School Carry


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What exactly are the rules regarding concealed carry on school grounds or in a school in the state of Missouri(and federally)? If I'm reading it correctly, the Missouri law states that a school is a prohibited place but is not "illegal," although it is covered under a federally restricted location. It seems that the wording in the federal laws allow for carry in schools if permitted by the individual state(in this case MO). Is this correct? It was my understanding that carry in schools was prohibited by the federal laws but the wording seems a bit confusing. Also, what are the differences between a school zone, school grounds, and a school building? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.
The short answer is no you can't carry on school property.

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Endorsement does not authorize concealed firearms, where--penalty for violation.
571.107. 1. A concealed carry endorsement issued pursuant to sections 571.101 to 571.121 or a concealed carry endorsement or permit issued by another state or political subdivision of another state shall authorize the person in whose name the permit or endorsement is issued to carry concealed firearms on or about his or her person or vehicle throughout the state. No driver's license or nondriver's license containing a concealed carry endorsement issued pursuant to sections 571.101 to 571.121 or a concealed carry endorsement or permit issued by another state or political subdivision of another state shall authorize any person to carry concealed firearms into:

(10) Any higher education institution or elementary or secondary school facility without the consent of the governing body of the higher education institution or a school official or the district school board. Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on the premises of any higher education institution or elementary or secondary school facility shall not be a criminal offense so long as the firearm is not removed from the vehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on the premises;
I understand that it is a restricted place, but the law reads that it is not a violation of the state law. Further down the page you cited.....

2. Carrying of a concealed firearm in a location specified in subdivisions (1) to (17) of subsection 1 of this section by any individual who holds a concealed carry endorsement issued pursuant to sections 571.101 to 571.121 shall not be a criminal act but may subject the person to denial to the premises or removal from the premises. If such person refuses to leave the premises and a peace officer is summoned, such person may be issued a citation for an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars for the first offense. If a second citation for a similar violation occurs within a six-month period, such person shall be fined an amount not to exceed two hundred dollars and his or her endorsement to carry concealed firearms shall be suspended for a period of one year. If a third citation for a similar violation is issued within one year of the first citation, such person shall be fined an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars and shall have his or her concealed carry endorsement revoked and such person shall not be eligible for a concealed carry endorsement for a period of three years.

My question applies more to the federal law and how it reads.
Section 571.030

Seems to be the area that prohibits the carry on school property. The back and forth in the text and different areas is what has been confusing me.
Section 571.030

Seems to be the area that prohibits the carry on school property. The back and forth in the text and different areas is what has been confusing me.

School Zone: Defined by the Federal Gun Free Schools Zone Act as a 1000' circle around the property.

School Grounds: Actual physical school property

School Buildings: Actual buildings within the school property.

So how does this effect the Missouri CCW holder. According to Federal law you are exempt from the GFSZ if you have a permit from the state of your residence, you are within the boundaries of your state, and you have permission to carry on the school property (including buildings) from the school authorities.

In Missouri (if you have a Missouri CCW) you have the ability to drop off/pick up your children on school grounds while carrying your gun concealed (as long as you do not enter the buildings).

With a Missouri CCW if you enter the buildings and are made, asked to leave and refuse to leave, you can be charged with an infraction which will cost you $100 for the first offense. The reality, if you are in the buildings and are made, a man-with-a-gun call will be placed and the school will go on lock-down until everything is sorted out. What charges you will be filed with are up in the air as it has not happened to date.

Your call sir.
I would watch "secondary school" locations as most states have this in their code or imply it in the code. If little Johnny has a basketball game at the city's civic arena and you go L&L and get caught...

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