The crutch called religion.
I am, however, concerned about their message. I believe scientology preys on the weak-minded and has little, if anything, to offer society.
Standing back a ways and looking, in that way, they don't seem to be much different than any other religion. Such a large percentage of the world needs a crutch and religion fills the bill for billions of them.
And if you don't believe as "they" (whichever religion someone belongs to) do, then you are open game for them, to kill, to torture, whatever.
Although scientologist's seem to be a little better for the other people in the world since they seem to do the torturing and killing of their own members. That does seem a little weird. I went with a girl for 6-8 months about 10 years ago, ended up taking some of their classes and listening to their spiel. My family (as in:Mom, Dad, siblings, inlaws etc) were all telling me to stay away from them because they brainwashed people. I thought that was pretty funny, I guess they thought I was as weak minded as they were/are.
Now I have been studying/listening to the Jehovah's Witnesses spiel for about a year. Wow, do I get into some arguments with them, make smoke come out of their ears sometimes. LOL
I know I shouldn't do that with weak minded people. (those believing in something they call God or in some cases, GOD)
I never have been able to figure out why people need a crutch called religion, but they do, by the billions. And some of those religions are way weird, some even killing their own babies. Pretty sad.
There are even "those" on here who will tell me I am going to burn in Hell forever/or something else as bad. Strange, very strange.