Repeal of requirement for background checks for private sales.


New member
I am under the impression that this will be discussed in the Colorado senate Monday, Feb 3.

Anyone know any more?
you do know who was on the committee, vote them all out if they can't claim that they didn't vote to table it

And that is how it should work. if the people disagree with what their representatives have done, then the people should replace their representatives.

But what if those representatives are replaced and the vote is not unanimous, that is, some people actually vote to keep the those who tabled the legislation?

Should the law stay as it is because some people want it to stay as it is, or should the law be as the newly elected representatives vote it to be?
It is very clear that these new laws were passed against the will of the majority of coloradans

How is that clear? Do the good people of Colorado not know that they vote for elected representatives who are charged with making legislation?
How is that clear?

It was made clear when the good people of Colorado ousted 3 of their elected representatives in recall elections over these new laws. It was made clear when hundreds if not thousands of the good people of Colorado protested outside the capitol building and lined up to speak against these bills.

Do the good people of Colorado not know that they vote for elected representatives who are charged with making legislation?

I guess we'll find out in 2014
It was made clear when the good people of Colorado ousted 3 of their elected representatives in recall elections over these new laws. It was made clear when hundreds if not thousands of the good people of Colorado protested outside the capitol building and lined up to speak against these bills.

I guess we'll find out in 2014

How many of those representatives were not recalled? Seems like a lot more were not recalled.

How many citizens didn't protest? I'll bet it was several million.

Yes, the answer is in the elections. Until then, the system is working just as it was designed to work.
How many citizens didn't protest? I'll bet it was several million.

There aren't several million people in the entire state of Colorado

Yes, the answer is in the elections. Until then, the system is working just as it was designed to work.

Was elections the answer when the Dems tried to recall Walker?

If you want to discuss that's fine, if you're just trying to prove you're smarter than a bunch of Freepers good day.

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