Ridiculous Gun Show Infringement


New member
I am a frequent visitor to the monthly gun shows here in Las Vegas, Nevada of which I am also a resident.
I was appalled to find out Saturday December 15th, 2008 that yet another ridiculous, unconstitutional 2nd Amendment infringement has been placed on law-abiding gun buyers, owners, dealers and the like. Whereas, you can no longer take a handgun purchased at a Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada Gun show with you, regardless of being a law-abiding citizen whom has paid for and passed the equally superfluous, unconstitutional 2nd Amendment infringement NICS check at the show. You are now required to pick the item up from the business of the dealer whom you bought it from. Further, this imposes obvious additional undue costs, expenses and such even if both the dealer and the purchaser were residents of Las Vegas, Nevada. Moreover, if purchaser was a law-abiding visitor from another state, said purchaser would incur additional, shipping, FFL to FFL transfer & other fees not previously required.

Being a law-abiding & voting resident of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada I did not vote for this nor was this publicly announced in a way that the voting public could provide feedback or concern for it. Further, it was very recently imposed on us without our knowledge.

Clark County, Nevada remains the ONLY county in the State of Nevada to have a mandatory handgun registration scheme; and now Las Vegas is further infringing upon the rights of Nevadans by imposing an additional infringement that does not exist anywhere else in the state.

Please support, encourage the repeal of these and other such blatant 2nd amendment infringements of the law-abiding citizens of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada USA, before this comes to another State, City or other municipality in the U.S.; by writing the media, representatives in Washington and the NRA: http://nraila.org/
GOA: http://gunowners.org/
SAF: http://saf.org/

if you are a Nevada resident, register to vote if not already before this Wednesday, December 19th, 2008 so you can participate in the caucus.


Vote gun grabbing Senator Harry Reid and Mayor Oscar Goodman OUT when they come up for re-election again.

Write the media:

Write representatives in Washington:

Write Mayor of Las Vegas Oscar Goodman:
Link Removed

Write Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons:

Write Nevada state legislators, local officials, and more:

It should be noted that buyers and sellers from all over the country come to these renowned monthly gun shows in Las Vegas, Nevada.

FYI: Cross Posting in Second Amendment Issues Forum.

Mike Huckabee on the issues and policies:

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I agree with your sentiments and anger but would like some clarification.

Clark County 72 hour wait applies to handgun purchases at gun shows and has for some time and guns must be picked up at a local dealer. If your dealer is out of town you pick it up at a local dealer after your seller does a dealer transfer to them. If, however, you have an execreble blue card or a CHL, you may take it with you after the paperwork is complete and your blue card given to you.

I did not attend this weekend's show so I'm wondering: Has this situation changed? Must all purchasers now wait for the next business day to pick up from the dealer's store?

Please clarify--and do be sure to vote. I'd love to see the 'honorable' harry reid replaced.:mad:
local ordinances in Clark County

I cannot help but wonder why citizens in Clark County are not more outspoken on these "local ordinance" issues. The offices of the county commissioners and local city councils should be overflowing with mail, email, fax, and telephone messages. Voters should be campaigning and lined up from Hoover Dam to the northern county line - and back again - a few times - to elect officials that will do the right thing and repeal the unconstitutional handgun registration scheme. And if that doesn't work, we'll raise the issue again in the 75th (2009) legislative session.

In the 74th legislative session (2007), we tried to get rid of Clark County's (unconstitutional) handgun registration scheme. Unfortunately, that was again "grandfathered."

HOWEVER (and this is a BIG however), NO OTHER LOCAL ordinances were grandfathered. Read the NRS!

Please see my letter quoted below. I have not yet received any replies; it remains to be seen what will become of it. However, I'm told the NRA General Counsel agrees and hopefully will become involved if necessary.

In other words, no one has been able to disagree nor tell me why this interpretation of the law is incorrect.
December 12, 2007

District Attorney David Roger
200 S 3rd
Las Vegas NV 89155-9900

City Attorney Bradford Jerbic
400 Stewart Ave
Las Vegas NV 89101

City Attorney Carrie Torrence
2200 Civic Center Dr
North Las Vegas NV 89030

Sheriff Douglas Gillespie
3141 E Sunrise Ave
Las Vegas NV 89101

Chief Mark Paresi
1301 E Lake Mead Blvd
North Las Vegas NV 89030

Lady and Gentlemen,

As you know, the Nevada Revised Statutes concerning firearms law were recently amended in the 74th Legislative Session, effective October 1, 2007.

Among the changes were NRS 244.364, 268.418, and 269.222, which were amended to state:

Except as otherwise provided by specific statute, the Legislature reserves for itself such rights and powers as are necessary to regulate the transfer, sale, purchase, possession, ownership, transportation, registration and licensing of firearms and ammunition in Nevada, and no county, city nor town may infringe upon those rights and powers.

Further, NRS 244.364, 268.418, and 269.222 state:

The governing body of a county/city/town may proscribe by ordinance or regulation the unsafe discharge of firearms. If the governing body of a city in a county whose population is 400,000 or more has required by ordinance or regulation adopted before June 13, 1989, the registration of a firearm capable of being concealed, the governing body shall amend such an ordinance or regulation to require: (a) A period of at least 60 days of residency in the city before registration of such a firearm is required. (b) A period of at least 72 hours for the registration of a pistol by a resident of the city upon transfer of title to the pistol to the resident by purchase, gift or any other transfer.

Lastly, Section 5 of Chapter 308, Statutes of Nevada 1989, at page 653, was amended to read as follows:

The provisions of this act, as amended on October 1, 2007, apply to ordinances or regulations adopted before, on or after June 13, 1989.

A board of county commissioners, governing body of a city and town board in a county whose population is 400,000 or more shall amend any ordinance or regulation adopted by that body before June 13, 1989, that does not conform with the provisions of NRS 244.364, as amended by section 1 of this act, NRS 268.418, as amended by section 2 of this act or NRS 269.222, as amended by section 3 of this act, as applicable, by January 1, 2008. Any ordinance or regulation that does not comply with the applicable provision by January 1, 2008, shall be deemed to conform with that provision by operation of law.

Clearly, handgun registration in Clark County was grandfathered, if amended to allow residents 72 hours and non residents 60 days in which to register.

In view of the phrase “… apply to ordinances or regulations adopted before, on or after June 13, 1989,” it is equally clear the law does not grandfather any other county/city ordinances; indeed, the Legislature reserves for itself such rights and powers as are necessary to regulate the transfer, sale, purchase, possession, ownership, transportation, registration and licensing of firearms and ammunition in Nevada.

We have completed a review of Las Vegas and North Las Vegas municipal codes and Clark County code (at www.ordlink.com/codes/lasvegas/index.htm, Link Removed and www.ordlink.com/codes/clarknv/index.htm) and note the required changes are not reflected therein. Clearly, virtually all of the city/county firearms related ordinances (as posted at the above noted links) are now null, void and unenforceable.

Have the city/county ordinances been repealed/amended? Or is there a move afoot to do so as required by Nevada law? Have the sheriff and city police departments been informed that most of the ordinances are now, or on January 1, 2008 will be, null, void and unenforceable?

As we enjoy visiting your fine cities, the 424-member Stillwater Firearms Association and untold numbers of Clark County and Nevada law abiding citizens anxiously await your response.

I can be reached via email at [email protected]


Copies to:

Governor Jim Gibbons
State Capitol
101 N Carson St
Carson City NV 89701

Attorney General Catherine Masto
100 N Carson St
Carson City Nevada 89701-4717

Senator Mike McGinness
770 Wildes Rd
Fallon NV 89406-7843

Senator John Lee
3216 Villa Pisani Ct
North Las Vegas NV 89031-7267

Senator Bob Beers
9428 Grenville Ave
Las Vegas NV 89134-6206

Senator Warren Hardy
5070 Arville St #4
Las Vegas NV 89118-4904

Assemblyman Pete Goicoechea
P O Box 97
Eureka NV 89316-0097

Assemblywoman Francis Allen
P O Box 34718
Las Vegas NV 89133-4718

Assemblywoman Valerie Weber
10001 Harpoon Cl
Las Vegas NV 89117-0931

Churchill County District Attorney Art Mallory
365 S Maine St
Fallon NV 89406

Mr Frank Adams
Executive Director, Nevada Sheriffs and
Chiefs Association
P O Box 3247
Mesquite NV 89024

Ms Carrie Herbertson
NRA ILA State & Local Affairs Division
555 Capitol Mall, Suite 625
Sacramento CA 95814

Mr Glen Caroline
NRA ILA Director, Grass Roots Division
11250 Waples Mill Rd
Fairfax VA 22030
I agree with your sentiments and anger but would like some clarification.

Clark County 72 hour wait applies to handgun purchases at gun shows and has for some time and guns must be picked up at a local dealer. If your dealer is out of town you pick it up at a local dealer after your seller does a dealer transfer to them. If, however, you have an execreble blue card or a CHL, you may take it with you after the paperwork is complete and your blue card given to you.

I did not attend this weekend's show so I'm wondering: Has this situation changed? Must all purchasers now wait for the next business day to pick up from the dealer's store?

Please clarify--and do be sure to vote. I'd love to see the 'honorable' harry reid replaced.:mad:

YES it has changed, please read my previous post carefully.

In a nutshell regardless of whether or not you have a blue card and or CCW you can no longer take a handgun with you purchased from ANY GUN SHOW AT CASHMAN field or within the Las Vegas city limits.

You must bend over and either go to the dealers place of business if local or pay an additional shipping & transfer fee if dealer and or yourself is not a local resident.

If your dealer you purchased your handgun from is local you can pick it up from said dealer the same day if he transports it to his local place of business the same day.

Visit Mike Huckabee on the issues and policies; the only presidential canidate in any party with a CCW and the first Governor in the U.S. to have a CCW:

In reference to:

YES it has changed, please read my previous post carefully.


... yet another ridiculous, unconstitutional 2nd Amendment infringement has been placed on law-abiding gun buyers, owners, dealers and the like.

You do not mention WHO 'placed this requirement' upon the Clark County citizenry.

Who implemented this 'requirement'? Is it a LAW/ORDINANCE? Or is it merely a policy implemented by the gun show promoter? If it is a policy implemented by the gun show promoter, I suspect there is little you can do - besides boycott the show.

It obviously is NOT a state nor federal law.

If it is a county or city ordinance, by what authority was it enacted and HOW could it be harmonious with Nevada law? See my post above, including our club letter to several Clark County officials.

You have REALLY aroused my curiosity. Perhaps we need some facts.
The show promoters had nothing to do with this piece of b.s.

City of Las Vegas/Las Vegas City Council/Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Gun Grabbing Goodman all had a hand in it; it became official in the last few weeks.

Finding more specific details on it is going to require a visit to city hall and a F.O.I.A. or equivalent request.

This has to be one of the most underhanded pieces of local legislation in recent history.

It was very sneakily put in under the radar and most dealers and anybody visiting the show did not find out until the first day of the show...

Since any gun show worth a darn in Clark County occurs within Las Vegas city limits this is significant.

Mike Huckabee on the issues & policies:

Did you read my letter posted in this thread?

Has anyone challenged this recent local ordinance (or whatever it is)?

I am still awaiting a reply to the letter.

To date, NO ONE has been able to disagree with my letter.

I'm told the NRA General Counsel (lawyers) even agree.

I'm anxious to see how it shakes out.

"... visit to city hall and a F.O.I.A. or equivalent request."

Huh? A visit to city hall is a maybe. But an FOIA request? Since when does a citizen need to submit an FOIA request in order to view laws/ordinances??
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Could this be a new interpretation of Las Vegas and/or Clark County Business License rules and regulations. They will stoop to any level to hinder anything involving guns.
Did you read my letter posted in this thread?

Has anyone challenged this recent local ordinance (or whatever it is)?

I am still awaiting a reply to the letter.

To date, NO ONE has been able to disagree with my letter.

I'm told the NRA General Counsel (lawyers) even agree.

I'm anxious to see how it shakes out.

"... visit to city hall and a F.O.I.A. or equivalent request."

Huh? A visit to city hall is a maybe. But an FOIA request? Since when does a citizen need to submit an FOIA request in order to view laws/ordinances??

Yes, I read your well written letter and look forward to anybody it was addressed to responding...

I am not aware of anybody challenging this to date; I have not even seen it on the news yet; this is how these gun grabbers work now days; under the radar...
I am hoping that my fellow citizens will get busy and do as I have and start writing letters and making phone calls...

I generically stated that a "visit to city hall and a F.O.I.A. or equivalent request" was in order because according to the the dealers and promoters of the show(s) the ink is barely dry on this latest infringement. I only meant that some kind of formal request may be required; as some kind of lame interference by Oscar Gun Grabbing Goodman's cronies...
I do not know what the heck is going on with this "gun show issue."

However, Link Removed has a different take on it.

Who knows what is correct?!!

At any rate, it needs to be challenged.

And if my (and many others') interpretation of current law (as amended by SB-92 enacted in the 74th legislative session) is correct, this will be a moot point on January 1, 2008.
I do not know what the heck is going on with this "gun show issue."

However, Link Removed has a different take on it.

Who knows what is correct?!!

At any rate, it needs to be challenged.

And if my (and many others') interpretation of current law (as amended by SB-92 enacted in the 74th legislative session) is correct, this will be a moot point on January 1, 2008.

This guy is way off, and I will shortly tell him so; I was there and personally bought hand guns and rifles from multiple vendors; there has NEVER been a problem with not having someone at the show who could do transfers including this time...

The shuttle to NLV refers to the complementary service that was offered by Bargain Pawn of NLV whom was also doing many of the transfers at the show. I have been doing business with them personally for years and I have always been able to cash and carry until THIS SHOW.
In the case of the piece that I bought from Bargain Pawn, they did all the paper work for the piece I bought from them and then SHUTTLED it to their store in NLV where I had to drive to pick up my piece that I picked up from them...
They also explained to me the new "City of Las Vegas" Infringement...

Mike Huckabee on the issues and policies:

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I finally received the email response from the Clark County DA's office. I don't know why I didn't receive it when it was originally sent, but I finally got it on January 4, 2008:

>>> Mary-Anne Miller 12/19/2007 4:09 PM >>>
Dear Mr. Rhodes,

We are in receipt of Stillwater Farearms Association's December 12,
2007 inquiry into whether local codes have been changed to reflect the
changes in law regarding local firearms regulations. Please be
that the ordinance implementing these changes has been adopted for
County. It was finally adopted in early December, and effective
December 18, 2007. Since it is a new amendment to our code, you may
have missed it online, but it can be reviewed at:

Link Removed

I hope this addresses your concerns with respect to Clark County, but
if not, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mary-Anne Miller
County Counsel
Office of the District Attorney
Clark County, Nevada
(702) 455-4761
[email protected]

Since this did NOT answer my questions and it appears Clark County has no intentions of complying with the law as we see it, I responded with the following today, January 5, 2008:

Dear Ms Miller,

Thank you for responding to my letter of December 12, 2007.

My original questions contained in said letter were:
1) Have the city/county ordinances been repealed/amended?
2) Or is there a move afoot to do so as required by Nevada law?
3) Have the sheriff and city police departments been informed that most of the ordinances are now, or on January 1, 2008 will be, null, void and unenforceable?

After reading your email, it appears you have answered respectively:
1a) Only partially; not in full compliance with NRS.
3a) No.

While it is laudable Clark County has amended the ordinance concerning registration, it appears Clark County has no intentions of complying with Section 5 of Chapter 308, Statutes of Nevada 1989, at page 653, which states:

"... apply to ordinances or regulations adopted before, on or after June 13, 1989."

And clearly does not grandfather any other county/city ordinances.

Nevada law says no city, county, nor town may infringe upon the Legislature's right to regulate firearms law; and the law specifically states this applies to all ordinances and regulations, even if adopted prior to June 13, 1989.

I have reviewed the recent amendment at Link Removed and compared/applied it to the Clark County code at www.ordlink.com/codes/clarknv/index.htm There are many instances (virtually all) of Clark County ordinances that are NOT in compliance with Nevada law.

Is my literal interpretation of the law somehow incorrect? If so, what law intercedes my interpretaton?

Has Clark County overlooked the recently amended Nevada law? Or is it true Clark County will not comply with Nevada law?

Again, untold numbers of Clark County and Nevada citizens anxiously await your response.


Again, IF my literal interpretation is somehow incorrect, can someone PLEASE tell me where I'm wrong??!!
varminter22 - Good for you! I am not Nevada (NM), but so many juristictions seem to "keep on Keeping on" with the same old "that's how we always did it". Looking forward to a future answer post, to see how they dodge your questions this time. I'm distressed because NM is not "honored" for CCW, I guess because of the 24/7 online info access. I've written to NM DPS to inquire about the info access situation - no answer yet. Like you, I guess I'll just have to keep hammering.
more action appears necessary. See latest reply from the Clark County DA's office:

I appreciate your perspective. Different provisions of the statute,
when read separately, certainly can lead to different conclusions.
Accordingly, I reviewed the legislative history (as is appropriate when
dealing with an ambiguous statute). While the bill definitely started
out as a total preemption bill, the history makes clear that the
legislators added language that they intended to work a compromise with
law enforcement to allow the continuation of the ordinances in Clark
County, provided they were amended to address the transient possession

If you receive Attorney General direction to the contrary, please so
advise me, and we will reconsider our ordinance. I will also bring your
concerns to our legislative staff.

Mary-Anne Miller
County Counsel
Office of the District Attorney
Clark County, Nevada
(702) 455-4761
[email protected]
I am still seeking an education concerning why the law doesn't mean what it says.

Win or lose, there will be more to come on this issue.
varminter22 - you have to realize that most law makers are lawyers, who spend lots of money and years of hard work going to law school, to be able to write a simple, clear & concise sentence, taking 15 pages of single space, with words that contradict each other, leading to other sentences that lead nowhere. Getting the picture? I read the single sentence that is our Second Amendment of the Constitution, then I read any part of any current attempt at gun legislation - it's mind boggling. You are a layman (i presume), you aren't supposed to understand what lawyers write (sorry, I just had to say that), nor am I. :confused:
varminter22 - you have to realize that most law makers are lawyers, who spend lots of money and years of hard work going to law school, to be able to write a simple, clear & concise sentence, taking 15 pages of single space, with words that contradict each other, leading to other sentences that lead nowhere. Getting the picture? I read the single sentence that is our Second Amendment of the Constitution, then I read any part of any current attempt at gun legislation - it's mind boggling. You are a layman (i presume), you aren't supposed to understand what lawyers write (sorry, I just had to say that), nor am I. :confused:

Ha, yeah, understand! And I certainly am a layman!

One would LIKE to think that "lawyers, who spend lots of money and years of hard work going to law school" would indeed be able to write a simple, clear & concise sentence. But, alas & alack ...
I have not found the specific amendment/statute citation at:
Link Removed

as the clerks response indicated; does anybody else know what it is?

thanks in advance.
Ridiculous gun show infringement (Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada)

Please take a moment to read some of the diatribe that I have been going through since I first encountered this issue last year...

Note this email thread stems from an inquiry I made to Senator Bob Beers, who if you are in Nevada and did not know already is one of the good guys and one of our biggest 2nd Amendment supporters in Nevada so remember him on election day! and Note one of the things he has been trying to get passed, but keeps getting blocked by the democrats is getting rid of the superfluous gun free school zones act (aka: the kill for free school zones and leave our kids and their teachers defenseless act); Bob Beers would like to give Nevada teachers the right to carry on campus if they already have a ccw or can obtain one... I am all for it...

From my layman interpretation of my responses thus far; is the Senators, Legislators and Frank Adams the Director of the Nevada Police
Chiefs' and Sheriffs' Association are not aware that the laws are not being enforced they way they intended them to be... at least as far as the gun show issue goes anyway; or they are being completely blind sided by someone at the city level...

If you are a Nevada resident or a Las Vegas gun show visitor please start making phone calls, emails, snail mails, faxes etc., contact info can be found earlier in this thread...

AND if you are a Clark County, Nevada resident, write your Senators, Representatives, the media etc., and complain about Clark County residents not having the same rights as the rest of the state of Nevada; for example, Clark County is the only County in the entire state of Nevada that has a MANDATORY GUN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT! And while the newly passed NIC's improvement act that was signed into law this year that prohibits the FBI from charging for NIC's background checks, Clark County, Nevada STILL DOES!

Continuing with the Ridiculous gun show infringement (Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada) repeal/correction effort...



To: Warren Hardy [email protected],
cc: [email protected],
"Hoffecker, Craig" [email protected],
"Lee, John Senator" [email protected],
"Hardy, Warren Senator" [email protected],
date: Sat, May 3, 2008 at 6:08 AM
subject: Re: Pistol Purchase Wait Periods

Any luck with this yet?

the next scheduled gun show at Cashman center is May 10-11...

Thanks in advance,

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Warren Hardy [email protected] wrote:

It is my understanding that nothing has changed relative to the cash and
carry ability. It was certainly not changed by the legislation we passed
last session. I will contact Metro directly to see if they are enforcing it
improperly, or if there are federal changes we are unaware of. As the email
from Craig indicates, the statute and the ordinance are clear. I will see
what I can do to clear this up.


Warren B Hardy II
Nevada State Senator
702-453-1112 Office
702-453-1155 Fax

On 4/14/08 5:53 PM, (Omitted) wrote:

To whom it may concern,

If this is the case, please explain why it been enforced different since
December 2007?

Prior to December 2007 I could cash and carry a hand gun from the regular
gun shows at Cashman center, and have done so; I now can not, nor can any
other law abiding citizen from Nevada or elsewhere; the police attending the
event clearly state that we can not carry it out regardless of whether we
have a ccw and or a previous blue card registration citing the new laws that
went into effect December 2007.

Thanks in advance,

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Hoffecker, Craig
[email protected] wrote:

Senator Bob Beers
Via Email: [email protected]

Dear Senator Beers:

As you can see from the email by Frank Adams, Director of the Nevada Police
Chiefs' and Sheriffs' Association and copied below, it appears that the 72
hour waiting period does not apply when the purchaser of the gun already has
a weapon registered with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department or the
purchaser has a current carry-concealed weapons permit.

The City of Las Vegas and Clark County Codes discussing the waiting period
(my emphasis):

Las Vegas City Code

10.66.060 Sale-delivery waiting period--Manner of delivery.

(A) When any sale of a pistol is made by a dealer under this Chapter,
seventy-two hours must elapse between the time of sale and time of delivery
to the purchaser, and when delivered, all pistols must be securely wrapped,
must be unloaded and must be accompanied by a receipt, signed by dealer,
setting forth:
(1) The name, address and description of the purchaser or transferee;
(2) A complete description of the pistol, including the manufacturer, model
and manufacturer's serial number thereof;
(3) The date and time of sale and the date and time of delivery of such
pistol; and
(4) A statement notifying the purchaser or transferee that said pistol must
be registered with the Sheriff or his designee within twenty-four hours.
(B) The aforesaid seventy-two-hour waiting period shall not apply to the
sale of a pistol to any person who, at the time of such sale, produces bona
fide documentary evidence that he is a member of a Federal law enforcement
agency, that he is a peace officer of the State or any political subdivision
thereof who is regularly employed for pay by the State or such subdivision,
or that he currently owns a pistol which is duly registered in his name with
any law enforcement agency in the County, nor shall said waiting period
apply to any person who requires the use of a pistol in his employment and
receives written permission from the Sheriff or his designee to waive said
waiting period; provided, however, that all of the other provisions shall
apply to any of such sales.
(Ord. 1881 § 3, 1977: Ord. 1216 § 2 (part), 1965: prior code § 6-4-9)

Clark County Code

12.04.080 Time between sale and delivery of pistol.

When any sale of a pistol is made by a dealer under this chapter,
seventy-two hours must elapse between the time of sale and the time of
delivery to the purchaser. When delivered, all pistols must be securely
wrapped and be unloaded, and must be accompanied by a receipt signed by the
dealer, setting forth the name, address, and description of the purchaser or
transferee, a complete description of the pistol (including the
manufacturer, model and manufacturer's serial number thereof), the date and
time of sale, and the date and time of delivery, of such pistol, and advice
to the purchaser or transferee if a resident of the county that the pistol
must be registered with the sheriff within seventy-two hours. (Ord. 3571 §
2, 2007: Ord. 242 § 8, 1965)

12.04.090 Exceptions to Section 12.04.080.

The aforesaid seventy-two hour waiting period shall not apply to the sale of
a pistol to any person who, at the time of such sale, produces bona fide
documentary evidence that he is a member of a federal law enforcement
agency; or a peace officer of the state of Nevada or any political
subdivision thereof, regularly employed for pay by the state or such
subdivision; or that he currently owns a pistol which is duly registered in
his name with any law enforcement agency in Clark County; or that the pistol
is an unfinished kit which is designed to fire black powder of the cap and
ball or flintlock variety. And said waiting period shall not apply to any
person who requires the use of a pistol in connection with his employment,
and who receives written permission from the sheriff with express waiver of
the waiting period; however, all of the other provisions herein shall apply
to any such sales. (Ord. 876 § 1, 1984: Ord. 242 § 9, 1965)


For whatever reason it appears that Clark County decided to split the
"rule" and the "exceptions" into two parts. From looking at the legislative
history of the Clark County Code it doesn't look like any amendment was made
to the exceptions in Clark County Code 12.04.090 which lists the exceptions
to Section 12.04.080. It is somewhat confusing with
the two different sections unlike the Las Vegas City Code where the rule and
exceptions are together. For the most part the two codes appear similar.

If you (or Senators Hardy or Lee) have different opinions on reading these
sections, please share them with me and I would be happy to pass them on to
Mr. Adams. I hope this helps. My email is [email protected]
mailto:[email protected] and my phone number is (775) 687-8620.
Thank you.



From: Frank Adams [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 10:48 PM
To: Hoffecker, Craig
Subject: RE: Pistol Purchase Wait Periods

Craig, sorry it took me a little bit to run this down. If the person has a
weapon currently registered with LVMPD and has their registration card they
do not have to wait the three days. Also if they had a current CCW permit
they do not have to wait.

Frank Adams


Remember, to research the second amendment and other records of the Senator, Representative or other law makers in your area before you cast your vote for them... AND share your findings with your friends, family, peers and neighbors, you would be surprised at how many people do not pay attention to who they are voting for except for President and even then they often buy into the biased media spin...

If you live in Nevada...
Harry Reid - BAD GUY... uber liberal, ultra-left wing, gun grabbing, illegal alien loving nut job...
Dina Titus - BAD GUY/GIRL... ditto.
Oscar Goodman - BAD GUY... ditto.

Bob Beers - GOOD GUY...
John Ensign - GOOD GUY...
Jon Porter - GOOD GUY...
Jim Gibbons - GOOD GUY (for guns), BAD GUY(loves illegals and h1b visas).
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