Ruger SR9


New member
Hey guys, what do you all think of the new Ruger SR9. I don't believe it is actually available yet, but I saw a little clip about it in my National Rifleman. I am very pleased with the 2 Ruger pistols I own (P89, P345). I am interested to see how these work out.
There have been a few people on THR who report that they have purchased and fired them... They had nothing terribly bad, nor anything exceptional to say about them.

It is simply another $400-$500 option in the Glock, XD, M&P, 24/7, etc... lineup.
I have an SR9. I have taken it to the range, it shoots nice and it feels nice. I like the fact that it has 17/1 rounds. The bad thing is being a new gun it is hard to find a holster so I can carry it!! I did hear that it is the same as a Glock 17. When I got it at the gun show I stopped at the holster booth and sure enough it fit a Glock 17 holster (IWB). I have been waiting for the holster makers to get up to speed with the new guns but it is not happening....
I'm kind of excited as it has an ambidextrous safety (I shoot lefty) which most other striker-fired pistols don't have. I know, I know...supposedly they aren't necessary, but I'm sort of an old fashioned safety kind of guy. It also sounds like it's pretty thin, too.
The SR9 is a great gun and shoots nice. My buddy has one. It is very comfortable to shoot, and accurate. The only draw back in my opinion for ccw is the grip is a little long. Would be nice to see shorter overall version for CCW...It is a new gun, so maybe we'll see a compact version in the future.:confused:
Rugers SR9

Hello All,

Im a new member here and thought that I might be able to make some what of an inteligent reply on this topic.

I just recently finished the coarse required for my CPL in the Upper Pennisula of Michigan and am waiting on the final approval.

In reguards to the new Ruger SR9 I purchased one about 3 months ago and so far am fairly happy with its performance.
At 7 yards I am able to hold a good tight group and at 15 yards I am able to easily hold a group that can be covered by a closed fist.

I love the fit in my hand and it feels secure even when firing from a single grip.

One of the things I dont care for however is the sights. I feel the sights allow for to much play in your sight picture. I would have liked to see them tighted the back sights up a little and make the front sight a little smaller. Though that is just my opinion .. I feel that there is just a little to much play in them ..

Another concern I had is this is the first pistol I have ever purchased that was not dead straight out of the box. My Rear sight was not centered on the gun I had to right away adjust the sight to make it shoot even half accuratly.. then after closer inspection at the range. I found the front sight was also just a touch of center obviously causing the weapon to fire off a touch ..

That being said I think the pistol is a very good peice and I do plan to replace the sights. Other than that however I have so far put roughly 2000 rounds though it and have yet to have a malfunction of any kind.

Looking forward to being an active member here.

Talk to you soon.
Finally had a chance to see and handle an SR9 at a gun show today. It was pretty nice. Very slim and pointed nicely. The only thing I didn't like was the way the plastic grips felt. They were almost too slim. I'd be afraid if I shot one, it might twist in my hand a little. Other than that, it seemed like a well made gun. It looked pretty good, too. I debated getting it for awhile, but ended up getting an FNP-40 for my "nightstand gun."
I just finished reading a review in the March '08 edition of Shooting Times. They seem to like the gun quite a bit. It's slimmer than the Glock, XD and M&P pistols. It has a reversible rubber backstrap insert so you can tailor it to fit your hand better. It comes with a magazine disconnect safety, which you can easily remove if you prefer. It looks like a good option for lefty's and can be carried cocked and locked. The prototype and the production gun that they tested were accurate, reliable and easy to field strip. It weighs 26.5 ounces empty and the price is reasonable. I think this might be a big hit for Ruger.
Finally had a chance to see and handle an SR9 at a gun show today. It was pretty nice. Very slim and pointed nicely. The only thing I didn't like was the way the plastic grips felt. They were almost too slim. I'd be afraid if I shot one, it might twist in my hand a little. Other than that, it seemed like a well made gun. It looked pretty good, too. I debated getting it for awhile, but ended up getting an FNP-40 for my "nightstand gun."

give us a range report on the FNP-40 if you could. The reviews section is dusty anyway.
I bought a SR9 about three weeks ago. Have put about 500 rounds of Winchester white box thru it without a hitch. I'm a happy camper.:lachen:
I read a blurb in the ruger magizine / catalog I got last week about the SR9 being the first in a line of slim, striker fired hand guns - I'd really like to see a .40 cal in the same fasion of the SR9. I've not shot it, but have got my hands on one, and I like it! Same with the P345 - heck, I'd like to have one of each!
It looks good, feels good, points good.......

But it is hampered by a ridiculously long overtravel that will affect accuracy in most hands.

Perhaps this can be fixed and it sorely needs to be.

Love the Gun & the feel but

Hello All,

I got my SR-9 about a week a go and have put around 350 rounds through it. I love the way it shoots and feels in my hand but I hate the accuracy of the sights. It shoot few inches low and I have raised the rear sight as high as I possibly can. The front sight is sitting a bit on the right and not top center of the barrel.
Is anyone else having the mentioned issues?
Also if I understand correctly the front sight can be adjusted for windage, how can I move it? Just hit it with a hammer?

Any advise is appreciated

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