Robber Locks Keys In Getaway Car, Robs Store Using Caulking Gun


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Police: Robber Locks Keys In Getaway Car, Robs Store Using Caulking Gun
Man Used Caulking Gun Wrapped In Dark Cloth To Rob Store, Police Say

POSTED: 10:30 am CDT August 15, 2008
UPDATED: 11:00 am CDT August 15, 2008

STANTON, Texas -- Memo to anyone planning a drug store robbery: don't lock your keys in the getaway vehicle.

The Midland Reporter-Telegram reports police said 24-year-old John Wilkinson, from Big Spring, did just that after he allegedly robbed the Stanton Drug Store of Xanax and hydrocodine with what was later found to be a caulking gun.

Police said Wilkinson used the caulking gun, wrapped in a dark cloth, to get the drugs Thursday afternoon.

Afterward, he allegedly headed back to his vehicle, which was parked and running in front of the drug store, and discovered he was locked out.

Stanton Police Chief Mike Adams said Wilkinson then tried to get away on foot. Police, who thought he had a gun, shot him in the top of his shoulder during the short chase.

Wilkinson was treated at the Midland Memorial Hospital and taken to the Martin County Jail on an armed robbery charge.

A jail official said late tonight he didn't know whether Wilkinson had an attorney.

No bond had been set.
I love it when criminals give me something to laugh about! Unfortunately, he can come back another day...
Those caulking guns are dangerous.And they look scary.Only cops and plumbers should be allowed to have those.

Why stop there? Idiots who lock their keys in their car while in the commission of a crime should not be allowed to drive. And while we're at it, they should not be allowed to rob stores either. :)

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