Saiga Sporter 16 inch .308 Value?

I'm brand new to forums of any kind so I hope this works; I'm new to this. Can anyone tell me what the average retail value is for a Saiga Sporter 16 inch .308 is these days? Anyone care to chip in with their opinions re: this rifle? Thanks!!!
The prices of the Saiga's have gone up quite a bit. Around $600 is the going price for a new one. I have one and it's a great shooter. I haven't modified mine yet to meet the 922R compliance. One day I'll get around to do it. The only drawback for the 308 is the upward trigger pull. It takes a little to get use to it but all in all it's not bad for a semi-auto 308!
I'm brand new to forums of any kind so I hope this works; I'm new to this. Can anyone tell me what the average retail value is for a Saiga Sporter 16 inch .308 is these days? Anyone care to chip in with their opinions re: this rifle? Thanks!!!

Welcome! I checked gunbroker and they had one for $570.00.

RAA Saiga Sporter 308 Russian American Armory : Semi-auto at

They had another one listed that had some aftermarket stuff for $1500.00 but I think the $550 to $600 range is about average.
Centerfire Systems lists them for $500:

Saiga .308 Rifle

I have one and really like it; I need to get around to converting it. But, it is the only semi-automatic rifle I can take to California (with <10 round mags of course) without becoming an InstaFelon-so I hesitate to change it.
What have you guys done to yours? pics? I have one but I havent done anything with it other then putting on a sling and getting a couple of 25rd mags. It still has the wood stock without a pistol grip, which I would like to add some day. Oh BTW this gun will shoot down trees that are 12 inches in diameter, just in case you guys were wondering:sarcastic:
I have one but I havent done anything with it other then putting on a sling and getting a couple of 25rd mags.

I haven't done anything to mine either. If you haven't made yours 922R compliant don't get caught with the 25 rounders! Having high capacity mags with an unmodified import firearm is illegal.

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Thanks to you guys who've responded. Sounds like a good deal at $675 for a new rifle w/2 extra capacity mags, sling, cleaning kit carrying case and some ammo thrown in. Is it a big deal to change it over from standard trigger to pistol grip? Seems like that would maybe do away with the novel trigger pull characteristics on the sporter.
If you read this link it will tell you what items you can change to make it compliant. Link Removed

The Pistol Grip is one of the items you can change to get you closer to 922R. If I remember correctly you have to do some cutting and moving to install the Pistol Grip. If you do a Google search you can find all kinds of articles on how to do it and exactly how many parts you must change.

Complying with 922R

Here are the parts that most owners use to achieve 922R compliance:
- Trigger
- Hammer
- Disconnector
- Buttstock
- Pistol grip
- Handguard (upper and lower handguards on an AK only count as 1 compliance part)
- Gas piston
- Magazine parts (Note: body, follower and floorplate each count as 1 compliance part).
I haven't done anything to mine either. If you haven't made yours 922R compliant don't get caught with the 25 rounders! Having high capacity mags with an unmodified import firearm is illegal.

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Wow what an idiotic law, thank you for bringing that to my attention. So say that I did not change out all the parts to make it compliant...Would just owning those hi-cap mags be illegal or must they be in the gun for it to be against the law?
The way the laws are it's probably illegal to have them if you don't have a 922R compliant firearm around. I'd just change enough simple items to make it compliant and use them.
I may be confused, but by putting on the pistol grip would seem to make the firearm LESS compliant. The intent of 922R was to make the conversion to a NON-importable firearm illegal. The reason the Saiga does not have a pistol grip is to make it to meet the compliance.

Do they make >25 rd mags for the Saiga 308???
I know the 30 round so-called Saiga mags don't work.
I may be confused, but by putting on the pistol grip would seem to make the firearm LESS compliant. The intent of 922R was to make the conversion to a NON-importable firearm illegal. The reason the Saiga does not have a pistol grip is to make it to meet the compliance.
Like most gun laws the 922r BS makes no sense. It's a stupid 'count the US vs. non-US parts' scam. Here's a link that might help:

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Do they make >25 rd mags for the Saiga 308???
I know the 30 round so-called Saiga mags don't work.
There are 20 and 25 round mags for the .308, I've never seen a 30. Mine works fine with the Sure Fire mags (I've never been able to acquire any of the FBMG mags, but I've heard they are better). I consider the 25s too long, so I use 20s.
I may be confused, but by putting on the pistol grip would seem to make the firearm LESS compliant. The intent of 922R was to make the conversion to a NON-importable firearm illegal. The reason the Saiga does not have a pistol grip is to make it to meet the compliance...
Here's an explanation that hopefully will make sense. I am going to use the Saiga 12 shotgun because that is what I have and what I looked up. The same rules apply to the rifles.

The Saiga 12 comes standard with 14 (13 if you don't have a threaded muzzle/ thread protector) of the components on "the list". Since it comes in a "sporting" configuration, it does not fall under the 922r rules.

By adding a pistol grip, or by attaching a magazine greater than 5 round capacity (10 for rifles), it is no longer in a "sporting" configuration. At this point, you must have no more than 10 imported parts from "the list". So, what I have done is removed the factory stock and replaced it with a Tapco T6 Intrafuse pistol grip/ telescopic stock. I also got rid of the factory mag (counts as 3 parts) and purchased a couple Pro-Mag 10 round mags. (Side note: don't be cheap like I was. Pro-Mag sucks, get Surefire)

By getting rid of the foreign made stock and mag, I have removed 4 imported components, thereby taking my total down to 10.

I forget how many parts the rifles start out with, (16 rings a bell??) so you might have to swap out a few more parts than I did with the shotty.

I'll agree, it is a stupid rule and completely defies logic, but that is basically how it works.
Here is a nice thread on the Link Removed regarding 922r compliance.

I was wrong, there are only 14 parts on the Saiga rifles. So you would be able to do the same thing I did and be compliant.

Also note, the older Surefire mags that are metal use foreign made parts and are therefore NOT COMPLIANT.

[X] That thread I linked to is really only worth the first post. The rest of the comments are a bunch of people who are way overthinking it and confusing themselves.
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Like said above it make no sense. You spend a little money and change a few parts and it's legal. It doesn't change the function just a bureaucrat requirement. Typical ATF BS...
OH, I GET IT - this is just like taking the bayonets off the SKS's. :sarcastic:

It made them soooo much safer :wacko: :no:
Saiga .308 vs. AR10?

I'm on the verge of making a purchase. I really enjoyed and learned a lot from the posts here.

Other than the price issue: Does anyone have an opinion they'd like to share of the vices/virtues of the Saiga vs. the AR10? Performance? Drawbacks? Advantages? Aftermarket accessories? Just whatever comes to mind.

Thanks everybody!
The Saiga will be harder to get accessories for. But that depends on what accessories you want of course.
But IMHO the gas system of the Saiga is the better.
I'd go with the AR10 over the Saiga. You can't beat anything on an AR platform. I'm in the market for one myself. If I see one at the next Gun Show at a good price I'm going to buy it . I like my Saiga but not as much as an AR10!

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