Rule one, carry whenever possible...


Obama is a mack daddy!
Saw this on another forum. Carry whenever possible or it may just be your unlucky day. You're going to get involved in a vehicle accident when you forget to put your seat belt on. You are going to be a victim of a violent crime when you're not carrying and you should be.

Pack it or be prepared to pack it in.

== “No Safe Places” ==

by Don Myers

Recently, there were two Christian musicians who were leaving a recording studio and were murdered for two dollars and their car. Initially, I paid little attention to the news reports nor did I listen to the names of the two victims. Three days later, I received an e-mail from a woman friend who had received her CHL by taking my course along with her son and daughter. The e-mail read, “Hi Don, my son, Steve, was murdered Thursday. His funeral is at….”

I sat there stunned. Steve had been licensed through my instruction. I had been to a couple of activities that he and his mother attended – in both cases they were armed. I knew Steve’s mother believed as I do that you never go anywhere unarmed if it is legal to carry in those places. I did not know Steve as well as I did his mother, but I found him to be very likable and smart. In fact, I later discovered that he was probably a genius. Of course after getting that terrible news, I couldn’t help wonder if he was armed that night. I assume that he wasn’t because of the deadly results of his encounter with two heartless thugs. Both criminals were captured the next day. A television interview showed that one of them was almost proud of what they had done. Apparently, he is feeling good about being a “gangsta” now.”

I attended Steve’s funeral wishing that I could ask if Steve had been armed that awful night, but knew it would be totally inappropriate to ask such an insensitive question. After the funeral service was over, I watched as the ushers allowed the family members to leave the sanctuary first. I couldn’t help notice that Steve’s mother and sister were carrying handbags made of nylon that were an odd shape. Of course, it was obvious to me why they were carrying those bags and what was in them.

I waited my turn to give condolences to Steve’s mother. Then as I approached her, she said in a voice that was a mixture of crying and disbelief, “Don, Steve didn’t have his gun! He always carries his gun! When he comes to my house, he has his gun on him under his shirt. He doesn’t go anywhere without his gun! Don, he didn’t have his gun! In fact, when the police were telling me about the shooting, I asked them where Steve’s gun was. They said that they had not found his gun so I told them that the criminals have it. Later, we found it at his home.”

I was sick. The tragedy was bad enough, but for him to be killed on one of the few nights where he had forgotten to take his gun seemed to rub salt into the wounds of those of us who cared for him. I am always amazed at how many people who have taken my CHL class do not carry all the time. Some almost never carry a pistol. And yet, here was a case where someone who practically always heeded my advice to be armed at all times was killed while the others who continue to walk around in an un-armed condition, in a mental state of white, don’t pay the price that Steve did. No, I don’t want those others to pay that price. It’s just that they are more likely to be hurt or killed than those who do carry where it is legal. The irony cannot be ignored.

One of the reasons that I became a CHL instructor was because of a conversation I heard during my first renewal class. An elderly gentleman asked the instructor, “I live in a nice neighborhood. My wife and I go walking nearly every evening. Do you think I should take my gun with me?”

Incredibly, the instructor replied, “Well, that’s a personal decision that you will have to make for yourself.”

I wanted to scream, “Of course, you should! There are no safe places!” In fact, I was so stunned at the stupid answer that I didn’t say what I was thinking. I still feel guilty about not speaking up. However, I do speak up now. Throughout the classes that I teach I use examples, many of actual shootings, to show the need to carry all the time. One such example is an appeal to logic. I ask the students if you could turn off and on your fire insurance at will, would you ever turn it off because there was little chance of a fire on a particular day? Of course, you wouldn’t! But, that’s exactly what you do if you decide to leave your home un-armed. You have chosen to let yourself be vulnerable to a mean world that can take you or your loved ones from this world for two dollars or for your tennis shoes.

There are no safe places! One woman who took my class has for many years worked as a contractor in federal housing, i.e. high crime areas. Unfortunately, her employer will not let her carry her gun in her car (she can’t go in the federal buildings armed), but she has never needed a gun in those high crime areas. On the other hand, she has needed a gun for protection three times in “safe areas.”

She started carrying a gun at seventeen because the police would not believe that she and her boyfriend had been robbed and that she had nearly raped (she said that she was in her menstrual period or she would have been raped). The police did not believe her because at that time there had never been any crime in the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens (this occurred in the 1960’s). This “safe place” soon became a hot spot of rape and murder during the following year causing it to be fenced and closed at night. Fortunately, the gang of youths were caught and convicted of multiple rapes and murders.

Those of you who are instructors have probably had many stories of similar need for a gun for protection told by your clients. I use real life stories as much as I can, but I am still frustrated at how many people have the “it won’t happen to me attitude” and don’t carry all the time. I have finally decided that few people really take to heart my cajoling and warnings. Fortunately, many have, but I want to be even more effective in getting that point across since not only are they safer being armed, but we are too.

Since many of you who are reading this newsletter are instructors, I invite you to e-mail me if you have found effective methods to get the point across that it is important to be armed. Hopefully, there will be enough information that I can pass it on to others via this newsletter. If you have something that will help, please e-mail me at [email protected]. If I do write another article on that subject I will give you credit for your ideas.

I truly believe it is important for us to teach our clients and friends that CHL holders should be armed whenever possible and this safety advice is just as important to teach as it is for us to teach conflict resolution and the use of deadly force required by the state. I hope you agree. Be armed; be safe.

Don Myers
Texas Concealed Handgun License Instructor
Thanks for posting this. I have in fact seen it before. This happened in Dallas not more that perhaps 35-45 miles from where I am. Very tragic that two lives were snuffed out by these thugs. Like I have said before unless you are clairvoyant you need to have your gun with you at all times. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
Thanks for posting! I actually think I remember hearing about these two some place but can not put my finger on were. But at the time I heard it they said nothing of the fact he was licenses to carry but was unarmed. It's a shame to hear he didn't have his pistol with him that day but hopefully this tragedy will help others to remember they can not predict when they'll need it so always have it. I sit at work right now with my Kimber on one hip and an extra mag on the other.

When I'm asked "Do you always carry?" I reply "Nope only on the days I know I'm going to need it" It usually takes them a few seconds but they almost always follow up with "How do you know that?" To which I reply "Exactly!"

Thanks again for posting and everyone be safe out there.
Thanks for posting! I actually think I remember hearing about these two some place but can not put my finger on were. But at the time I heard it they said nothing of the fact he was licenses to carry but was unarmed. It's a shame to hear he didn't have his pistol with him that day but hopefully this tragedy will help others to remember they can not predict when they'll need it so always have it. I sit at work right now with my Kimber on one hip and an extra mag on the other.

When I'm asked "Do you always carry?" I reply "Nope only on the days I know I'm going to need it" It usually takes them a few seconds but they almost always follow up with "How do you know that?" To which I reply "Exactly!"

Thanks again for posting and everyone be safe out there.

I only carry on the days that end in y.
I only carry on the days that end in y.

HA! +10 there HK!!! I either have my Galco stealth ankle holster filled with my G27 or a "belly band" holster with same weapon and an extra mag. Just depends on how I'm dressed.

:stop: WOW AND OMG!!! If this web site and the video confession, and then the instructor's linked article and the comments below that, don't drive home the thinking that our CCWs should be put to use everywhere we go and everyday we go there, well, then I don't know what would. I'm convinced!:agree::agree::agree::agree::agree::agree:!!!
One thing I'd like to note is that EVERYONE should carry ON THEIR PERSON. This would include the ladies. If the gun is in one of those "odd looking handbags", it could be easily stolen.

Didn't see the redundancy in my posting. It is good the word is spreading and being kept alive through other pro-CCW forums. I am taking Mr. Myers original statement to heart in my classes.
Thanks for a great post. It really is surprising that most people, including many who are gun owners, don't see the world for what it really is.
The way I look at it is if you don't carry everyday and everywhere you can you may as well not have a permit. You never know!
I am always armed "ALWAYS" there is no place I go without my gun. If the place doesn't allow guns, I simply don't go. When I am in my home I either have a gun on my hip, or I have several guns within an arms reach. This is and has always been my policy.
Why get a permit if you're not going to carry as often as the law allows?
Ninety-nine percent of the time I'm armed. I will not carry onto the school grounds. I thought long and hard on that one and still think on it, but I don't carry there.

I carry into the grocery store. There is no sign not to, even though there is a bank inside. Their metal detector doesn't detect my pistol. I carry into Wal*Mart. There is no bank but it's not posted not to. The metal detector in the entrance doesn't pick up my pistol. There is no metal detector in Wal*Mart's back entrance by the automobile section. There is no posting there, either.

Casinos, banks, schools, the courthouse, and a few other places in town it's posted and restricted. There is no metal detector at the entrance to the courthouse, only into one of the courtrooms. I wonder, why is that? Too, there is a restriction sign on the front outside wall of the Sheriff's building.

The church I attend will never know. My CPA, the restaurants, the auto shop, the auto dealer... and anywhere else I go they will never know. They have no need to know. I hope they never have a need to know!
Sure I carry, I never leave home without being armed, the further out the more I add. Out side to everywhere legal I carry a 3.25" folding knife + a cell-phone, then if I am going out to check my mail in a pocket is a mini-MACE sprayer, going for a short walk, I carry a sword stick, a must for a bum knee, add more like a 18" folding steel whip-baton (6" closed), and out and about on the road or away from home an XD-9 w/4 mags (never visible), back-up 800K stun-gun & larger Sabre CS in the car door map compartment, add another larger Buck folder and thumb-cuffs, + on person & in car plenty of 24" black plastic zip-ties, 200lb busting rated, and other legal kit. I layer my defenses and use only what is required to neutralise the threat. A pit-bull rushes me, CS & whip-baton works where a single shot is maybe more than I need & could get a LEO response. A car-jacker @ a stop sign tries to yank me out, oh well he gets to find out what a XD-9 does real fast. "Was I fearing for my life?", "Yes!", "As a resonable man did you act with enough force to stop the whatever?", I can answer yes, and probably go my way. I stay armed but the pistol is a last resort to an uncomfortable situation I could walk away from, (taunts/threats = call it in on a cell) or the 1st option if I figure my life is about to end in 3 seconds if I don't use it 1st. I think that sums up layered, responsible and effective concealed weapons use/carry/thinking in my life of very few confrontations since I left CA in 2001, a lot of good folks I meet but enough out of sight kit to turn it around if some BG rushes me with a weapon or shoots and misses. To attempt unlawful entry into me casa is a fast way to find out how many more items I keep out of sight but always within a 3-5 second grasp/use radius.

I am always armed "ALWAYS" there is no place I go without my gun. If the place doesn't allow guns, I simply don't go. When I am in my home I either have a gun on my hip, or I have several guns within an arms reach. This is and has always been my policy.

Hope you never get called for jury duty or summoned to court for anything. I'd hate to read about you in the news should you attempt to enter the court house with a concealed firearm or end up on national headlines for not showing up for jury duty because you "simply don't go".

Ninety-nine percent of the time I'm armed. I will not carry onto the school grounds. I thought long and hard on that one and still think on it, but I don't carry there.

I carry into the grocery store. There is no sign not to, even though there is a bank inside. Their metal detector doesn't detect my pistol. I carry into Wal*Mart. There is no bank but it's not posted not to. The metal detector in the entrance doesn't pick up my pistol. There is no metal detector in Wal*Mart's back entrance by the automobile section. There is no posting there, either.

Casinos, banks, schools, the courthouse, and a few other places in town it's posted and restricted. There is no metal detector at the entrance to the courthouse, only into one of the courtrooms. I wonder, why is that? Too, there is a restriction sign on the front outside wall of the Sheriff's building.

The church I attend will never know. My CPA, the restaurants, the auto shop, the auto dealer... and anywhere else I go they will never know. They have no need to know. I hope they never have a need to know!

We discussed this earlier regarding the existence of "metal detectors" at retail stores. The reason why the "metal detector" doesn't detect your pistol is because the ARE NO METAL DETECTORS AT RETAIL STORES. What you're seeing is most likely "inventory control" devices. If you check out the high priced items like electronics or commonly shoplifted items like clothing, you'll find a plastic tag attached to the item. These "inventory control tags" are what the sensors at the entrances/exits detect. As long as you don't have one of these tags on you when you leave the store, the inventory control sensors will not alert. Please get your info straight before posting. This is a public forum, we don't need the wrong people finding out that some lady is walking around with a loaded gun and cannot distinguish between a "metal detector" and an "inventory control sensor". :eek: Imagine the many ways that they can spin this. Not a good thing! :mad:

As for the casinos, as far as I know, casinos aren't off limits for CC (per NRS 202.365). Like any business, they can ask you to leave and you can be cited for trespassing if you don't comply. Don't recall anything from my NV CC class that stated that a casino was off limits. This was back in 2006. If the situation changed, I'd appreciate an update if anyone knows any different.

We discussed this earlier regarding the existence of "metal detectors" at retail stores. The reason why the "metal detector" doesn't detect your pistol is because the ARE NO METAL DETECTORS AT RETAIL STORES. What you're seeing is most likely "inventory control" devices. If you check out the high priced items like electronics or commonly shoplifted items like clothing, you'll find a plastic tag attached to the item. These "inventory control tags" are what the sensors at the entrances/exits detect. As long as you don't have one of these tags on you when you leave the store, the inventory control sensors will not alert. Please get your info straight before posting. This is a public forum, we don't need the wrong people finding out that some lady is walking around with a loaded gun and cannot distinguish between a "metal detector" and an "inventory control sensor". :eek: Imagine the many ways that they can spin this. Not a good thing! :mad:

As for the casinos, as far as I know, casinos aren't off limits for CC (per NRS 202.365). Like any business, they can ask you to leave and you can be cited for trespassing if you don't comply. Don't recall anything from my NV CC class that stated that a casino was off limits. This was back in 2006. If the situation changed, I'd appreciate an update if anyone knows any different.


Ouch! Sheesh! Well, I guess I've been told. Plastic tags attached to the items? Really? Well, I never would thunk. Hmmm, so that's what those little things are for? Again, really?

As for an earlier conversation, well, I guess I'm just too new. So, excusez moi! I "SNAFU"ed. Mea culpa. Are you going to hold that against me, too? But I'm shaking my head and wondering why you feel the need to lecture? Do you lecture often?

As far as casinos...there is not one in my town that does not have posted, "No Firearms Allowed." If it's posted, you can't carry, openly or concealed, period. Is it not posted on the entrances to the casinos in your town? Do you have casinos in your town? I've not read what town you call home. Do all towns in NV have casinos. I'm new to this state too. Is that going to get me another talking to?

Knock off the lecture. Just a simple statement letting me know that I'm incorrect is all that's needed. Yes, this is a public forum. But, I'm not your whipping post.
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