None of the urls would come up for me.
I wonder if he was in legal posession of the firearm.
It is legal to have a firearm in Florida in the car as long as it is encased. Thus, if he had it in the glove compartment, even if it was loaded, he would be legal.
I would venture to guess that he does not possess a carry permit in Florida, as he had the gun unloaded in the glove compartment. Pulled out the gun and magazine separately according to the story.
I'm thinking that the guy may not be "legal" in that he's got prior convictions, possible court orders against him, etc.
Got a link to the website?
That's him.From the look of it this guy shouldn't even be driving a car, with all the tickets he's had, let alone carrying a gun. He definitely gives us law-abiding gun owners a bad name. I found this pictureLink Removed but the web site has been deleted. Who knows how long this picture will last on the web before the link is no longer any good. But this guy has no respect for guns.