There has been some confusion in certain circles lately but SC does have reciprocity with KS and OK. KS was already listed but OK is not listed on the SLED website bt is listed on the OK site. SLED has told instructors that OK is reciprocal so this is pretty well confirmed. Previously OK honored the SC permit but now the agreement has been signed for OK permit holders to carry in SC.
As for WA reciprocity SLED has also verbally confirmed this at the recent instructors conference and in other places but it does not appear on either the SC or WA web sites. For some reason, probably due to budget cuts and time, the websites have not been updated and other than the verbal from SLED we have no confirmation on WA. It does appear that we have full reciprocity with Washington state nw.
As for WA reciprocity SLED has also verbally confirmed this at the recent instructors conference and in other places but it does not appear on either the SC or WA web sites. For some reason, probably due to budget cuts and time, the websites have not been updated and other than the verbal from SLED we have no confirmation on WA. It does appear that we have full reciprocity with Washington state nw.