I just want to have the land to practice shooting 1/2 a mile away.
Article sounds like a put down, "The three Navy SEAL snipers who killed the pirates off the coast of Somalia last weekend were lucky the buccaneers were gullible enough to allow their lifeboat to be towed farther out to sea by the U.S.S. Bainbridge. The shortened towline turned what could have been a trio of difficult shots across hundreds of yards of ocean into relatively easy 30-yd. pops. It's a safe bet future pirates won't be so naive. "
Don't know who would call moving targets and shooters on the open seas as "relatively easy 30-yd pops." with one shot one kill. Maybe the author thinks we are all Navy Seals?:no:
"The three Navy SEAL snipers who killed the pirates off the coast of Somalia last weekend were lucky the buccaneers were gullible enough to allow their lifeboat to be towed farther out to sea by the U.S.S. Bainbridge. The shortened towline turned what could have been a trio of difficult shots across hundreds of yards of ocean into relatively easy 30-yd. pops. It's a safe bet future pirates won't be so naive. "
hate to break it to you but the seals are not really known for long shot capabilities. i think their sniper school probably rates last in the military sniper schools as far as difficulty.
Regardless of the marksman's skill, I thought rifles only killed from within a few feet? BULLETS kill from longer distances if the shooter has the needed skill. Rifle and Optic technologies reduce the amount of skill needed, or increase the distance possible for a given skill set.
Gunther's right, SEAL training is geared for activities within 150 yards or so of their objective. As far as I know, Seals don't use guns.
Hmm, thought we already had this sniper capability:
No kidding. I guess they are letting the world know. even though we now have the capability to shoot up to a mile and a half. I guess they will let us know about that later.
If any of you armchair commandos / morons think that the shooting skills of the Teams is deficient or limited by range, you had better pick someone else to have a gunfight with.
Like the majority of the citizens they protect, you have no clue what hard, hairy work these men, and their equivalents in the other branches of the service, do on your behalf on a daily basis.
Go read your Soldier of Fortune magazine and let the professionals do their jobs, but keep your ignorant comments to yourselves.
The Only Easy Day was Yesterday.
Gentlemen, my apologies for the tone of my previous comment and specifically to those of you that have served our great country.
That was posted after a day of mulching all of the beds on the property and the subsequent rehydrating with a substantial quantity of dark porter. I logged in late last night and took great exception to the comments in this thread.
But, apologies aside, if you do not recoginze the skill required to take a tactical interdiction shot in the dark, at sea, from a moving platform, at a moving target, you need to re-check your range cards. Additionaly, if you believe the comments made herein about range limitations and limited long gun capability within Special Warfare, think again.
In my youth I had the privelege to serve in units and capacities that fully qualify me to speak to these capabilities. I served in the Teams and specifically to this point, attended and graduated from the USMC Scout / Sniper program. The kids that serve today make all of us look like cavemen. They are better trained and more qualified than we ever were or hoped to be.
I am long retired now but occassionally comments like this will bring parts of my personality into play that are not suitable for mixed company but served me well in more primitive places and times. Such was the case with my original response.
So, my apologies again to my brothers-in-arms. I'll be glad to buy you all a beer and argue this and many other topics in the enlisted club, as we did those many years ago.