Scientology Commercials


New member
I have been watching Deadly Prey on Animal planet. The episode is about bear attacks on people. Anyway, during two of commercial breaks there have been scientology commercials. I'm a little concerned about this. Anyone else?

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Anyone that actually believes in a religion that is based upon the belief an alien from another galaxy is going to invade and conquer our planet is of such a week mind they must vote Democratic anyway, so they are already a lost to the world.....
That's like the cast members of 24 doing global warming commercials during the show . I quit watching 24 after that!
I have been watching Deadly Prey on Animal planet. The episode is about bear attacks on people. Anyway, during two of commercial breaks there have been scientology commercials. I'm a little concerned about this. Anyone else?


What are you concerned about? Are you wanting to ban them from advertising?
What are you concerned about? Are you wanting to ban them from advertising?

No I don't want to ban them. I believe in the first amendment as much as the second. I am, however, concerned about their message. I believe scientology preys on the weak-minded and has little, if anything, to offer society.
The crutch called religion.

I am, however, concerned about their message. I believe scientology preys on the weak-minded and has little, if anything, to offer society.

Standing back a ways and looking, in that way, they don't seem to be much different than any other religion. Such a large percentage of the world needs a crutch and religion fills the bill for billions of them.

And if you don't believe as "they" (whichever religion someone belongs to) do, then you are open game for them, to kill, to torture, whatever.

Although scientologist's seem to be a little better for the other people in the world since they seem to do the torturing and killing of their own members. That does seem a little weird. I went with a girl for 6-8 months about 10 years ago, ended up taking some of their classes and listening to their spiel. My family (as in:Mom, Dad, siblings, inlaws etc) were all telling me to stay away from them because they brainwashed people. I thought that was pretty funny, I guess they thought I was as weak minded as they were/are.

Now I have been studying/listening to the Jehovah's Witnesses spiel for about a year. Wow, do I get into some arguments with them, make smoke come out of their ears sometimes. LOL

I know I shouldn't do that with weak minded people. (those believing in something they call God or in some cases, GOD)

I never have been able to figure out why people need a crutch called religion, but they do, by the billions. And some of those religions are way weird, some even killing their own babies. Pretty sad.

There are even "those" on here who will tell me I am going to burn in Hell forever/or something else as bad. Strange, very strange.
No I don't want to ban them. I believe in the first amendment as much as the second. I am, however, concerned about their message. I believe scientology preys on the weak-minded and has little, if anything, to offer society.

Re read my first post your point is well taken, however weak minded people do not normally watch educational programs on the tube.... Unless they are the tin hat type trying to find evidence of a "Conspiracy".

You have to admit one thing though, evil aliens, galactic war, SCIFI tech, tis the stuff of movies and those who wish they were living in one, kind of has a Indiana Jones appeal, to those that have never experienced the horrors of a real war...... So they made a religion of it and sucked em in like ants in a shop vac.....
I know I shouldn't do that with weak minded people. (those believing in something they call God or in some cases, GOD)

Wow, it sounds like God made you so smart that you can prove to yourself He doesn't exist.

Wish I had that "Strong Minded" kind of brain power.

Wow, it sounds like God made you so smart that you can prove to yourself He doesn't exist.

Wish I had that "Strong Minded" kind of brain power.


Ah, you have something that does prove there IS a GOD? Not some story book people wrote. Let me see a book your GOD wrote. Just fresh out, eh?

What do you have as proof? WHY do YOU need a crutch? What are you afraid of? What are ALL the people who believe in those stories afraid of?

The whole deal is, I DON'T have to prove HE doesn't exist. YOU have to prove he DOES exist... and NO ONE has done that yet.

Man has only been here a few million years, but most religions only a few thousand years. It was made up as a way to control people, but has ended up causing most of the problems in the world.

Yep, a real powerful GOD you have there! How funny.

And then you make up something called the Devil/Satan who is responsible for all the EVIL in the world today. Hahaha, like I said, how funny.

People DON'T need a GOD or DEVIL to do EVIL, they do just fine by themselves!

In fact, from looking at the news, they are doing an OUTSTANDING job of it!
oregon vet,
hmmmm a book? no, mine dosent work that way,
but have you looked at a blade of grass or a leaf? I mean really look at it? how about a child of yours? Stand in front of the mirror and stare into your own eyes for a while. So? your an accident then? How about the value of Pi? couldnt it have just been three? look at the moon, funny how it's rotation is equal to its orbit so we never see the far side of it, accident? or a tease to encourage us to go see what the other side looks like? ever notice how the sun and the moon are the same aparrant size? did you know that earth is the only place in the known universe where this is true? have you seen the grand canyon? Niagra Falls? been out in the middle of the ocean at night?
I could go on endlessly God is where you find him/her, some things just seem to be deliberate. Myself I dont need a church or anyone's aproval of my behavior or belief system. I am at peace with my vision of the universe, hows yours?
I dont expect God to protect me or even help me, I am expected to take care of myself and those around me that cant do for themselves, if there is something after, I dont worry about it, I'll find out soon enough.
you do have one thing right, people are the problem, they always have an agenda. If yours agrees with mine fine, lets walk side by side for a bit and talk, then part friends.
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A Challenge has been issued!!!

Ah, you have something that does prove there IS a GOD? Not some story book people wrote. Let me see a book your GOD wrote. Just fresh out, eh?

What do you have as proof? WHY do YOU need a crutch? What are you afraid of? What are ALL the people who believe in those stories afraid of?

The whole deal is, I DON'T have to prove HE doesn't exist. YOU have to prove he DOES exist... and NO ONE has done that yet.

Man has only been here a few million years, but most religions only a few thousand years. It was made up as a way to control people, but has ended up causing most of the problems in the world.

Yep, a real powerful GOD you have there! How funny.

And then you make up something called the Devil/Satan who is responsible for all the EVIL in the world today. Hahaha, like I said, how funny.

People DON'T need a GOD or DEVIL to do EVIL, they do just fine by themselves!

In fact, from looking at the news, they are doing an OUTSTANDING job of it!

Your screen name is misleading, "Oregon Vet" as in animal doc and not ex military for there is no such thing as an atheist on the battle field, or were you just an office rat:fie:

I know there is a GOD I have seen Miracles, I have seen people the Doctor's have written of as dead certify the sudden remission of Cancer after prayer. Seen people that were put in harms way that should have been killed but exit with out as much as a scratch. I have seen people go from desperation and despair to good health and life after prayer. I started to read the Bible with an eye that was looking at a historical text not looking for acts of God but yet found them!:biggrin:

I challenge you to this, you say I need to prove my God exists, I have seen, read and been through too much in my years to disbelieve therefore he is proven beyond a shadow of doubt to me, GOD is self evident!:biggrin:

So prove me worng can you submit evidence the Bible is a Fallacy and he doesn't? Do this if you have the courage read the Bible with emphasis on the New Testament, and try to disprove any of it, after all it is nothing more than a historical text, so go and do your level best to disprove any of it, that is if you are not in afraid of being wrong.....:hang3:
Contempt prior to investigation...

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
Follow your hearts not your head knowledge!
I DON'T have to prove HE doesn't exist. YOU have to prove he DOES exist..

Actually, it's not my job to prove the existence of God to you. It's a personal decision that you have to make.

If you're right and I'm wrong, once we die it won't really matter.
If I'm right and you're wrong, once we die it will matter quite a bit.

I wish you all the best just the same.
Actually, it's not my job to prove the existence of God to you. It's a personal decision that you have to make.

If you're right and I'm wrong, once we die it won't really matter.
If I'm right and you're wrong, once we die it will matter quite a bit.

I wish you all the best just the same.

Take note that OV has been silent since my challenge was issued..... to me this indicates he is not as sure of his lack of, as we are of our faith.

Only those not sure of their beliefs will argue with out basis or facts, attempt the expel, or bully, just as those Muslims did in Detroit.

So just like the democrats, if you cannot post a good counter argument, all you have to do is yell and quote false facts and swear they are the truth....

No OV did not do this, but you get where I am heading with this....