Kerry Wolf
New member
Kerry - thanx for posting, and supplying additional info...
I'm sorry I mis-charactorized these patience. Although, I will stay with that for the most part they probably a little on the shady side... I am glad they are trying to get their lives in order...
Hi, thanks for your response. You might be surprised. I actually thought the same thing before seeking MMT. I had been through 13 abstinence based rehabs in an attempt to recover from my Rx painkiller addiction and felt that I was surely going to be standing in line with "the worst of the worst"--degenerate people, homeless, jobless, toothless wretches who had given up on "real" recovery and were just getting a "legal fix". I found the truth to be so different it shocked me--shocked me into checking out for myself how this treatment worked, who the patients were, what the stats were, etc etc. But going into treatment I had the same feeling that most lay people do. And of course there are some people that do match that discription--as there are in most rehabs, 12 step groups, etc. But they are NOT the majority.
One thing you may not realize--those folks you see waiting to dose are usually either people in very early treatment who must attend daily, or those who have not been able to produce clean urine tests and meet the other seven requirements (8 altogether) to qualify for even a single take home dose of the medication. Methadone means a full recovery for many.....for others it is harm reduction--a lessening of harmful drug use but not a full cessation--so they do not qualify for take home doses. But these folks are not the majority.
Most clinics have anywhere from a 65% to 90% success rate, meaning that these pts are not using illicit drugs. These are the pts you DON'T see--pts like myself who, after some time in treatment, only attend the clinic once every 2, 3 or 4 weeks. They come and go quietly, spending maybe 5 minutes, and people take little notice of them. They are the majority--the unseen majority.
The others may hopefully come around in time. Methadone treats ONLY opioid addiction. It does not treat cocaine addiction, alcoholism, etc and some folks are poly-addicted. But the majority do quite well in treatment.
Here is an interesting but very short video you might want to watch on the subject:
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Thanks again folks and have a good day.