Risks of Concealed Carry

T. Hayes

New member
I have some reservations about obtaining my concealed license and would like some advice. A recent conversation with my attorney/hunting buddy brought up these reservations.

1. In Oklahoma (my state of residence) it is legal to have a gun in my car, unloaded, and out of the front seat area, basically out of immediate reach. This means I could have a gun and a full magazine under my back seat so long as they are seperate.

2. If Im am in a situation that requires deadly force, the issue at hand will not be wether or not I have a license. The issue will be WHY I used deadly force on an perp.

3. Wouldnt getting a license be another avenue for the Government to know who has guns. The idea here is that if there is legislation passed that required gun registration/fees the Gov would know who to come to first.

Im for concealed carry. I just want to protect myself from criminals and protect my gun collection from the government! Sorry for the length, cant wait for your responses.
Biggest threat

Which is your biggest threat? The .gov coming after your guns or the thug that is going to shoot you at the convenience store?

I figure they are coming after me anyway... so get the permit.
I'd rather have a firearm that's ready to go on me just in case...whether it be a criminal or the Gov! Today there is not much difference between the two...
I agree with Red Hat and Jes. I know it has been said before but I will say it again anyway. "better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6".
Obtaining a permit does not tell the government how many guns you possess. Worse case it will let them know you are a gun owner (which may be only one gun). Some states make you list the guns you wish to carry on the license, most do not. As others have said, I would rather have mine ready at a moments notice should the need arise. My vote, get the permit.
3. Wouldnt getting a license be another avenue for the Government to know who has guns. The idea here is that if there is legislation passed that required gun registration/fees the Gov would know who to come to first.

I know that in SC you don't even need to bring a gun you can use someone in the class with you.:biggrin:
If the gov wants to know who owns guns their gonna know. I would not worry about that, and like in SC & GA you dont have to be a gun owner to obtain a permit so it does not mean you DO own a gun it means you want to legally carry a loaded gun to defend against BGs. My wife and I both have our permits for this reason. I always carry my firearm if I legally can but when we travel to TN in order to have it in the car loaded (sounds alot like OK) you have to have a permit (why the wife got hers) now I will just get her to be comfortable to carry it in the store and I'll be good as she was rasied guns are bad and they kill people (i was not raised that way) my vote get the permit even if its just for your car. If, and I hope it never does, the situation a rises where you need your gun while in your car your not gonna have time to climb in the back seat, get the gun, slap in the clip, chamber a round, aim and shoot expecially if the guy is at your window or worst stealling your car while your in the store. Car thiefs would love to steal your car for that reason. again I would hope your never in that situation. (just my 2 cents)
Just because I have a drivers license, doesn't mean I own a car!

The same is true of the CHL or gun ownership. Having the CHL doesn't mean you actually posses a gun!

Although, if the Government did pass some sort of tax on firearms, you’d have to lie to avoid paying! Whether you have a CHL or not… if the Government passed a tax, you’d have to lie about your firearms to avoid paying it.

Let’s just insist our Government respect the second amendment and be vigil to STOP any attempts at revoking our rights!
I agree 100% with marionandjohn. Having an unloaded firearm under your backseat is a long way from being ready to defend yourself and/or your loved ones.
As far as the government knowing if you have any firearms, unless you buy private treaty from an individual the government knows. Thats why you fill out paperwork for background checks. Get the permit
With a permit you have your ready weapon at hand. A threat exposes itself and you make the immediate determination if that threat is imminent and act accordingly.

With an unloaded gun in the backseat a threat exposes itself and if it is immenent by the time you reach for the gun to load it you are dead. If the threat is not immenent (no one is pointing a gun at your head) what will be you justification in getting and loading the gun?

You pull up outside you house and it looks like it is being burglarized? ... can you get and load you gun and go check? ... you should just call the police and let them investigate. If you family is inside, you may be justified but be CERTAIN you are right if you shoot because you are now the "gentlemen who got an unloaded gun from his car, loaded it and went looking for the perpitrators".

Me... I say either get the permit or leave the gun at home.
Here in GA you don't have to own a gun to have a firearms license and having a license doesn't indicate whether your a gun owner but when you purchase a gun you have to pass through the FBI , so at that point is when you will classified as a gun owner.
I would say that getting the license is the way to go, also. I've had one for a year and a half and enjoy the security that I'm able to defend myself and my family in the house or out.
You would have a difficult time claiming self defense if you had to get out of the car to get the pistol from under the back seat and load it before shooting the bad guy - if you were given time that is. The Prosecutor would argue that it was premeditated murder because in less time than it took to get the gun ready, you could have driven quickly away to safety. A gun not on your person ready at hand, is called a paperwieght.
With a permit you have your ready weapon at hand. A threat exposes itself and you make the immediate determination if that threat is imminent and act accordingly.

With an unloaded gun in the backseat a threat exposes itself and if it is immenent by the time you reach for the gun to load it you are dead. If the threat is not immenent (no one is pointing a gun at your head) what will be you justification in getting and loading the gun?

You pull up outside you house and it looks like it is being burglarized? ... can you get and load you gun and go check? ... you should just call the police and let them investigate. If you family is inside, you may be justified but be CERTAIN you are right if you shoot because you are now the "gentlemen who got an unloaded gun from his car, loaded it and went looking for the perpitrators".

Me... I say either get the permit or leave the gun at home.

If you have the time to reach for your gun, load it, cycle it, point and shoot, your life was most likely not in imminent danger.

The only good having it with you unloaded would be to transport it from legal point "A" to legal point "B" (home to work, etc).
Hey THays and y'all: Everyone made valid points. I took the CWWP class and passed with a 100 on the shooting and a 96 on the written so I just have to wait for the CWWP. I do not intend to CC since the scenarios that I can foresee for such a need are not allowed in SC, although someone can always argue "what if". ie: 1)Evening out with wife at nice restaurant and need to walk to car at night (in SC you cannot carry into restaurant that serves alcohol 2) Evening meeting at church and need to walk to car in a block away parking lot (in SC you cannot carry into a church w/o pastor approval, which is highly unlikely for a casual meeting of friends). I might consider carrying in and around the house but I mainly took the course just because I could and I learned a lot about gun handling, gun concealment, the CC laws in SC etc. Course was taught by a very experience deputy sheriff and was worth every penny. Bottom line--the more you know, the better off you will be--if it is not a terrible expense for you take the course--you will be that much more prepared as an owner of a gun.
As far as the government knowing if you have any firearms, unless you buy private treaty from an individual the government knows. Thats why you fill out paperwork for background checks. Get the permit

Not necesssarily, unless you live in Maryland, where the Highway Patrol was keeping files illegally (and probably still is). In Florida, when you fill out a form to buy a gun, it goes to the state, not the feds, and is destroyed after a short time period. It is meant more to protect the seller than the buyer. It is NOT kept on file. If you apply for a concealed permit, that goes into the records more or less permanently (as long as you keep renewing it). but there is no reference to guns in that record...you can have a permit and never own a gun.
Having an unloaded gun under the back seat is kind of like having a car in the garage with no gas in it. Nether one is of much use when you need it.

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