I may be confused, but by putting on the pistol grip would seem to make the firearm LESS compliant. The intent of 922R was to make the conversion to a NON-importable firearm illegal. The reason the Saiga does not have a pistol grip is to make it to meet the compliance...
Here's an explanation that hopefully will make sense. I am going to use the Saiga 12 shotgun because that is what I have and what I looked up. The same rules apply to the rifles.
The Saiga 12 comes standard with 14 (13 if you don't have a threaded muzzle/ thread protector) of the components on "the list". Since it comes in a "sporting" configuration, it does not fall under the 922r rules.
By adding a pistol grip, or by attaching a magazine greater than 5 round capacity (10 for rifles), it is no longer in a "sporting" configuration. At this point, you must have
no more than 10 imported parts from "the list". So, what I have done is removed the factory stock and replaced it with a Tapco T6 Intrafuse pistol grip/ telescopic stock. I also got rid of the factory mag (counts as 3 parts) and purchased a couple Pro-Mag 10 round mags. (Side note: don't be cheap like I was. Pro-Mag sucks, get Surefire)
By getting rid of the foreign made stock and mag, I have removed 4 imported components, thereby taking my total down to 10.
I forget how many parts the rifles start out with, (16 rings a bell??) so you might have to swap out a few more parts than I did with the shotty.
I'll agree, it is a stupid rule and completely defies logic, but that is basically how it works.