School Carry


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So in most states it is illegal to carry on school property unless you are dropping off/picking up. It's that way in TN. Does that only apply to public schools? Does it apply to college campus' as well?
I believe that is the case.... ever since the Columbine incident schools, universities and colleges in most states have become so called "gun free zones". Ripe for the pickens for a BG who wants to level large crowds of defensless people.
We can't carry on college campuses either?!?! :angry:

depends on your specific campuses policies... if memory serves me right Utah is one of few states that allow licensed persons to carry... this is coming from memory though, i feel to lazy to check the laws right now :pleasantry:... don't take my word as being law...
depends on your specific campuses policies... if memory serves me right Utah is one of few states that allow licensed persons to carry... this is coming from memory though, i feel to lazy to check the laws right now :pleasantry:... don't take my word as being law...

Yes, in Utah, as long as we have a CCW permit, we can carry on grounds of K-12 schools and State-run colleges/universities campuses. The colleges/universities aren't happy about this anyway, and many of them still persist in setting up school policies for gun-free zones.

In Nevada you can't even carry onto a property that a school owns or leases whether it is the campus itself or an office on the other side of town with no kids.
I am a member of SCCC Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. All states except from Utah ban the carrying of firearms on campus. The attorney general ruled that it is technically legal but campuses can put it into their conduct codes against carrying. This is of course only the case for state run schools. Currently 9 states have legistlation in the works to change this, but its an uphill battle. There are a few exceptions like Blue Ridge Community College in VA and a few others. So technically it is not illegal to carry, but the school can kick you out and you can receive a school sanction.
VA state law forbids carry on K-12 school property and Virginia commonwelth univesity, as well as private property when prohibeted by the owner, a public open campus like Virginia Tech, cannot (from my understanding) stop a vistor from carrying open or conceled. Students or Facualty, are subject to the very rule that allowed the april 16 shooting. but due to the ignorance of the public and police you better not let anyone know, it would not be the first time someone was arrested for folloing the laws
The rule is there is no technical law forbidding public state colleges from concealed carry on campus, however the Attorney General stated that state public schools have the right to have their own rules regarding concealed carry on campus in their Code of Student Conduct. Technically you are not breaking the law CC on Campus but the schools can punish you for CC'ing which includes kicking you out of school for breaking their code of conduct that all students have to follow, and most sign their freshman year attesting to their reading of the code, and their willingness to follow it.

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