The meetings this week between Netanyahu and Obama will be interesting. Netanyahu has so much more experience in these matters over the years that he will educate Obama on a few things. I am of two minds on this - would like to avoid causing conflict by attacking Iran but given what the Iranian mad leader says about wiping Israel off the map you can see there side. If they get even one deliverable bomb then Israel is gone if you believe the mullahs. Of course there will be discussions behind the scenes we'll never know about such as whether we would tacitly support an Israeli attack. I think a lot of the Iranian people but their leadership is trying to get them all killed. Remember the Iranian leader has a vision of the final great conflict occurring on his watch that will launch the final Muslim or create the end of the world. Research shows that when people publicly say they are going to do something they often do it. Do we wait hoping it won't happen, until it does or take the chance?