Saudi Inventor makes Killer GPS


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Friday, May 15, 2009
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It could be the ultimate in political control — but it won't be patented in Germany.

German media outlets reported last week that a Saudi inventor's application to patent a "killer chip," as the Swiss tabloids put it, had been denied.

The basic model would consist of a tiny GPS transceiver placed in a capsule and inserted under a person's skin, so that authorities could track him easily.

Model B would have an extra function — a dose of cyanide to remotely kill the wearer without muss or fuss if authorities deemed he'd become a public threat.

The inventor said the chip could be used to track terrorists, criminals, fugitives, illegal immigrants, political dissidents, domestic servants and foreigners overstaying their visas.

"The invention will probably be found to violate paragraph two of the German Patent Law — which does not allow inventions that transgress public order or good morals," German Patent and Trademark Office spokeswoman Stephanie Krüger told the English-language German-news Web site The Local.
We talking a Georgi Markov scenario here? NSA thinks you might be a danger to Federal power, so they sneak up on you and implant it without your knowledge. Or would this theoreticly be entirely above board. "Welcome to the United States. Here's your temporary student visa and *pfft* subcutaneous kill switch. Please enjoy your stay. Just don't over-stay your visa, because that kill switch is automatic. Thank you, and have a nice day."

I'm pretty sure the former violates several vital human rights, and the latter violates several vital Constitutional provisions, not to mention tipping the eva-doer where to apply the scalpel to dig that bad-boy out.

Frankly, I think someone's been watching too much THX-1138, Logan's Run, and Demolition Man.
We talking a Georgi Markov scenario here? NSA thinks you might be a danger to Federal power, so they sneak up on you and implant it without your knowledge. Or would this theoreticly be entirely above board. "Welcome to the United States. Here's your temporary student visa and *pfft* subcutaneous kill switch. Please enjoy your stay. Just don't over-stay your visa, because that kill switch is automatic. Thank you, and have a nice day."

I'm pretty sure the former violates several vital human rights, and the latter violates several vital Constitutional provisions, not to mention tipping the eva-doer where to apply the scalpel to dig that bad-boy out.

Frankly, I think someone's been watching too much THX-1138, Logan's Run, and Demolition Man.

Such niceties as human rights and Constitutional protections don't have much meaning to the Saudis :-) Note that one of the possible applications was tracing "domestic servants" (or maybe eliminating wayward "servants" ?)
Notice they didn't say he couldn't make it only that he couldn't get a patent on it. That means anyone can make it without royalties including the CIA.
Too many flaws in the system, battery life is no 1, the ability to hack it no 2, the ability simply have it removed no 3, and finding the people to put them in a huge no 4.

Let's put the piratically level of this one up there with Phasers for now....
funny you should mention phasers, captain!

Too many flaws in the system, battery life is no 1, the ability to hack it no 2, the ability simply have it removed no 3, and finding the people to put them in a huge no 4.

Let's put the piratically level of this one up there with Phasers for now....

i was reading last week on fox news website a article on 10 scifi devices that are now in existence or something to that effect, the cell phone is the famous star trek communicator{ c'mon, you know that when you first got the flip style and when you were alone, you flicked it open and said " kirk to enterprise.... come in, enterprise..." but there is in a development by USAF R & D a weapon called a phazer{SP?} and the AF guys said they names the weapon in honor of Capt. Kirk's sidearm. it has something to do with interrupting molecules and atoms in people and they has been some success. there is even a phaser rifle in development that looks like the one from star trek. i believe the fox article was linked to a similar one on

th fact that this even exists is cause for some concern and alarm, at least among those who cherish freedom and liberty.
According to biblical scriptures this will come to pass as the end of days approach. I don,t know where in the bible it says this but I do remember reading this. It says that no one will be able to buy or sell anything without the mark of the beast 666 on his or her forehead or hand. Many believe this includes microchips under the skin as this will be a ID for the goverment to track you.