S&W MP 40 Compact

The Gunny

New member
Does anyone have one of these S&W MP 40 Compact?

If so what to you think of them are they as reliable and concealable as I have been hearing?

I see where lots of folks have liked them and are comparing them to the Glocks and the XD 40 Compact.
My husband has one (it's for sale by the way), but never shot it, so don't know about reliability. He's a smallish guy (about 5'6", 130) and with the right holster I think he'd have been able to conceal it fine, however he decided to go back to a 1911 style pistol instead, just likes them better, so never took it out of the house . . . SO to sum it all up, we own one but can't give you any real answers to your questions. :)
I had a 9mm M&P and had zero issues in 500+ rounds and it was used when I got it. I now have a full size with about 1000 and zero issues.

I've checked out a lot of reviews on another forum dedicated to the M&P and have never read anything bad about the .40 or any other M&P. Nothing that sounded like a real issue anyways. Also on that site (or another) I read about a Po Po that has 25k+ through a full size and 15k+ through a compact both in .40 with no problems.

I'll get a .40 someday just to have one but, I prefer capacity of a 9mm to anything starting with a ".4".
I have the M&P 9c and the full size M&P 45. The compacts had a few issues with a few of the earlier models. The issues were mag drops, FTF's, and premature slide locking. From what I've heard though, S&W has excellent customer service and everybody's issues have been fixed with shipping paid by S&W and the later models seems to have most of the issues worked out.

My 9c has approx 600 rounds through it so far with no problems at all. The trigger was a little stiff and the slide lock was a little hard to release but they're both starting to break in nicely. Mine is definitely a keeper and will soon become part of my everyday apparel.

My M&P 45 also has 600 rounds with no issues. I can even hit paper at 100 yards with it.

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Not to mention that they're great looking pistols and "Made in America" to boot..!

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Gun Porn!!!

I have the M&P 9c and the full size M&P 45. The compacts had a few issues with a few of the earlier models. The issues were mag drops, FTF's, and premature slide locking. From what I've heard though, S&W has excellent customer service and everybody's issues have been fixed with shipping paid by S&W and the later models seems to have most of the issues worked out.

My 9c has approx 600 rounds through it so far with no problems at all. The trigger was a little stiff and the slide lock was a little hard to release but they're both starting to break in nicely. Mine is definitely a keeper and will soon become part of my everyday apparel.

My M&P 45 also has 600 rounds with no issues. I can even hit paper at 100 yards with it.

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Not to mention that they're great looking pistols and "Made in America" to boot..!


Oh my GOSH. Will you look at the body on that .45!!!
Thanks everyone for posting. When I get back to the states going to head to a range and see if I can try out one and about half a dozen others. I have a Kimber fullsize 1911 45 and I think the grip on the MP is at the same angle as that. That's what I heard anyway. The Kimber is going to be my primary but looking for a BUG or ultra concealable gun. For the longest time I have had my mind set on a a S&W J frame 642 Airweight 38 with Crimson Trace but friends here have been saying I need to get with the times and go check out the newer guns that can fill that role. Sheesh! What can I say I am an old fashioned guy, I still like the looks and the 15oz weight of that sweet little 38 though.
M & p 40 c

I recently got my wife into shooting. After a few hundred dollors of training she had the opportunity to try many handguns. She decided on the M & P 9c. I tried it and fell in love with it. I handled a few weapons in my time in the infantry (retired MSG) I pick up my M & P c 40 cal tomorrow. This gun felt so comfortable, smooth transitions, very accurate. I talked my brother into one just from my talks with him on it. Its his first gun. This is a fun gun.
CCW's next month. S & W does have great CS and I always go with what the Law enforcement and Military trends.
If it's good enough for them its good enough for me.

"Don't try to be a hero":triniti:

Shot my new 40c this weekend. had a little more kick than the 9Mc obviously. But it was still great to shoot. Surprisingly, it was easier to shoot and more accurate than my Taures 24/7 Tactical (5.25 inch Barrel, 40 Cal).
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I have the M&P 40c and love it.

I bought a M&P45 full size first and was impressed with the handling and overall ease of use. Very reliable, easy to feed. Take down is easy due to the simple design. Smooth shooter for a .45... So

I stopped in to visit my dealer and he had a "like new" used 150rd only M&P40c. It was a buy back from a guy who was moving out of state (to NY I was told) and he had to leave it behind. The dealer and I get along very well and I buy all kinds of gear from him so he made me a couldn't refuse deal on it.. So it followed me home.

It's become my summer carry. It fits in the same CrossBreed SuperTuck as the .45 and disappears in a pair of light weight shorts with a tee shirt. Small and light weight (about the same as a Glock 27) with good stopping power ammo. It has more snap than the 9mm, but I chose the 165gr Winchester PDX bonded or Critical Defense in 165gr vs the 185gr ammo to load for carry to reduce recoil and get better velocity from the shorter barrel.

Not a mistake by any means... Hope that helps...

And now, Gun Porn...

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I carry the full size M&P .40 amazing weapon. Never fails, shot almost 700 rounds from it so far. Not 1 jam or stove pipe. The full size prints a bit, but hey, I just like the size of the grip is all. Both compact and full size come with interchangeable grips to fit your hands.
Anyhow, I would HIGHLY Recommend this weapon.
I have the M&P 9c and love it! I bought it almost 4 yrs ago from my local dealer, after he had called to tell me they had just gotten in a G26 on an LEO trade. I arrived to buy my G26 and left with the M&P instead. So glad I did!
I have been carrying a M&P 40 C and I am very happy with it. I would sugest getting the clip extender for more stability and comfort. (personal preferance) It tucks away very nice in my NRA 5.11 type shirts and jacket. My hip holster is a Black hawk. Have Fun shopping!
Ive got the full sized M&P 40, its a very reliable weapon, and pretty easy to conceal especially being its full sized. the compact is much the same of course minus the size of the barrel by an inch or two, and the handle as well....Id recomend it to anyone.
S&W MP 40 Compact , I have several sub-compact & Compact pistols, Glock, Springfield, Kimber to name a few. But no longer own a S&W. To many rounds being jammed. Thought it was the ammo at first, but I have tried countless different manufactures and still the same results. Just for your info.
I had one for about a year. I traded it for a glock 19. It concealed easy, jammed twice in the first 100 rds, was accurate for its size. I never could get used to it enough to hit well. I shot it every couple weeks and every time it seemed like I started over at the beginning each time. I can gradually get better shooting most handguns but I couldn't with this one. Overall it was a good gun but not the best for me. I would consider another one, just in 9mm. If I were you I would just find one to shoot and see what you think. Then take that and what other people think into consideration.
I have a MP9 not 1 issue what so ever I have to say I have at least 3k rounds and not a problem.. I just added an internal laser to it... My wife loves it...
i have one its a very good pistol i have over 1000 rounds throught it no problems it begs for more just get it with the night sights or by the mepro sights and add them on
I had my 40 campac Smith and Wesson for three years now and having no problems with it. It feels real comfortable in my hand. You need to handle different guns and feel whats comfortable for you.