SB53 - Proposed ammunition registration law.


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Yesterday (6/29/14) while waiting in Walmart to purchase .22LR ammunition, I watched the cashier question the young man ahead of me in line. He was purchasing 3 boxes of .22LR, 1 box each of 9mm, 45ACP, and 40 S&W. As the clerk is ringing up his sale, she asked him whether the .22LR was for a rifle or pistol. He answered pistol. Then she asked to see his driver's license. She proceeded to enter his DL info into the computer before completing the sale. Now, this young man was obviously over 21. My question is this: When did SB53 become law? The answer is, it isn't, yet. Is Walmart jumping the gun on SB53? When did they start recording driver's license information for ammunition sales? I have purchased much ammunition for handguns, rifles and shotguns from Walmart. They have never asked me for any identification let alone recorded any.

People, please contact your state representatives, senators and the governor and let them know how you feel about SB53 before our Second Amendment rights are infringed yet again.

SB 53 would require all purchasers of ANY ammunition to register with the CA DOJ prior to purchasing ANY ammunition. This registration will be semi-annual, require submission of fingerprints, (another) background check and fees to the CA DOJ. It also, makes all ammunition sales face-to-face. No more mail order, internet purchases. Also, purchasing ammunition for a firearm that is not registered to you will trigger a search warrant of your home to make sure you don't have any unregistered guns. Did I say "unregistered guns"? Yes I did. All guns purchased in California are registered. That includes handguns and long guns. Also, this bill will make gift purchases of ammunition into "straw purchases". In my house, Santa will not be happy.

Be vigilant, be informed, vote. Protect our Second Amendment rights in the state of California.
I have not bought any ammo from Wal-Mart here in MN. Any ammo I have bought here, I had to show my ID for my birth date ONLY! They enter the date into the register.
Yesterday (6/29/14) while waiting in Walmart to purchase .22LR ammunition, I watched the cashier question the young man ahead of me in line. He was purchasing 3 boxes of .22LR, 1 box each of 9mm, 45ACP, and 40 S&W. As the clerk is ringing up his sale, she asked him whether the .22LR was for a rifle or pistol. He answered pistol. Then she asked to see his driver's license. She proceeded to enter his DL info into the computer before completing the sale. Now, this young man was obviously over 21. My question is this: When did SB53 become law? The answer is, it isn't, yet. Is Walmart jumping the gun on SB53? When did they start recording driver's license information for ammunition sales? I have purchased much ammunition for handguns, rifles and shotguns from Walmart. They have never asked me for any identification let alone recorded any.

People, please contact your state representatives, senators and the governor and let them know how you feel about SB53 before our Second Amendment rights are infringed yet again.

SB 53 would require all purchasers of ANY ammunition to register with the CA DOJ prior to purchasing ANY ammunition. This registration will be semi-annual, require submission of fingerprints, (another) background check and fees to the CA DOJ. It also, makes all ammunition sales face-to-face. No more mail order, internet purchases. Also, purchasing ammunition for a firearm that is not registered to you will trigger a search warrant of your home to make sure you don't have any unregistered guns. Did I say "unregistered guns"? Yes I did. All guns purchased in California are registered. That includes handguns and long guns. Also, this bill will make gift purchases of ammunition into "straw purchases". In my house, Santa will not be happy.

Be vigilant, be informed, vote. Protect our Second Amendment rights in the state of California.

It's too late for voting it's time for action by Cali residents. 100,000 armed individuals at the capitol bldg just might do it.
I have contacted the Governor individually and seperately to voice my opposition to all pending bills. For each one I have provided a seperate written argument against it to the Governor. Because there are many such gun control bills pending, this took me a whole day to do. I am still not done, because I am going to be calling the Governor's office at least once for every pending bill that is expected to arrive at his desk for signature or veto.

Here is an example of what my letters look like this year, from one that I sent today - please feel free to copy this format and send it to the Governor yourself (note that the below letter is less than 6000 characters and so can be sent through the Governor's contact form on his website when you are asking him to veto these bills):

"Dear Governor Brown,

SB 53 is now on 3rd reading in the Assembly, having already passed the Senate and will soon be sent to your office for signature or veto. This bill is unconstitutional. I will never obtain a purchase permit to procure ammunition. I will sue the State if I ever encounter such a requirement in a shop where ammo is sold, or online. I will continue to order ammo online without respect for this unconstitutional bill, which the Legislature wants to make law. Veto SB 53.

Additionally, via this message, I am signaling my intent to exercise request of a Gubernatorial Pardon, as in anticipation of passage of certain laws which I have no intention of complying with, I anticipate that I will be convicted if I remain in the State of California, and I presently have no intention of moving out of California.

If any of the bills which I refer to pass without your veto, I am indicating here and now that I do not plan to comply with any of them, and in advance of their possible passage, I am requesting a Gubernatorial Pardon be granted to me and to all else who refuse to comply with the bills (and would be convicted under them) should they become law.

The Gubernatorial Pardon that I request for my noncompliance with the laws will apply to the following bills, which are at this time pending and are anticipated to soon arrive at your desk for signature or veto:

SB 108
SB 808
AB 1798
AB 1609
AB 187
SB 1354
SB 293
SB 199
AB 1014
(Note regarding AB 1014: I will comply with the similar provisions which were signed into law as part of AB 499 (2013), as that law (AB 499) anticipated "constitutionally protected activity," whereas AB 1014 does not, and is thus unconstitutional.)
SCR 118
SCR 49
SB 53
SB 1154
SB 580
SB 505
AB 1598

Thank you in advance for your vetoes of these bills. Should you fail to veto them, I thank you in advance for your Gubernatorial Pardon for me relating to any conviction which results from my noncompliance with these unconstitutional bills, should they become law."

(Now imagine if everyone in the State were to send the Governor a message like this... Remember, per capita, California is second only to Texas in terms of gun ownership, and there are more gun owners (both in terms of raw numbers and per capita) in the State of California than in any other state with the exception of the per capita figure in Texas. The Legislature can ignore us at its peril, but the Governor cannot. We need to get serious about swamping the courts with our presence by promising noncompliance with this latest raft of unconstitutional laws.)

Note: You can contact the Governor's office directly here:
Link Removed
SB 53 (Proposal for Registration, Background Check, and Licensing of Ammo) - DEFEATED

Hi, as some of you already are aware, with everyone's help who has written in, called, been present in the State Capitol, and more, we've DEFEATED the California proposal to "require" registration, background check, and licensing of anyone who wants to buy ammo.

As reported from (and other sources) ~

"SB 53 died on the Assembly Floor - falling 6 votes short of the 41 votes needed to pass. The bill was brought up for vote yesterday (Friday) afternoon and at 11:30 (p.m.) yesterday evening - both times the bill fell short of the necessary 41 vote majority. The bill was brought up for a vote for the final time this morning about 2:30 (a.m., Saturday) as literally the last order of business for the State Assembly in their 2013/2014 Legislative Session. Again, the bill fell short with the roll being closed with the final count 35 "Aye"/ 35 "No.""

"Thank you for your support, partnership, and assistance in killing this terrible legislation."

This has implications for states beyond California. By defeating it here in California where such a bill is hardest to defeat, we've made sure that such bills will fail anywhere else it is introduced. Even if any state adopts a rule similar to the proposed law, which is now extraordinarily unlikely, case law is already established to defeat any such proposals that may in the future be forced on residents of any state by attempted rulemaking. This is a victory for everyone, everywhere in the US.

Thanks for your work on opposing this bill.
Quick Alert (esp for Californians)

"Mayors Against Illegal Guns" have recently issued a letter in which not only do they claim that our due process rights and rights to keep and bear arms should be infringed, but their letter - supposedly signed by 69 Mayors - falsely represents who signed the letter in the first place.

Link Removed and let him know that the "MAIG" (Mayors against Illegal Guns) group does not speak for the over 10 million Californian gun owners that are over a third of the state's population, and that they don't speak for you either! (I just sent a message to that effect.)


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