Yesterday (6/29/14) while waiting in Walmart to purchase .22LR ammunition, I watched the cashier question the young man ahead of me in line. He was purchasing 3 boxes of .22LR, 1 box each of 9mm, 45ACP, and 40 S&W. As the clerk is ringing up his sale, she asked him whether the .22LR was for a rifle or pistol. He answered pistol. Then she asked to see his driver's license. She proceeded to enter his DL info into the computer before completing the sale. Now, this young man was obviously over 21. My question is this: When did SB53 become law? The answer is, it isn't, yet. Is Walmart jumping the gun on SB53? When did they start recording driver's license information for ammunition sales? I have purchased much ammunition for handguns, rifles and shotguns from Walmart. They have never asked me for any identification let alone recorded any.
People, please contact your state representatives, senators and the governor and let them know how you feel about SB53 before our Second Amendment rights are infringed yet again.
SB 53 would require all purchasers of ANY ammunition to register with the CA DOJ prior to purchasing ANY ammunition. This registration will be semi-annual, require submission of fingerprints, (another) background check and fees to the CA DOJ. It also, makes all ammunition sales face-to-face. No more mail order, internet purchases. Also, purchasing ammunition for a firearm that is not registered to you will trigger a search warrant of your home to make sure you don't have any unregistered guns. Did I say "unregistered guns"? Yes I did. All guns purchased in California are registered. That includes handguns and long guns. Also, this bill will make gift purchases of ammunition into "straw purchases". In my house, Santa will not be happy.
Be vigilant, be informed, vote. Protect our Second Amendment rights in the state of California.
People, please contact your state representatives, senators and the governor and let them know how you feel about SB53 before our Second Amendment rights are infringed yet again.
SB 53 would require all purchasers of ANY ammunition to register with the CA DOJ prior to purchasing ANY ammunition. This registration will be semi-annual, require submission of fingerprints, (another) background check and fees to the CA DOJ. It also, makes all ammunition sales face-to-face. No more mail order, internet purchases. Also, purchasing ammunition for a firearm that is not registered to you will trigger a search warrant of your home to make sure you don't have any unregistered guns. Did I say "unregistered guns"? Yes I did. All guns purchased in California are registered. That includes handguns and long guns. Also, this bill will make gift purchases of ammunition into "straw purchases". In my house, Santa will not be happy.
Be vigilant, be informed, vote. Protect our Second Amendment rights in the state of California.