Saratoga County Permit Timeline?


New member
Hi Everyone,
I turned 21 August 5. Luckily someone told me back in January to sign up for my safety course ASAP. I got in to a course in August, and was able to file my permit application August 20. My question is this: Has anyone here applied for a permit in Saratoga County, and how long did it take to get your permit from the time you filed? I've heard 2-4 months all the way up to 6-8 months. Does anyone have an idea of what I should expect?

I also have a second question. I was told by my safety course instructor to just apply for a "target and hunting" because anything else will get rejected. Has anyone gotten their restrictions removed in Saratoga County, and if so, what did it take?
i turned all my paper work in 2 days after completing the class in february (end of february) and my permit was issued on may 5. My buddy that was in the same class with me got his 2-3 weeks sooner. He had his paperwork turned in before the class. But supposedly they dont start the background checks and everything til your certificate from the class is turned in....

As far as getting restrictions removed i hear it's pretty much impossible... My buddy tried to do it and got denied. From what it seems is you would have to be working some type of security/law enf. type of job to get unrestricted. Or just move to a county that is more leniant briefly to have it changed haha.

They are very good at getting amendments back to you for purchases in this county. I just had 2 for 2 weeks in a row and they only took a week each one.
Thanks for the reply CGNY. Well I'm glad to hear about the amendments. That is ridiculous about not being able to get the restrictions off. Maybe I should join a gang briefly and then leave. On second thought, moving to another county might be a little bit safer. Any idea what the closest county to Saratoga is to issue unrestricted permits?
Thanks for the reply CGNY. Well I'm glad to hear about the amendments. That is ridiculous about not being able to get the restrictions off. Maybe I should join a gang briefly and then leave. On second thought, moving to another county might be a little bit safer. Any idea what the closest county to Saratoga is to issue unrestricted permits?

Not trying to be a troll, but if you want restrictions removed, go up north to either Vermont or New Hampshire.
I'd like to move to New Hampshire because of their gun laws and also the Free State Project. However, my dad owns a business here in NY that I am very involved in, and I plan on buying it from him in the next few years, so moving out of state isn't really an option right now. I could move to a different county and commute though, I don't really have a problem with that if I can find a county that is close enough.
i'm pretty sure warren county issues w/o restrictions or alteast is easy to get restrictions removed
I've talked to a lot of cops in the county (saratoga) and they all say that the restriction thing is a real grey area seeing as you're aloud to carry it on you and inside any place that doesnt post restrictions even if on your way to shoot/hunt whatever. They pretty much implied that as long as you aren't carrying for any mischievous purpose or under the influence or somethin that there is no problem having your gun on you. Just do a good job at keepin it concealed. I've carried alot of places. I just really pay attention to keepin it concealed so as not to threaten anyone. I have also seen people in some more rural towns in saratoga county open carrying and not concealing very well. But i guess in those towns more people are used to and have guns i guess....
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Thanks for the input. I talked to the instructor of my safety course and he mentioned that it is fine to carry into places that are "incidental stops" while on the way to/from target and hunting. Depending on how comfortable I am with concealing, that my be good enough.
If I find any info I will be sure to post it on this site. Thanks for putting the work into that map. It looks like a really nice resource.
