Ruger New Vaquero...Question?


New member
I am thinking about buying one of these in a 45 LC online and I have never messed with one.
Does the cylinder free spin when the hammer is down?
Are these models easier to have a good action job done on?

Would I be waisting my money on this gun or is there a better mod out there?
Can any SA shooters out there help me?
I know just a tiny bit about a Vaquero. Not sure about the cylinder question, but it is probably the most popular Cowboy-Action pistols available. That says a lot. From what little I know, I'm pretty sure any C.A. shooter takes a new Vaquero to the gunsmith to have some lightening done to the action.

Personally, I think they're a little too expensive, but I think you can find some good used ones out there.
Had very little experience with the NEW Vaquero's, but the original Vaqueros were redesigned to operate more like the Colts and Cowboy designs with a free spin cylinder, and a slimmer frame like the Colt and became the NEW Model Vaquero. Therefore it was my understanding that Ruger does not rate it at Plus P level. You can probably contact Ruger on the website or give'em a buzz on the phone and they will be glad to advise you. Ruger is very customer oriented.

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