Road rage involving moron with firearm


Titles are un-American.
Link Removed to handgun owners. The other driver would have been well within their rights by shooting him for assault with a firearm.

Link Removed

I think Link Removed pretty much tells the whole story.

What an embarrassment.
He was charged with aggravated assault and that is no laughing matter in Florida. Mandatory 3 year sentence in convicted. Judges hands are tied, so he better hope that he gets a sympathetic prosecutor and a good gun attorney.

At the least this guy will probably plead down to a lesser charge, but be assured he will never ever again posess a hand gun legally in Florida. For that I am grateful. as one less jerk with a hand gun.

He reminds me of some of the DLR's (Don't Look Right's} that I see at the range all the time. I am sure glad that I carry when I see some of the idiots that possess firearms.
I wonder if he was in legal posession of the firearm.


It is legal to have a firearm in Florida in the car as long as it is encased. Thus, if he had it in the glove compartment, even if it was loaded, he would be legal.

I would venture to guess that he does not possess a carry permit in Florida, as he had the gun unloaded in the glove compartment. Pulled out the gun and magazine separately according to the story.
It is legal to have a firearm in Florida in the car as long as it is encased. Thus, if he had it in the glove compartment, even if it was loaded, he would be legal.

I would venture to guess that he does not possess a carry permit in Florida, as he had the gun unloaded in the glove compartment. Pulled out the gun and magazine separately according to the story.

I'm thinking that the guy may not be "legal" in that he's got prior convictions, possible court orders against him, etc.

I feel for the people he scared

Brandishing a weapon is no laughing matter.
1. Don't pull it unless you intend to use it.
2. Don't be a moron in traffic
3. Don't take a gun to school.

I don't agree with gun free zones but if those are the rules we have to abide by them.
Scenarios like this are what antis like to use to justify not allowing people to carry concealed weapons. They are gonna have a field day with this one.
I'm thinking that the guy may not be "legal" in that he's got prior convictions, possible court orders against him, etc.


You could be right, but he just seems to be the typical idiot that has no clue. All about the flash. It is evident when you look at his website that was posted earlier. He also has a pretty high profile job to have been a felon.
From the look of it this guy shouldn't even be driving a car, with all the tickets he's had, let alone carrying a gun. He definitely gives us law-abiding gun owners a bad name. I found this pictureLink Removed but the web site has been deleted. Who knows how long this picture will last on the web before the link is no longer any good. But this guy has no respect for guns.
From the look of it this guy shouldn't even be driving a car, with all the tickets he's had, let alone carrying a gun. He definitely gives us law-abiding gun owners a bad name. I found this pictureLink Removed but the web site has been deleted. Who knows how long this picture will last on the web before the link is no longer any good. But this guy has no respect for guns.
That's him.

He took the main site down, for obvious reasons. Link Removed. Based on that one and the one above, he seems like someone who is in need of a good dose of humility.

He probably lost his job at that stupid car won't likely last much longer either.
Well this begins the beginning of the end for his life as he knew it. No more paycheck to pay for his precious new Mercedes. Incident occurred on Tuesday, and UNF sent the letter of termination on Wednesday.

No job, two possible felony convictions. One carries a mandatory 3 year sentence if convicted.

All because he wanted to be a big shot and could not control his temper.

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