Robber Shot By Elderly Would-Be Victim


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DAYTON, Ohio -- A man who tries to rob an elderly man with an AK-47 assault rifle but is shot by his would-be victim.

It happened Saturday at West Third Street and Brooklyn Avenue.

The suspect, 24-year-old Phillip D. Anderson, is in stable condition at Miami Valley Hospital. He is under armed guard.

The suspect tried to block to victim's car with his own and was shot.

He fled the scene and was taken to the hospital by an unknown person.

Cops do not expect charges to be filed against the victim, who is in his seventies and has a concealed carry permit for

his hand gun.

Never under-estimate the ability of us senior citizens.

With the ability to conceal carry it levels the playing field so that us older folks no longer have to fear sitting in our

house or driving to the

drug store to pick up a bottle of Metamucil. :angry:
Many of our senior citizens grew up with guns, participated in a war, and have plenty of spare time for going to the range for practice. I'm glad to see that punk got what he had coming to him.
unfortunatly that guy will be out of jail in a few years (maybe more) and hopfully he learned his lesson or he will be picking his targets a little better. I wonder if this was his first attempt? Doesnt sound like he will be carry a poop bag or anything for the rest of his life maybe it was just an eye opener for him.
unfortunatly that guy will be out of jail in a few years (maybe more) and hopfully he learned his lesson or he will be picking his targets a little better. I wonder if this was his first attempt? Doesnt sound like he will be carry a poop bag or anything for the rest of his life maybe it was just an eye opener for him.

That is wishfull thinking.
a few years?? - more like a few months.

learned his lesson?? is he still kicking? who's paying his hospital bill by the way (hint: you and me)

his first attempt?? I'm taking odds it isn't - nor will it be his last.

Sorry to be so cynical, but punks like this really P--- me off! :angry::angry::angry:
Next day more information:
The 72-year-old man who shot a would-be robber was deliberately sought by his assailant and told police he is a known gambler who was targeted during a recent heist in Springfield. The suspect, Phillip D. Anderson, was under armed guard at Miami Valley Hospital on Monday, Sept. 21, two days after Bert Watts Sr. shot him using a .40 caliber 96 series Beretta :biggrin: . Watts said he was driving home when Anderson, 24, twice cut him off in traffic in the 300 block of Brooklyn Avenue before getting out of a 2002 white Chevy Monte Carlo armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, Dayton police said. Watts sat in his car as Anderson approached —Â his face covered — pointed the rifle at Watts and said, “You know what this is about,” according to a police report. Watts, who is licensed to carry a weapon :biggrin: , told police he pulled out his handgun and from his car fired two times at Anderson, then twice more as Anderson tried to hide behind a car, according to police. Anderson fled, but later was dropped off at Miami Valley Hospital by someone in a silver van, according to police. He is expected to survive two gunshot wounds, police said. Watts told officers Anderson might have tried to rob him because he is known to carry a lot of cash. Watts also told officers he was the target of a recent robbery attempt in Springfield where two gunmen barged in on a “gambling game” and asked “Where was the old man at?” Police have not said whether Anderson is involved in both robbery attempts. Montgomery County prosecutors have approved aggravated robbery charges against him stemming from Saturday’s incident. No charges against Watts are expected, Lt. Brian Johns said.

"Aggravated robbery charges" ?
Come on guys we can do better than that!
A guy comes at you with an AK-47 had attempted murder on his mind If you ask me.

Just wondering, two hits with a .40 caliber 96 series Beretta and he is still walking?
I admit the story doesn't say where he was hit, but how much stopping power does my little ol' Bersa 380 carry? (honestly I hope I don't have to find out) Jim
according to a police report. Watts, who is licensed to carry a weapon, told police he pulled out his handgun and from his car fired two times at Anderson, then twice more as Anderson tried to hide behind a car, according to police.

I'd like to understand this a little more... This could be OK, or NOT OK, depending on whether Anderson still had the AK with him while he was "hiding"..
Did the old man stay in the car and shoot him while he was hiding, or did he get out and pursue Anderson to where he was hiding??

I have other questions too.. What was behind Anderson when he was shot?? Did the bullets go through Anderson and where did they land? How about the two bullets that missed?? With the two bullets that hit Anderson, I'd be less concerned if he was hit with a Bursa 380.. With a 40, and him not being dead, there's a good chance those bullets wound up hitting something else in the background.

I'm not saying the old man was wrong in any way, but I'd like some more details
I'd like to understand this a little more... This could be OK, or NOT OK, depending on whether Anderson still had the AK with him while he was "hiding"..
Did the old man stay in the car and shoot him while he was hiding, or did he get out and pursue Anderson to where he was hiding??

I have other questions too.. What was behind Anderson when he was shot?? Did the bullets go through Anderson and where did they land? How about the two bullets that missed?? With the two bullets that hit Anderson, I'd be less concerned if he was hit with a Bursa 380.. With a 40, and him not being dead, there's a good chance those bullets wound up hitting something else in the background.

I'm not saying the old man was wrong in any way, but I'd like some more details

HootmonSccy...Please don't take this the wrong way, and I DO understand where you are coming from.
Could there have been children in the background, houses hit, bullets through the windows, bystanders wounded?
In a "perfect world" we the "VICTIM" could take a few minutes to analyze the situation and make a informed decision.
BUT, if you had a guy coming at you with an AK-47 does anyone here, honestly, say they would not have reacted in the same way? Hesitation on the part of the 70 year old, could have led to a different headline to this story.

And while I'm on my soapbox, ...(stepping back up) ...following this on the local TV station here, there isn't one mention of the elderly gentleman having a CCL!
They make it sound like another incidence of gun violence instead of self-protection.
And unless your from this area, darn near an every night occurrence.
That's why I have my CCL. (stepping down now)...

I will update as soon as I find more info.......Jim
I have other questions too.. What was behind Anderson when he was shot?? Did the bullets go through Anderson and where did they land?

My question, while just a little off subject from the OP has to do with this, When you start thinking of penetration and if your bullet will go through the bad guy and keep going I have found my self carring Hornady 40 S&W 155 gr XTP. Not just hollow point but the tip is also pre cut to spread more. I decided for one the chance of "stopping" the threat for good and less likely to go out and injure some one else (after going through the bad guy) is this resonable thinking or not? As for this old man having an attempted robbery on him before I have to wonder who he hangs out with and where he gambles at. Just a thought.

I also have to agree the bg should be charge with more as in somthing like attempted premeditated murder seeing as how he cut him off a couple times before being able to block him and saying "you know what this is about" to bad he didnt get stopped for good.
My question, while just a little off subject from the OP has to do with this, When you start thinking of penetration and if your bullet will go through the bad guy and keep going I have found my self carring Hornady 40 S&W 155 gr XTP. Not just hollow point but the tip is also pre cut to spread more. I decided for one the chance of "stopping" the threat for good and less likely to go out and injure some one else (after going through the bad guy) is this resonable thinking or not?
I like your way of thinking, and I like your choice of ammo.

As for this old man having an attempted robbery on him before I have to wonder who he hangs out with and where he gambles at. Just a thought.
Once again, one has to wonder if you are gambling (some places could be illegal) are you allowd to carry?
And FYI, where this happened.... is a very bad part of town.

I also have to agree the bg should be charge with more as in somthing like attempted premeditated murder seeing as how he cut him off a couple times before being able to block him and saying "you know what this is about" to bad he didnt get stopped for good.
Yep,too bad, I agree
It’s bad everywhere, they just found a census worker hung in Daniel Boone National Forest and stopped the door-to-door census in KY Link Removed ... gD9AT8QC80 .

One can only imagine, what might the outcome would have been, had the poor guy had his CCL? :mad:

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