatory firearms safety classes AND practical tests for grades 4 on up, AND I'd utilize a trusted outside agency (the Boy Scouts) to verify that every member of the local office is indeed an American citizen....

Not to mention stimulation of the local economy by constructing a brand new, highly sophisticated Shoot House, indoor/outdoor range and ammo plant! Your town would be a 'Mecca' for responsible firearms enthusists everywhere, and the bain of criminals across the county. :laugh:

If you ever do make mayor please let me know cause I'm moving to your town!
here is the link to the whole story

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pay attention to what the shooter was carrying openly. also the fact that his trigger broke during the firefight and he was still able to make his weapon function and score hits on the bad guy
The only criticism of the good-guy shooter in this scenario is, what the heck was he thinking carrying a replica of an antique pistol??? Unless he was just coming from a Cowboy Action shooting match, that seems to be kinda dumb. Get yourself a modern firearm whose trigger ain't gonna break off in a firefight, for heaven's sake!!!

But other than that--big "atta boy" to the sheepdog in this story!
The only criticism of the good-guy shooter in this scenario is, what the heck was he thinking carrying a replica of an antique pistol??? Unless he was just coming from a Cowboy Action shooting match, that seems to be kinda dumb. Get yourself a modern firearm whose trigger ain't gonna break off in a firefight, for heaven's sake!!!

But other than that--big "atta boy" to the sheepdog in this story!

i found that his carry piece was kinda odd. but there was a gun show just a few miles up the street that afternoon. when i went to it that day there were people carrying pistols of all kinds in all different ways either showing them off or looking to trade or sell. i will put money on it that the people inside that store were glad he was there
I wonder what the antis think about this story!

Oh, I'm sure that they are all a-fret about the unnecessary loss of life to that poor, misunderstood young man (the "victim", you know) whose actions were force on him by the unfair circumstances life had thrust upon him... :cray:

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