Renting a Car Next To Methadone Clinic

Kerry - thanx for posting, and supplying additional info...
I'm sorry I mis-charactorized these patience. Although, I will stay with that for the most part they probably a little on the shady side... I am glad they are trying to get their lives in order...

Hi, thanks for your response. You might be surprised. I actually thought the same thing before seeking MMT. I had been through 13 abstinence based rehabs in an attempt to recover from my Rx painkiller addiction and felt that I was surely going to be standing in line with "the worst of the worst"--degenerate people, homeless, jobless, toothless wretches who had given up on "real" recovery and were just getting a "legal fix". I found the truth to be so different it shocked me--shocked me into checking out for myself how this treatment worked, who the patients were, what the stats were, etc etc. But going into treatment I had the same feeling that most lay people do. And of course there are some people that do match that discription--as there are in most rehabs, 12 step groups, etc. But they are NOT the majority.

One thing you may not realize--those folks you see waiting to dose are usually either people in very early treatment who must attend daily, or those who have not been able to produce clean urine tests and meet the other seven requirements (8 altogether) to qualify for even a single take home dose of the medication. Methadone means a full recovery for many.....for others it is harm reduction--a lessening of harmful drug use but not a full cessation--so they do not qualify for take home doses. But these folks are not the majority.

Most clinics have anywhere from a 65% to 90% success rate, meaning that these pts are not using illicit drugs. These are the pts you DON'T see--pts like myself who, after some time in treatment, only attend the clinic once every 2, 3 or 4 weeks. They come and go quietly, spending maybe 5 minutes, and people take little notice of them. They are the majority--the unseen majority.

The others may hopefully come around in time. Methadone treats ONLY opioid addiction. It does not treat cocaine addiction, alcoholism, etc and some folks are poly-addicted. But the majority do quite well in treatment.

Here is an interesting but very short video you might want to watch on the subject:

Link Removed

Thanks again folks and have a good day.
Kerry- Thank you for the information. I like to think I have an open mind. Yes, I realize that drug addiction knows no socio-economic boundaries. Take care.
Kerry - Thanks for the info. Sorry if I sounded stereotyped, it's easy to see one side of something without considering the other ends. Glad to hear things are going well for you. Good luck.
What do a dead hero and dead coward have in common? They are both dead and dead men don't cause any more problems unless your name is James Brown. :biggrin: I recently had knee surgery, need back surgery and have a titanium plate in my neck but I still trust my feet more than my gun to get me out of situations like this. :sarcastic: I think you did exactly the correct things and I know the feeling of having something to help if absolutely needed. Talking about the four BG's and only five shots I doubt that if you shot one the other three would be a problem even if they are strung out. Anytime confronted by a group shoot the leader and seldom will you have any trouble with the others. :wacko:

Ah Yup... Well said...
I just had to register and comment on this most interesting post. I am a veteran of the Viet Nam Conflict, to be exact a non-com in the 5th Special Forces, a veteran of the 1967 Tet Offensive.
I am going to let it suffice to say that for months I was in doubt about whether or not I was going to have a future or not and certainly both my M-16 and my sidearm were my constant companions and a source of confidence in those environs, however your post (and the responses given to this point) are undoubtedly some of the most dickless remarks I have ever heard.
Don't get me wrong, I know how absolutely terrifying it must have been to hear these females use the f-word, in anger no less. I know that were I confronted with that I would feel the need for a large bore, high velocity handgun and some serious body armor.
Boy, the temptation to open fire on these patients must have been overwhelming, had you been able to thin them out you could have followed up at the local mental hospital and possibly even worked your way down to eliminating some of those seniors down at the senior center. Talk about improving the community and making a statement to all of the degenerates who dare to occupy our space.
The one thing that scares me more than all of the thieves, petty and otherwise, degenerates, and defectives at these so-called recovery programs are losers like you and your buddies, carrying your artificial cocks around itching for a chance to not look as scared as you feel. It won't work - what you are missing cannot be replaced by an inanimate object, regardless of caliber and configuration. Please, just try not to hurt anyone with it.

Dan White, unarmed and unafraid in one of the 10 largest cities in the USA

He who makes himself an ass, should not take it ill when men ride him - Thomas Fuller

For those of us who actually served, do you think this guy might be a "PX Soldier"?? :eek:

I'm "unarmed" when in PRHI. I run into all sorts of folks on a daily basis while going about my business. I've had many occasions to feel "afraid". The OP's situation is an excellent example of why CC is a good option. We don't always have an opportunity to avoid a very bad situation. I have a young child who depends on me for protection. I do my best to avoid "dangerous" situations. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Being armed tips the odds in the good person's favor.

I have no doubt about my manhood, and choose to carry everywhere legally allowed. I train not to go looking for trouble, but rather to stop a bad situation from getting a lot worse.

America is a great place because we as citizens have freedome of choices (except in places like PRHI). We also have the wonderfu 1A which allows us freedom of speech. Though we are free to say a number of things, it is not necessary to resort to name calling to get our point across. I wish some of us would learn this when posting on this forum.

Kudos to the OP for getting out of the situation without having to resort to the use of lethal force, and for excercising his 2A rights.

I can see two things done wrong.

Hearing a fight and then going out to get your car.
Approaching the 4 combatants and speaking to them.

If you see people fighting/arguing and don't wish tho become the target of everybody's rage, stay back. All it takes to get 2 couples to stop fighting each other, is to give them a common enemy.
If you had just gotten in the car and started it and driven off, they would probably have gotten out of the way. Telling them to cool it and be betetr behaved is almost guaranteed to rile them up.

Backing away, good move. Calling 911 could/should have been done with the first racket.
I can see two things done wrong.

Hearing a fight and then going out to get your car.
Approaching the 4 combatants and speaking to them.

If you see people fighting/arguing and don't wish tho become the target of everybody's rage, stay back. All it takes to get 2 couples to stop fighting each other, is to give them a common enemy.
If you had just gotten in the car and started it and driven off, they would probably have gotten out of the way. Telling them to cool it and be betetr behaved is almost guaranteed to rile them up.

Backing away, good move. Calling 911 could/should have been done with the first racket.

Hind sight is 20/20. I work for a living and and needed to get in my rental car to get to my appointment 2.5 hrs away. I think getting in my car and backing up to "run them over" may have pissed 'em off even more and then gotten me in trouble with the law. Assault with a vehichle to get them to move....I don't think that would've been a good move on my part. I think I handled the situation just fine.
I just had to register and comment on this most interesting post. I am a veteran of the Viet Nam Conflict, to be exact a non-com in the 5th Special Forces, a veteran of the 1967 Tet Offensive.
I am going to let it suffice to say that for months I was in doubt about whether or not I was going to have a future or not and certainly both my M-16 and my sidearm were my constant companions and a source of confidence in those environs, however your post (and the responses given to this point) are undoubtedly some of the most dickless remarks I have ever heard.
Don't get me wrong, I know how absolutely terrifying it must have been to hear these females use the f-word, in anger no less. I know that were I confronted with that I would feel the need for a large bore, high velocity handgun and some serious body armor.
Boy, the temptation to open fire on these patients must have been overwhelming, had you been able to thin them out you could have followed up at the local mental hospital and possibly even worked your way down to eliminating some of those seniors down at the senior center. Talk about improving the community and making a statement to all of the degenerates who dare to occupy our space.
The one thing that scares me more than all of the thieves, petty and otherwise, degenerates, and defectives at these so-called recovery programs are losers like you and your buddies, carrying your artificial cocks around itching for a chance to not look as scared as you feel. It won't work - what you are missing cannot be replaced by an inanimate object, regardless of caliber and configuration. Please, just try not to hurt anyone with it.

Dan White, unarmed and unafraid in one of the 10 largest cities in the USA

He who makes himself an ass, should not take it ill when men ride him - Thomas Fuller

I certainly respect your decision to be unarmed today, and I thank you for your service, as an active duty sailor myself. I do not however, think the OP warranted such an unnecessarily sarcastic post, bordering on a personal attack itself against his own decision to carry. I completely agree that there are some people who carry, and have that mindset that they almost want something to happen. It's the hero type personality. and not only are some CCW holders guilty of having it. Ever have someone with minor medical training, like basic first aid in Boy Scouts, get in the way of professional paramedics when they arrive on scene? It happens a lot, and they don't realize that they're hindering efforts.

I'm a firm believer in the sheepdog concept, and that's the kind of attitude I believe most CCW holders carry. Sure there's a few who got a permit solely for personal protection, and then there's a few who have a hero/vigilante attitude. As a sheepdog, it isn't just us we're concerned for. We train, equip, and prepare ourselves for the unlikely event we will be called upon. If I go my whole life without ever drawing my gun, then I'm happy. I just simply cannot let myself witness a horrific event, like a mass shooting, without having the tools and preparation required to do something.

Of course some people always say, "Well, why don't you just become a police officer?" Sure, I've thought about it, but in all honesty, I have goals in my life, that I'm currently striving for, and some cannot be accomplished while I'm in the military. Is it really that much of a deal to want to protect my fellow man, while enjoying everything in life I'm doing without working another government job? I certainly don't think so. I feel each person has an obligation to serve a fellow man in distress. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. A good example of this is the girl who was gang-raped, while over a dozen onlookers saw it, and did nothing. Why is that? Is it because they were unprepared? Are they so horrified by the event they're frozen into inaction? The difference between the sheepdogs, and everybody else, is we wish we could have been there. Even though it was school grounds, and I wouldn't have been carrying, I will have at least tried to do something. Perhaps round up the onlookers to stop it. Sure I probably would not have been able to do much as a single man, but imagine what could have happened if those dozen+ onlookers rallied together to help her?

Just something to think about. I guess the point of this post was to illustrate to you that we are not a bunch of gun-toting vigilantes looking for a fight, as your post is hinting towards.
Hind sight is 20/20. I work for a living and and needed to get in my rental car to get to my appointment 2.5 hrs away. I think getting in my car and backing up to "run them over" may have pissed 'em off even more and then gotten me in trouble with the law. Assault with a vehicle to get them to move....I don't think that would've been a good move on my part. I think I handled the situation just fine.
I think you missed my point... you knew before you walked out that there was some disturbance outside. You approached the disturbance and spoke to the paries, in effect inserting yourself into the fray.

Being in a hurry to an appointment should have made you more cautious. Had the 4 people decided to stomp you when you told them to act better, would you have gotten to your appointment on time or at all.

My comments about running them down would only apply after you entered into the danger zone... that was your mistake and my comment was meant to point out the limited options that you left yourself.
You should have called 911 sooner, after going out, you should have kept your mouth shut. At that point backing off was the best option you had left. But it wasn;t your only option earlier.

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