Results of poll about gun ownership, etc

Very interesting results. Hopefully those in office will listen and understand this has an impact on their re-election.
These results indicate that we need to focus on bringing more women into the shooting sports.

When folks are educated and familiar with a subject they tend to loose their fear of it.

I would have to imagine most hoplophobes are not fimiliar with firearms,,,, therefore their fear.

The women just keep out shooting me. Not good for my ego. I think we need to get more men of color in the sports. and women
Very interesting results. Hopefully those in office will listen and understand this has an impact on their re-election.

I'd rather vote for people who will protect our RKBA to begin with and don't have to "switch their stance" to get reelected.

Remember, those who misrepresent themselves to garner your vote will misrepresent you when the chips are down and it comes time to legislate.


"Charge the Court, Congress, and the several state legislatures with what to do with all the violent criminals who cannot be trusted with arms. We law abiding citizens shouldn't be burdened with having to prove we are not one of the untrustworthy just because those in government don't want to prevent crime by keeping violent criminals locked up." B.E. Wood
Thank you for posting this info.
Polls like these need to be flooded into politicians offices.
But also that fact that fence sitters and jumpers on the gun control issue won't be voted for or trusted.
The Right To Keep and Bear Arms really should be a bigger issue.
Thanks again!
I am extremely surprised at the results of this poll. If there has been one recent illegal shooting that would cause people to cry out for tighter gun would be this one. It's not often that people who commit these crimes purchase their firearms legally, yet it was made known very early in the investigation that Cho did in fact go through the process when he bought the handguns he used.